Bree's P.O.V.

Darkness. I'm surrounded by darkness. I remember hearing a loud bang and then falling. It felt like the falling would never stop. I was scared. It was like I was falling into a dark, bottomless pit. I can't remember what happened before the bang. I just remember voices shouting and me begging for something. I still feel tightness around my neck like someone is choking me. For a bit, it felt like I couldn't breathe. It was like I was telling my lungs to move, but they wouldn't listen. I couldn't control my own body. I felt the warmth. I welcomed it because I felt so cold. I tried to come closer to the warmth. There was pressure on my chest and I felt like I would burst, but I didn't. Eventually, my lungs started working again. I still gasped for every breath. Struggled to breathe in and out, but I did it. I felt very proud of myself. One thing bothered me, though; it was still dark. I couldn't see any light. I felt warmth again and tried to reach it, but I couldn't grasp it in time. I felt cold again. I was cold for a very long time. Now I feel like I'm burning up. I feel like electricity is running through my veins. I jump; I see a light. It starts out as just a speck, but then it grows brighter and I reach for it. I grab it just in time. My eyes open and I take in a deep breath. I see three figures hovering over me. They look familiar, but I'm sure I've never seen them before. Everything is white. I've never seen anything so white in my life. My vision had been blurry at first, but now it is as clear as crystal. I smile, then laugh. I feel like I could jump a hundred miles into the air, or run a thousand miles with ease. I feel normal again. The three figures, who were smiling before, are now frowning. "You have to leave," said the tallest one, taking my arm and pulling me towards a dark pit.

"No! I can't go in there!" I cry, breaking free from his grasp and running.

The other figures surround me quickly and I can't get away. They are as fast as I am. "No!" I scream as they descend on me. They take me to the pit and throw me in.

They take me to the pit and throw me in. And I'm falling again. I hate the feeling of falling. It's a terrible feeling. A feeling of no control. My eyes flutter open. I see three figures and feel scared that I'll have to go into the pit again. I begin to scream, but a hand clamps over my mouth. I had closed my eyes but now open them again to see the figure who's hand is over my mouth. I can hear him, but the words are not clear. I try to sit up, but another pair of hands hold me down. I shrink away from theses figures. My vision is still not clear, and I can't tell who they are. They don't look like the other figures, though. They do seem to be wearing white clothing, but it isn't blinding like the others. I finally start to relax, and when I do, my vision clears and I start to breathe normally. I shut my eyes tightly and then open them again. The first thing I see is Chase looking down at me with a worried look on his face. I smile and I see him relax and smile as well. "Bree! You're okay!" he says, pulling me into a tight hug, then, realizing he might hurt me, he loosens his grip and looks at me.

"I didn't recognize you for a bit. My vision was all fuzzy." I explain.

He nods in understanding. "I was so worried I had lost you," he says, sitting back in his chair, but still holding my hand.

"I'm fine, Chase. You aren't going to get rid of me that easily." I say playfully.

He laughs. "But you were gone for a moment there. You flatlined for a second. You really scared me. And when you woke up, you didn't recognize any of us. That was scary too. I'm just glad you're okay now."

"What happened to me anyway? All I remember is coming for you and Troy came and took me and then this loud bang." I ask.

"Troy shot you with his blaster. I thought, at first, that you were hit in the head, but when we got back here, we realized that the blood on your head was from when you hit your head on the ground when you fell. He blasted your shoulder, but you'll be alright. You'll heal quickly because of your bionics." he explains.

Troy. He was the cause of all this mess. "I hate him. I hate him like I've never hated anyone before. He tried to take you away from me, and then he tried to take my life away as well." I mumble.

He hears me. "It's okay. He's gone now. We took care of him already."

"Chase, I think it's time to let Adam and Leo in now." says Mr. Davenport.

I look around to see that Douglas has left already, probably to get the boys. Mr. Davenport looks at me. "Hey, how are you feeling? Are you ready for your brothers to visit?" he asks.

I nod. "I'm good. I want to see them." I say.

Chase gives my hand one last squeeze and stands up, walking to the door. I smile. He can be annoying, but when it counts, he's there for me. In a few seconds, Adam and Leo are there. They look surprised. "Guys!" I exclaim as they slowly come in the door.

"You look so good! You don't look like you just almost died a few minutes ago," says Leo.

"Um, thank you?" I say, pretending to be offended.

Adam walks up to the bed and sits in the chair Chase had been occupying a few moments ago. "I was so worried," he says solemnly.

Leo laughs. "Yeah, you should have seen him! It was hilarious! 'What if she's not okay? What if I lose her?' Haha. I told him you would be fine! I was right!" he says.

Adam scowls at him. "Hey, you were pretty worried too if I recall. Especially at the lab with Troy. Dude,you were freaking out because you didn't know CPR!" he says.

Leo shakes his head and moves from where he was standing to come closer to me. "I think what we're trying to say is, we missed you. We're really glad you are okay."

"I'm glad I am too," I say with a laugh.

Douglas is finally back. He looks at all of us and smiles. I smile at him when I catch his eye. He really does love us. And then there's Mr. Davenport. He has been there for us through everything. He might be egotistical and weird, but he's our dad. We couldn't have made it without him. He's on the phone with Tasha right now, assuring her that I'm okay and she doesn't really need to come here and baby me. She is such a good mom. The only one I've ever had. Even when I take her for granted and don't accept her caring, she's still there for me. She said that's just what moms do. They love unconditionally.

Adam is here to my right. He's my big brother. I know he was worried about me. It's one of the things I love most about him. He loves his family more than anything. Leo is at my left. He is such a sweet, goofy kid. Then again, he's not so much of a kid anymore. He's growing up right before my eyes. I'm so proud of him. Chase is leaning against the wall by the door, giving Adam and Leo some time with me. He's so considerate and kind. "Chase, come here," I say.

He looks a bit surprised but does what I say. When he is at the foot of my bed, I open my arms to hug all of my wonderful brothers. They happily comply. Adam hugs me a bit too tight so I exclaim, "Adam! Too tight!"

He quickly lets me go, a worried look on his face. To make him feel better, I laugh. "I love you too!" I say jokingly.

But I mean it. "I was so worried. I'm so glad you're alright. Thank you. Thank you for coming to save me. You didn't have to." says Chase.

I scoff. "Of course, I had to. I wanted to. Now get off! You're hogging all the bed!" I say playfully.

Adam and Leo laugh at him, and he frowns. "Okay, okay, I couldn't let them kill my favorite brother, now could I?" I say to make Adam and Leo stop.

"Hey!" exclaims Leo, pretending to be hurt by my comment.

"Oh, you all know it's true!" says Chase with a smile.

I laugh along with the others. Leo's eyes widen and he turns to Adam, "I told you so!" he says.

"I guess you were right," Adam says, smiling.

"What?" asks Chase.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just something Leo and I thought up while you were fixing her," he replies, leaving the rest of us confused.

Chase just shakes his head and smiles at me. It's the look he gives me when Leo and Adam are being crazy and he doesn't want to get involved in their antics. I smile back at him. I look around the room at all the people who love me, and who I love. "I love you guys, you know," I say seriously.

Chase gives my hand a squeeze. "We know," he says.

"We love you too." says Adam, giving my shoulder a squeeze.

"I know." I reply, "Now, I'm hungry! Where's the food? Don't you know you're supposed to feed sick people?!" I say, trying to lighten the mood.

I can't take too much lovey-doveyness. "Well, technically, you aren't sick-" Chase begins.

I give him a look that says, "Shut it." and he does.

"I'll go find some food," says Mr. Davenport, kissing my forehead and leaving the room.

"I think I'll go help Donny. You got it, guys?" asks Douglas.

"We're fine." Says Leo.

He stands up and gives my hand a squeeze before exiting the room. "So, you're really okay?" asks Adam.

I smile. "Yep. Just dandy." I reply.

I yawn. "Maybe you should get some sleep." Says Chase, climbing off the bed.

"I am kinda tired," I say, yawning again.

"Well, just get some rest. We'll be right here if you need us," says Leo.

I close my eyes and smile. They really are the best. I remember now, the seconds before I hit the ground. I remember their voices. I remember Chase running up to me and cradling my head in his lap. I remember Adam being so worried. I remember Leo freaking out because he didn't know what to do. I reach out my hand, my eyes still closed. I feel a calloused, but gentle, hand reach mine. I stretch out my other hand, and a sweaty, smooth hand reaches mine. Another hand, larger than the others, is in my hair, careful to miss the bandage on the side of my head.

"I love you," I whisper as I fall asleep.

I don't hear their response, but I know that they are there for me. And that's enough. I'm not happy about what happened today, but it did bring us closer together. It strengthened the bond between us. That one moment changed our world forever. It makes me think of how quickly a person's world can be changed. It can happen in an instant. Hold your family close. Tell the that you love them. You never know when it might be too late. In one moment, your whole world could change.