Author's Note: Hi, I hope you enjoy this student/teacher fanfiction. If I get good feedback, I'll continue the story, if not, well, I hope you got something frm the first and only chapter. :)

Disclaimer: Not even close.

Chapter 1: The First Day

It was finally senior year. After many years of surviving the hardest tests, running through the immense amount of homework, and jumping over the drama, Emma had finally become a senior. She was a very studious girl; She always had the highest grades in the class, was almost always valedictorian, and was considered a great role model for other students. She was a determined, young woman, who strived for excellence. Today, she was going to start her last year of school.

"Let me see your schedule Emma!" Lily grabbed the paper from Emma's hands and held it away from her.

"Lily, give it back, I didn't even look at it!"

"Don't be such a buzzkill, Emma. This year is going to be fun."

"Not for me… This is the most important year for my academic levels to be seen by colleges."

"But senior year is supposed to be fun!"

"Give me my schedule, Lily."

Lily handed her the piece of paper. Emma scanned it, making sure her locker was in a spot to her advantage, and that she had the same lunches as last year. She began to look at her teachers and classes.

"I have Anatomy with Mr. Gold, then Statistics with Mrs. Mills. After that I go to Music with Ms. French, then lunch."

"I have all those classes too! Okay, go on."

"Then art with Mr. Locksley, and History with…"

"With who?"

"Mr. Jones? Who is that? I've never heard of him."

"He's the history teacher that was moved from MAMU to here. I hear he is mad hot and that everyone fails his class because they can't concentrate."

"Oh please. I'm sure he isn't that good looking, and if anything, he is probably like 50 years old."

"Whatever, believe what you want."

The bell rang. Emma and Lily stood from the bench they were sitting at and made their ways to their lockers. Like every year, their lockers were right next to each other. They have been best friends since who can remember. Even if they got mad at each other, they'd make up super fast, and forget it ever happened. They put their books inside their lockers and grabbed whatever they needed for their morning classes.

"So what is the first thing you're gonna do when you get to class?"

"I don't know, read?"

"Come on Emma! Do something rebellious for once!"

"I can't Lily, you know this! What the hell?"

A large group of girls was gathered around room 123. They were fanning each other with their hands, giggling and blushing, primping themselves for something.

"That's Mr. Jones' room." Lily smirked.

"Oh is it?" Emma raised her eyebrow, then rolled her eyes.

Lily giggled and shut her locker. With another movement, she shut Emma's also, and they made their way to Mr. Gold's for Anatomy.

"Now in my class, I expect no less than beautiful behavior, excellent grades, and good listening. To pass this class, you will need to take lots of notes, and I advise you to be sure not to be distracted."

Emma scribbled everything Mr. Gold was saying down in her notebook. Something was telling her it was going to be a great year and then there was something telling her it wasn't going to be a great year. He stomach felt uneasy. The bell rang, and her and Lily walked over to their next class: Statistics with Mrs. Mills.

"Are you okay Emma? You look a little sick."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little hungry."

An hour sitting in statistics had gone by, Emma had written down everything the teacher had said once again, and Lily continued to draw a rose in her notebook.

"Now, I rule this class. If ny of you try to override me, you will see nothing but bad grades, a call to your parents and a conference with the principal. I understand that this is your last year, and it is full of fun, happy things, but this is also your year to impress. And with that, enjoy your first day." Mrs. Mills said, with a kind smile as she dismissed the class to third period.

Music was music. Ms. French explained what they would be learning and exactly how they would be learning it. SHe played a song on the piano and sang for them too.

"Now, music is whatever yo9u want it to be. It is you," the bell rang, "Have a good day, I will see you all tomorrow." Ms. French smiled sweetly and held the door as the student filed out and into the cafeteria.

"Nothing better than lunch!" Emma smiled big.

"You could say that again. Today has gone by so slow, I just want to go home."

"Only two more classes Lily, you can handle it."

Emma finished her salad and cleaned up her mess. Lily followed her and they made their way to their lockers.

"At least we have Mr. Locksley, who I heard was fun, and then Mr. Jones, who, you know, is all that and more." Lily said as they walked down the hallway.

"I actually am really excited for art this year. I heard it was a lot of our own ideas and such."

"Sounds cool, but I'm way more excited for history."

"I didn't know that learning about the war of 1812 interested you."

"It doesn't, only the teacher does."

"Have you even ever seen him?"

"No, but I have an image in my head."

Emma laughed and rolled her eyes. Was this teacher everything her friend said and more? Was he actually going to distract her this whole year, making her fail his class? No. Emma doesn't fail.. She would never let any 'hot' teacher distract her from her studies. They heard the bell as they walked to art.

The bell rang. "Thank you, enjoy the rest of your first day!" Mr. Locksley yelled as the students ran out of the classroom. Emma was now getting nervous. Lily linked her arm in Emma's and they closed their eyes, walking into room 123. No teacher.

"I imagined that entrance to be much more fascinating."

"Shut up and sit down." Emma laughed as she pointed to Lily's name tag. Lily was seated next to her. Emma sat down in her seat and pulled of To Kill A Mockingbird to read. Within minutes, the class filled up, and everyone was chatting, throwing stuff, causing problems. Everyone suddenly quieted down as a man walked in. Emma hadn't noticed the figure walk in, but she enjoyed the sudden silence as she continued to read her book. The man grabbed a piece of chalk and wrote 'Mr. Jones' on the board. As he wrote, he spoke, "Good afternoon, my name is Mr. Jones. We will be stuck with each other for whole year, so we better warm up to each other." He never turned around. Emma decided to ignore the brief introduction, since it was the same for every teacher. She continued to read.

"I will now call your names to make sure you are here. Ruby."







"Good afternoon."







"Okay, now that that is settled, we can start class."

Emma didn't hear her name, so she finally shut her book, placed it on her desk, and raised her hand.

"Um. Excuse me, Mr. Jones? I didn't hear you call my name."

"What's your name?"

"Emma Swan."
"Let me check. Ah yes, right here."

Mr. Jones swung around and placed the attendance sheet on the desk in front of the class. He looked up and his eyes went right to Emma. Her mouth dropped. She didn't mean to make it that obvious. Was it that obvious? Did she let him see her drooling? He had rich chocolate hair that had tousled griminess which promised finesse. He had distinct cheekbones and an angular jaw, his pale skin made him look devilishly handsome. He had strong arched brows and eyelashes so thick, it could be illegal. And then his eyes- they were deep and catastrophic, a vivid dark blue as a great body of water that softly melted into a milky green.