So here we have a crossdressing Ace.
The lack of update was really because I was lazy and I had a lot to do even when I had free time.

I also tried to make this not so Karushuu as possible.
I tried to nor break their characters either- which is why this was revised so many times.

"We need to give you a name, Gakushuu isn't girly enough."

"It was never girly, Akabane."
"You should try speaking in a higher pitch Rin."
"Rin? What sort of name is that?" Gakushuu huffed as she pulled the skirt down in an attempt to stretch the piece of clothing in order to cover more of 'her' legs, the insulting piece of clothing however reverted back to the same size of barely covering her thighs no matter how hard he tugged at it.
"You should stop tugging, it might break you know." Karma snickered, the Ace glared at him for what seemed like the nth time before taking out a pocket mirror for the third time to check if 'she' looked presentable (at fooling someone). A yellow cardigan replaced his blazer (which had a visible blood patch); a blond wig covered the ace's noticeable strawberry roan hair although his eyes remained the same sharp purple colour.

"Not bad Former first Place." Karma whistled as an attempt to embarrass the other boy further.
"Shut up." The Ace sharply said, "How do I even pretend I'm a student if I don't have a bag?"
"One bag coming up! Seriously what do you carry in there it weighs of 12 thick books and a laptop." Karma pulled out a familiar school bag. 'Where did he even hide it?'
"What I carry to school is none of your business Akabane. Don't try and throw it you idiot." Gakushuu exclaimed as the devilish red haired student picked up the bag over his head pretending to throw it over.
"I bet all your plans on world domination are all in here, oh what if I find private messages or embarrassing images on this!"
"There is nothing in that laptop that I would be embarrassed of, even if there were any I doubt you'd be able to guess my password."

"I'm not going to be the one to crack down your password because I have other people that can do that for me." The Class E student thought of Ritsu opening up the laptop to... 'What background would second place even have? A blank screen?'
"The only person who could possibly guess my password would be-"
"Your father?"
"… I was going to say myself. But he could too." Asano bitterly said as he lifted his bag and placed it onto his shoulder preparing to walk as though he was in a marathon.
Karma quickly stopped him and grabbed his hands (surprisingly Asano didn't slap him away)… He quickly 'fixed' Asano's stance and commented, "If you want to fool them at least appear more feminine, you walk like a solider."

Realising what the other male had said, Gakushuu quickly overcame his shock and slapped Karma's away from his own, he soon altered his own stance ever so slightly, "I suggest you don't label and stereotype females." Asano commented before walking ahead of Karma.
The delinquent shrugged his shoulders in response for he knew it to be true, and lightly jogged to catch up with Asano, who had the intentions of leaving him behind because of the way the other male seemed to speed walk out of the alleyway and onto the street.

"Honestly, why aren't we calling a taxi?" Asano huffed out, presumably already embarrassed about what he was wearing.
'It hasn't even been 5 minutes yet.' Karma snickered "Are you eager to go back the vehicle that was going to kidnap you?"
"… I suppose not, I've had back luck with cars all of day. Actually, I've had enough of transports for a day."
Karma nodded in agreement; after all it was a possible for some of their pursuers to corner them while they were on public transport.

For minutes they walked in silence not wanting to attract any attention.

Yet, the silence was scaring Asano; he hated it because they never lead to any good, like breakfast times with his father in the past.
But recently it has changed. Asano didn't know what happened but his father was trying to change it, the usually silent breakfast time was changing into a time for father and son, it was something that was foreign for both of them but it was something he dare say… Nice.

So Asano would change this silence that was too tense for him.

"Why did you sound dejected when you said you were in Class E because of your learning difficulties?" He asked quietly, so only Karma could hear him; he knew it wasn't the best conversation starter yet it was bothering him.
"Hmm? I wasn't, it's called sarcasm dear Rin. I have no idea what you're talking about." Karma emphasised the Rin as a diversion to annoy him, so instead of pursing what he wanted he would get angry and demand him to stop.
Asano Gakushuu wasn't going to take the decoy, no matter how sly Akabane was trying to be.

"So is it 'just sarcasm' when I say Class E is full of trash?" Karma's eyes widened but it only lasted a flash, clearly angered by the statement but before he could say anything Asano continued, "I'm not foolish enough to believe 'it's called sarcasm' when it obviously affected you."
"Ehh. I didn't know you cared about me."
"I don't. However, if I wish to be a successful leader I need to consider the 'feelings' of my colleagues, why were you sent to Class E?" Asano firmly said as they continued walking, keeping an eye on his rival. Karma however felt it was quite difficult to get intimated by the other male considering what he was wearing.
Yet, the delinquent accidentally let a smile show before letting his eyes change into a glare towards an invisible person.
"As I've told you, my parents are rarely around because they like travelling the world, they don't have time for me…" Karma huffed out slightly, his shoulders slumped down a bit and Asano knew what his rival was feeling all too well.
"So you became a delinquent to seek out attention, see if they cared enough to come and yell at you for being sent to E." The younger male tried to conclude the story from the week older male.
"No," Karma laughed, "I already tried that to no avail. No matter how bad or good I was they never noticed but the teachers did… A teacher did. He commented about my intelligence and told me he would always have my back if I was in the right although our ideas of right were different… I beat up a certain somebody and got sent to Class E"
Karma bitterly spat each word and all Asano could do was listen, no words of comfort were needed, 'It would only make it worse. Pity wasn't what Akabane wanted or needed.'
"Which goes to show you'll never be a white knight."
Karma did not expect that. He was waiting for Asano to mock him, insult him or put him down but instead he opted for a joke, so Karma decided he would play along as well. "I once had to put a play up for some children and I was the Knight, they seemed to love me."

Just like that the previous tension was lost and the arguing followed quickly afterwards.

The pair soon began to have heated debates; they delved into different topic whether it was world affairs or simple classroom antiques. Asano found it refreshing to forget that he was being hunted, that someone wanted to torture him.
It was pleasant to be around someone who was willing to challenge him, someone who wasn't going to be stepped on like a dog. Though it didn't mean that Karma's presence was blissful at all, he was infuriating to be with, yet Asano found himself used to the jokes and sarcastic comments rather quickly.

"Shouldn't you be at school kiddies? It's way past your school time."
That gruff voice pierced through the fragile harmonious atmosphere that the two had created.

A man who looked like he was in his thirties stood in front of them in a leather jacket and sunglasses to hide his eyes however it did little to lighten the gaze he had on Asano, 'Did he notice?'
The gaze sent chills down Asano's spine and he could only hope his female voice would be convincing enough.
"Are we late for school? Sorry, I didn't realise the time~." Karma lazily replied, flashing his teeth at the other male. "I didn't feel like going today and she felt the same."
"Then why is the young lassie in her school uniform?" The man hastily responded trying to find a flaw to what the young genius said, he was then shut down by another one of Karma's responses.
"No harm in making our parents believe we are going to school," Karma shrugged his shoulders, disinterested in the conversation he was having.

"Are you part of the infamous Class E?" The man said, the word Class E catching Karma's attention in a millisecond. "Man, you children are a bunch of losers, do you even try? You're better off being someone's pet than trying to go into the world of work." The offender gave a smug smirked.
Asano could tell Karma bit the inside of his cheeks upon hearing those insults; no person had the right to say that Class E was destined to become pets. Asano knew Class E was destined to accomplish greater, their current achievements proved this.
Gakushuu glanced over; he could see the pain in Karma's face; that man had insulted the class that was his family.

"… The infamous Class E has changed, a dog like you wouldn't know because you're too busy living in your kennel." Karma said, his voice dripping with would only be described as bloodlust; if they weren't trying to draw attention Asano was sure Karma would've started a fight instead of insulting him.
"Now if you'll excuse us we should get going, it is chilly and I don't want my parents to find me." The Class E student quickly added.

Karma swiftly took Asano's hand in an attempt to drag him away (Asano wanted to smack Karma's hand for touching him) yet as they turned around to move away someone was already there blocking the way, from Akabane's expression he knew they had been closing in, the red hair's eyes frantically seeking for an escape route but face remained neutral, they still didn't know if they were busted or if this scenario was a test.

"You shouldn't bother school kids Darren."
"Why does this concern you? 'Sides they're not even in school, you gotta teach children to behave."

White mask merely huffed out in response keeping his hands buried in his pockets, as his face displayed disinterest to the situation and his lifted head projected superiority over the younger two.

I wanted this to be the last chapter, but I couldn't bring myself to sit down and finish it.
Since I was already late by too many years as well, I decided to just show what I've already produced.
