A/N: Well, readers, here's the final part to this short to fill in the rest of the gaps...and dreams.

"Wh...what?" Vylad takes a step back from the cell, furrowing his eyebrows at the girl.

"Vylad, she can't be serious," Aphmau shakes her head, "She has to be lying," Vylad takes a brief look at Aphmau then back to the girl, his mind trying to wrap around this new information.

"I am serious, Aphmau!"

"Dang, this girl with never stop, will she," Travis mutters to himself, Vylad being the only one to appear to have heard.

"I know you all believe that someone like me will do anything to get out of your grasps. But this in quote 'story', is one that I will not give up on. I am. His sister. Vylad you have to listen to me!" She exclaims, getting up and sprinting to the front of her cell grasping the bars, as Laurance swiftly slams the cell doors shut. Vylad just stares back at V's tear-stained face, his conscience growing guilty almost…

"I...believe...you," Vylad slowly says, putting V at ease.

"Y-you do?"

"Yes," Vylad responds, while the other exchange looks or uncertainty.

"Vylad, are you sure?" Travis comes up to said person's side, nudging Vylad to look at him. Vylad looks down to ground for a few seconds, then turns back to V.

"I am sure," Vylad nods.

"Well...I'll trust your decision, Vylad," Aphmau assuringly says, placing a hand on Vylad's back.

"Thanks, Aphmau," Vylad softly smiles at her, "I...would like to speak to V here...somewhere in private?"

"Sure," Aphmau approves.

"I'll come with," Aaron volunteers, "just incase for protection purposes."

"No, Aaron, you go take care of Lilith. I'll go," Laurance insists; Aaron just gives a nod of appreciation and leaves. Laurance takes one last look at his friends surrounding the cell, last being Vylad, before he opened the cell door. V just kept her head down and under her cloak, as she steps out...and hugs Vylad's right arm.

"Aw, a softy," Sasha sarcastically remarks, as the group begins to leave the room, "You aren't even worthy enough of a shadow knight to have such power!" V stops in her tracks, still clinging onto Vylad's arm.

"At least I have something...someone...to live and to fight for," V replies, not even turning her head to face Sasha, and continues making her way up the stairs.

Not a word was said after everyone had exited the basement. Everyone soon dispersed to their own "stations"-Aphmau and Aaron went back to their shared house with Lilith, Travis went back on patrol with Katelyn, while Laurance, Vylad, and V went a bit up to the opposing mountain V camped at.

The three finally settled down at a ledge looking over the place where the group based; Laurance and Vylad took spots closest to the mountain and decide to lean on that, Vylad sitting down while Laurance stood, and V sat opposite the two with her back towards the ledge's edge. V clears her throat 2-3 times out of nervousness before she brought her hood back. She then looks up at Laurance, then to her brother.

"I'm Viviana," the girl sighs, adjusting her sitting position once again, "and...from what I've been told, I am...two years younger than you, Vylad, and that I was...a mistake," Viviana finishes with her eyes darting to the ground at the last statement. The two guys before her didn't dare to speak, so she takes a deep breath and continues, "I was raised by our...biological father for the first part of my life, but then was taken into care by one of my father's concerned female friends, one of whom I trusted and still trust today."

"I'm sorry, if this comes off as rude, but how did you exactly...come around? I mean, it's no surprise my...our father didn't bother to tell me of this news," Vylad awkwardly asks, making Viviana snicker to herself.

"My caretaker told me that our father had a one night stand some time after your mom had left him," Viviana responds lighter than she expected to, "My biological mom got married to our father for a bit before she found someone else and just left me and him without notice one day. Only reason why I don't reside with Father anymore is because he obtained a drinking problem for his heart still longed for my mother. I'm sure you know where this story leads to, Vylad…" Vylad just flattens his lips and nods at Viviana, letting the silence engulf them.

~~~Time Skip to Ep 79~~~

Two days had passed since Viviana's arrival at Phoenix Drop Alliance's new base. She is no longer labeled as a prisoner but simply another ally. Viviana resides on one of the tallest oak trees overlooking the camp, denying Vylad's offer of taking his tent. Today she sat up in her tree all the day long with the exception of her time she personally set aside for training at her old hiding spot.

She sighs once more at the, for once, peaceful day and now night, as she reaches for her satchel which hung on a nearby branch. Of the few things in there, she took out a green scarf identical to Vylad's. Her fingers run across the scarf's fabric, her, at first, estranged brother coming to mind immediately. She smiles thinking back to when her dad gave it to her as a very young child one random day along with it's history. 'Maybe you'll meet him one day' he said.

"I did meet him, Dad," Viviana whispers, "I did…" Suddenly, she flinches at the sound of a door opening, her right hand already reaching for a sword out of reflex. She spots the one she remembers named Aaron softly close the door behind him, take another look at the house, and starts to quietly make his way out of the camp. Of course, curiosity got the girl, and she begins to hop the trees, following him a ways off. They finally stop towards what appears to be the center of the island, and a portal stood in the midst of them. Viviana's eyes stayed glued at the strange portal, as she hide herself a bit more in the tree she crouched on.

"What in Irene's name is this…?" She whispers, as Aaron took out the Divine fragment. Viviana narrows her eyes even more, trying to get a better look at the fragment along with Aaron's next then takes out an opaque, materialized spell and bring the two items closer together...until said items started glowing. Viviana gasps at this, seeing the portal open...to the Irene dimension?! And she just watched as Aaron drew his sword, took a deep breath, and walked inside.

"What in the world would he want to do in there?!" Viviana gets to almost shout in with her regularly volumed voice. She jumps down from her tree hiding spot and draws her own swords out. But before she could take even a step closer to the portal, a blinding light began to appear, and Viviana runs back a bit. As the light starts to fade away, Viviana notices that Aaron and two others have been spat out of the portal. Her heart racing, she continues to watch as Aaron quickly regains his composure and rips off his red bandana, making a dash for the black-haired one. She takes a brief look at the last one, a blonde, struggling to get up from the ground.

"Come to get revenge?!" The black-haired one let out a maniacal laugh, his hands holding onto Aaron's set around his neck.

"No," Aaron replies in a monotone voice. He then whips out the Divine fragment...and it begins to glow. Everyone but Aaron's eyes grew with shock.

"S-sir, we have to go now!" Viviana runs up to the blonde and urges him to run in an opposite direction of this.

"You'll kill us both!" Viviana hears the emo-haired one yell off the top of his lungs, as she watches the blonde one stop after running a bit aways.

"Aaron, no!" The blonde screams back.

"Good," Aaron says, closing his eyes and blocking him out. As the one in Aaron's grasp screams in defeat, Viviana dashes in, taking out one of her hand-made daggers. She rips the fragment from Aaron's hand and stab the dagger through the fragment and into the one who would later be known as Zane. The light continued to intensify each passing second, as Viviana next grabs Aaron's left arm and hurries off into the woods with him away from the ticking time bomb. The explosion rang throughout the camp and even possibly the rest of the region…

Aaron and Viviana proceeded to run a bit farther even after the explosion had stopped.

"Hey wait!" Aaron finally stops Viviana from running by pulling her back. The two freeze, facing each other, "Why did you do that? How did you even know I-"

"An assassin is always sensitive to sound," Viviana calmly states, cutting Aaron off, "It holds a similar feeling to a guard, who would sleep with one eye open. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about," Viviana sends Aaron a side smile, "Besides, I've noticed how much you mean to Aphmau. I'm not about to just let you off like that with that knowledge, Aaron."

"...have you been listening in on Aphmau's and my conversations?!" Aaron grits his teeth, his eyebrows bending downward.

"Hey! If I didn't do such a thing you wouldn't be here right now then would you!" Viviana advances a bit towards Aaron before timidly stepping back, "I'm...sorry about that…"

"It's...okay, I underst-ugh," Aaron groans in pain, his arm lightly wrapping around his stomach. Viviana quickly then holds up Aaron's left shoulder with her right hand, her other hand over Aaron's that clinged onto his abdomen.

"Let's just go get you cleaned up now, shall we?" Aaron just nods in agreement, though he chose not to look her in the eyes. The two started their journey off to Viviana's hideout when a piercing cry of despair was heard. Aaron and Viviana stop for a brief moment, Viviana's heart sinking in realization. She looks back from the direction they came from only to see the burnt edges from where the explosion set off. Viviana's attention was soon turned back to Aaron, as she noticed his breathing pace picked up some.

"Hey," Viviana softly says, making Aaron's head look up to face her, "you'll be back with Aphmau soon enough. From the looks of you now, I...don't know when, but...you will."

A/N: Gah! Right in the feels have I been hit! I still tear up watching that episode ;( #BringAaronBack Now to camp for the next episode...Hope you enjoyed reading this, and I hope to see y'all in another story!