Chapter 4: Day one part 4

Chapter note: Chuujitsu means "loyal/devoted".

Rei Hoomaru has served the House Kiryuuin for most of her life, long enough to have been a fixture of the Red and Blue Sisters lives since they began. She has seen the results of Lord Matoi's failed experiments, the fullest of the Lady's rage and even the Sisters' friend Mako's rants.

Even then this latest development was quite the pill to swallow.

"I mean come on!" The teenager griped to Soroi, the butler being the only other occupant of the break room at the moment, coffees in hand. "I mean, I'd have been happier if they'd just torn a hole through reality to another world. Then at least we wouldn't have to worry about their mental state." Soroi raised a brow at her. She looked to the side, "Though I'd be no less confused." The brow lowered and the man sighed. Hoomaru furrowed her own brow, then flushed, "O-hh! Right… So what's your take on it?"

The man chuckled a bit and-*Be-be-beep!*-shut his mouth with a click as Hoomaru's phone informed her she was getting a call from the Head Researcher himself. Soroi deadpanned as Hoomaru scratched her head sheepishly and flared the hologram interface to life with a flick of her wrist.

"Sir?" She said to the video-call, barely phased by Isshin's shirtlessness (quite the feat for any woman and most men). "Ah, Rei-chan, I have a task for you." He said, not acknowledging the Lady Kiryuuin as she stood off behind him with all but her shoes out of frame, laughing manically at something that from the sounds of it was trying to kill her with a hedge-trimmer. Rei took the queue to leave it be.

"What is it sir?"

"I'd like for you to collect the girls from their nap and escort them around, help them re-familiarize themselves with the mansion. I should be able to take over in an hour, alright?" Hoomaru grimaced, "Sir, wasn't I an enemy of theirs in that other world? Would that be wise?" The Lord shook his head with a smirk, "Nowhere near the threat Ragyo was to them, and she's the one that put them down to sleep. They seem to be able to separate the different worlds in their heads, just don't make any threatening moves, answer their questions, and you'll be fine." The young woman grinned and nodded, eager to see that she was still 'Bigger-sis' to the Sisters. And slightly paralyzed they'd forgotten her, but she'd long since learned to compartmentalize when on the job.

Isshin nodded as well and cut the connection on his end, leaving the two servants in awkward silence. Finally Soroi sighed again and said, "Go on then." Hoomaru flashed a quick grin and quickly drained her mug before dashing out of the room toward the main wing. It took her three minutes to reach their door at a brisk walk, as the house was quite big even in proportion to the adults of this world and she wasn't nearly as fast as the heads of the house. That and the brief detour to the laundry room to retrieve the Kumai. Before opening it though she tugged at her shirt-collar in coded sequence, rousing her sixty-percent outfit "Chuujitsu" to alertness as is protocol, as all staff that was charged with caring for the Sisters must be Fiber-enforced to deal with their occasional tantrums, and to defend them.

She slowly opened the door a crack to stick her nose through, checking to make sure the girls hadn't moved into the same crib/to the floor to 'wrestle', again (Not' they weren't allowed, she was just giving them privacy). Detecting no pheromones Rei opens the door fully, to a sight that never fails to melt her heart, the Sisters Red and Blue swaddled away, their breathing even and untroubled despite the recent upheaval. She flicked the lights on to mid, then carefully crept up to the cribs, set their outfits on the nightstand between them, and reached over the bars to Ryuko's. Gently shaking her by the shoulder, "Ro-chan~, Ryuko~," she cooed, "It's time to wake up Bunny." Ryuko mumbled something into her pillow and rolled onto her back, her geared eyes slowly blinking open to see what was disturbing her. Ryuko's eyes widened a bit at the sight of her but she seemed calm still, and Rei was quietly thankful she wasn't treated to a repeat of what the Lady Kiryuuin experienced on them waking.

"Afternoon Ryuko, have a good nap?" she greeted her younger charge.

The Red sister blinked up at the seven foot girl again, "Um, ah, yeah-yeah. Um-" her face scrunched up a bit, "Bigger-sis?" she asked herself. Rei smiled softly down at her, "Glad you remember me, how's 'bout we get your sister up and do some exploring, hmm?" The girl smiled back sheepishly and nodded, shifting over to the bars of the crib, which Rei lowered. The young woman turned to the other crib, absently handing Ryuko Senketsu to get dressed, to see Satsuki was already sitting up awake in her bed, looking at her with a careful expression.

Rei kept the smile on her face as she opened her crib, but hesitated when the girl didn't move to get out. Rei carefully put on a look of non-negative confusion, "Satsuki?" then the smell hit her, "Oh Satsuki, are you okay?" The blue sister looked down and away, hiding behind her hair, "Satsuki, Satsuki… It's okay honey, but we need to get you into a fresh diaper, ok?" The girl nodded, sniffed, and started to shakily raise her arms to be picked up. Rei did and turned her head to Ryuko, "Bunny-chan, when I'm done with Satsuki's change can you bring me Junketsu?" The Red sister looked up from buttoning her onesie, "Wha-um, yeah sure." Rei nodded as she carried Satsuki over to the bedroom's changing table.

Satsuki. Was. Mortified.

It was one thing to see her sister use her diaper (and enjoy it no less (not that she was judging her sister!)), it was an entirely other thing to realize she'd shat herself, and from the coldness of the mess, sometime after the fact. Against her will she let out a piteous wine, as being laid on the changing table caused said mess to press into her again.

'I don't like this…' she thought childishly, too distressed to foster more articulate thoughts.

"Satsuki," she looked up to Hoom—Rei to show she had her attention, "Sweetie I know this is uncomfortable, but I need you to keep your mind here. We don't want you lashing out at unexpected touch, right?"

'Well there went my plan of spacing-out to avoid thinking about this.' She thought mulishly as she nodded.

Rei smiled at her and set to work, swiftly tugging off the tapes, allowing the front to flop off, weighed down by what rested at the bottom of the diaper. She then gathered together her ankles and lifted her lower half off the table. To her horror Satsuki realized the diaper still touching her, stuck by her mess, though she refrained from whining again. 'It's already being dealt with, though it out Kiryuuin!' As she thought this she subtly set her teeth as Rei preceded to un-stick the diaper from her, then turned it around in her hand to use the clean front half to scrape off the most of the poop on her bottom. She then balled it up and dropped it into a nearby waste-bin, then began pulling out wet-wipes from a compartment on the table and doing a more thorough cleaning.

Feeling a stare Satsuki glanced out the corner of her eye, in time to see Ryuko look away, a blush on her face. She didn't have time to think on it, as Rei set her rear down on a fresh diaper and started powdering her. Finally she taped the garment up and gave the front an affectionate pat, "There we are." She said looking up from the diaper to meet Satsuki's eyes, giving her a warm smile, and causing the girl to blush, "Thank you Rei." The teenager chuckled a bit, "No problem Pumpkin." She said, helping her down off the changing table and taking Junketsu from Ryuko without looking.

She then handed the Kumai to the girl. "Now, after you get dressed we're going to wander the manor a bit, until your board, and then your Father is going to come collect you for lunch and give you a talk, alright?" Satsuki nodded as she threaded her arms through the sleeves of her onesie. Rei turned to the Red Sister, getting the same response as Blue she let out a contented sigh, relived that for the moment everything was going alright.

Of course that's when the explosions started.

"What the hell?!" Ryuko yelled as she braced herself on her crib. "Language Ryuko!" Rei snapped automatically, she flicked her wrist, "Soroi, please tell me that wasn't as bad as it sounded?" The image of the harried looking Head Butler shook his head, "Worse, it's Nudist Beach." "Those maniacs?! How'd they get past the defenses?!" Soroi answered, "They had a mole in the staff, someone who worked under me but never met personally, shut them down from the inside somehow. But it doesn't matter the Lord and Lady are going to deal with it themselves, they only have one tank and a few infantry, the matter should be resolved in a moment. Meantime keep the girl's heads down and your guard up."

"Right." Rei pulled in a breath and held it…1…2…3


She swiveled around on her heel to face the Sisters again, to see the Blue with a contemplative expression while the Red seemed to be vibrating in place with glee. She braced herself, putting on her best imitation of the Lady when she was being comforting, "As he said, there's nothing to be worried about, but it seems we'll be here a while. So we have some time to kill if you have any questions." Satsuki blinked, and in that hesitation Ryuko burst out, "We have Omnitools?!" Rei smiled her own smile at that, "More or less, except child grade don't have weapon systems." It was Ryuko's turn to blink, "Huh-how-" Rei chuckled, "Did I know what that was? You only talk my ears off every time you get a new game. That and your father invented them, inspired by the Mass Effect series." Her smile widened a few teeth, "And yes, he made them for you." The girl blinked again, then smiled.

Satsuki cleared her throat, "Um-Could-could we keep talking over there?" she said, pointing at a quartet of bean-bags around a small round table to the left of the cribs. After flicking the lights fully on and getting comfortable Satsuki picked up the questioning, "So, tell me more about these…Omnitools, was it?" Rei nodded and held her arm out, bent at the elbow, and gesturelessly activated her phone, "It's actually called a 'Light-Phone', Omnitool was copyrighted, they consist of two physical parts, a chip in your neck, and one in your arm. They have both video and regular calling, and they can be loaded with all kinds of programs and games called-" "Apps?" Ryuko interrupted, frowning, "So their basically smart phones? Ah, man!" Rei chuckled, "Don't sound so disappointed Bunny, that basically what they were in the games as well. And as I said, they do have hard light systems, with parental controls of course. Yours are set to make controllers for the games you have installed, and a few sex toys." Here Rei cheerfully ignored the Sisters sudden blushing and spluttering, "To activate it you just have to think of it, or use one of your custom gestures with intent to open directly to a specific function, as you saw me do with speed-dial."

"Die, Cloth-lover scu-!" *Fwish!* "*Gurgle*" The Nudist died clawing at where the knife had pierced his throat. Isshin looked on disdainfully at the man who thought to attack his family as he slumped to the ground; he walked forward casually, as if his front yard hadn't been turned into a minor warzone, and retrieved his blade. After a quick flick of his wrist the curved knife was free of blood and bits of gore, the Lord of the House under attack tilted it this way and that in front of his face, using the reflection to take stock of the battle field without taking his eyes off the approaching naked gun-slinging men. His Lady had already destroyed the enemy armor, the thing tilted onto its side, belching smoke and the stench of roasting flesh.

She was currently covering the retreat of their injured, loping off limbs of any foolish enough to go after the staff she had all but raised into the Kiryuuin house's service from tender ages with her Fiber-whip. The man briefly let his mind drift to once again wonder why his wife bothered with using Fiber weapons against opponents she dearly didn't need them for, and then he turned his sharpest blade back to the battle, even as it wound down. 'Dart in under bayonet, wrench rifle from opponents grip, cave head in with gun-butt.' Isshin planned and executed the attack before the man realized he'd moved. He stood there a moment, holding the bloodied weapon in its resting position from the swing, as the four remaining Nudists looked on in horror. He timed his inaction perfectly to draw out theirs, and acted again before the Nudists could react.

Ryuko was sucking her thumb, and only just realized that as Rei moved onto explaining the differences between the internet of this world and their old one. Oddly enough the comfort and calm the action provided kept her from spitting it out in shock. As she listened to the 'teenager' drone on, she found her mind naturally wandering as she now consciously suckled her digit. Then she suddenly pulled it from her mouth with a *pop*, "Hey, hey!" she crossed her arms as the other two girls turned their attention to her, wrenched from their conversation about the 'net-laws' or whatever, "The Nudists, in that other world, they were our allies, what makes you call them nutso here? Why are they attacking us?"

Rei's eyes widened, "Wha-,oh, right…" She sheepishly rubbed the back of her head, "Sorry, I completely forgot about that. When you got us started on Light-Phones I'd assumed you'd remembered about them." She turned to Satsuki, "Do you mind if we switch topics sweetie?" Satsuki grit out a, "No." around a deep frown, no doubt upset at herself for being distracted from the more pertinent topic. Rei looked concerned by her sister's expression, but got down to business.

"The Nudists, put simply, are terrorists who hate clothing." *Sigh* "And I must stress here that I do not mean Life-Fibers, I mean all clothes. They are murderously dedicated to their 'cause', and have been around for hundreds of years, even before the Fiber's emissary arrived." She looked them both in the eyes, "As you can imagine they only became more rabid after that, and were especially enraged to find out about you two. That is why they're after us."

Both Sisters stared. Ryuko opened and closed her mouth as Satsuki's eyebrow twitched. Rei looked back and forth between them worriedly, "Um, girl-" "Clothes!" Satsuki growled through clenched teeth, "They're murderous over CLOTHES!" Ryuko scratched her head, "I mean, what? Does-no exhibitionists don't hate clothes themselves." She jumped as Satsuki turned a wrathful glare onto her, "How can you be so calm about this, THEY'RE MURDEROUS OVER-" "Satsuki!" Both girls flinched at the name, not from volume, but the tone.

They both slowly looked over to their teenaged caretaker, who looked on calmly with her arms folded at them. "Indoor-voice." She said simply, she tilted her head, "Now would you like to calmly explain why you're so upset?" Satsuki looked down at the table bashfully, "It's just-it's just that, it's so stupid. And insulting to the other Nudist Beach! Sure they were a bit mad, but I respected them." She sighed, embarrassed by her near tantrum.

And shaken by it.

'This is insulting.' Ragyo peered down her nose at the latest victim of her whip, lying on the floor moaning as he was, clutching a bleeding arm stump, and making no effort to push through the pain! She snorted, 'Their current leader must be more idiotic than the rest, to have ordered this.' She flicked her wrist, ending his flailing as she scanned (her yard) the battle-field.

'They've been thoroughly routed, did they honestly think just getting past the automated defenses would guarantee them a victory.' The Lady "hmm"'ed, 'What did they have to gain from this, small this force is, but we'll learn leagues about their resources and deployments from the corpses and equipment. They didn't find, let alone tamper the scanners, no-one slipped by us. So, why? Why, why, why!'