AN: I was going to do 1sentence drabbles for the #MaizaiMonday prompts but I ended up doing 3sentence drabbles. I liked the cadence of it better.


15: Desperate

Mai is not desperate. Ozai is not desperate.

They just want each other very much.


16: Cutthroat

"You have wonderful potential for college," says the counselor who called Mai to her office. "You could get into an ivy league, if you wanted."

"I try not to think about it," replies Mai. "I don't really want to go to college."

It is a form of rebellion, but she feels pretty damned rebellious.


17: Fable

It is not realistic. Mai would call it a fairy tale, albeit a really fucked up one.

She still watches him and hates it.


18: Inferno

He is married. Ozai would call it a sham of a marriage, but he still has to be true to it for some reason.

He still watches her and hates it.


19: Silence

The dead quiet is uncomfortable as they stand in the front hall. Either Mai or Ozai should leave, but they just keep standing and waiting for Azula.

"I'm asking Zuko out," awkwardly announces Mai, because she does not know anything else to say.


20: Ensnared

Mai sits inside of the movie theater with Zuko, and tries not to think about the fact that he just grabbed her hand, and forces herself to lean in and rest her head on his shoulder, and they inexplicably do not move from that position for the rest of the loud horror sequel.

"I'm really into you," says the ensnared son of the man Mai actually loves.

"You're not so bad yourself," she quietly, flatly replies.


21: Huntress

"Get what you want. Go for what you want and get it!" Ty Lee says brightly, talking about Zuko.

Mai agrees with her for once.

But that does not change facts.


22: Darkness

Mai and Zuko make out in the dark, and like it, but she pulls away when he reaches for her shirt.

"Yeah, no," she bluntly says, not giving a damn about his feelings. "I'm not into you enough to go that far."

He looks crestfallen but she does not care.