Hope you enjoy!
"You are still putting too much strength in your hand."
That voice...It was way too familiar, but couldn't be, could it? Ga Eul pushed away her thoughts and looked up to the figure whom called out to her. Shock took over her as she stood up instantly.
" Yi Jung Sunbae…"
Oh how Yi Jung missed that name, especially since it came from Ga Eul's mouth, her soft angelic voice, caused his signature smile to appear without any thought, "hi." Was all that left his mouth as he raised his hand and waved for a quick second, this was definitely much more awkward than he imagined during his flight back home.
"Who are you? Are you our teacher's friend?" A small boy questioned as he looked at Yi Jung.
Before Yi Jung could answer a little girl sitting next to Ga Eul stood with curiosity, "Mister, did you come from overseas by any chance?"
"Oh. How did you know?" Yi Jung mentally palm slapped his face, did Jun Pyo accidently reveal his secret of going out of state to the media? Gosh that Shinhwa Heir was terrible at keeping secrets.
"Then did you come from Sweden?" Yi Jung bit back his lip, he didn't want to throw a fit in front of the kids, but he was definitely going to teach Jun Pyo a lesson about keeping secrets soon as he meets him. But for now he needed to keep his cool, bringing out his signature smile once again, Yi Jung replied, "little miss you sure are amazing."
The little girl clapped her hands together in joy, "then you are him. Our teacher said that her boyfriend was there-" before she could finish her sentence Ga Eul shushed her placing her hand over the little girl's mouth for only a second as she whispered in her ear, "you can't tell him."
Yi Jung couldn't help but smile so brightly, 'ah Ga Eul, you truly drive me crazy, and I love you for that.' Now all that was left was to say that to her personally. It was going to be hard, but it had to be done, especially after 1,000 no 1,001 times of practice in front of the mirror, he was sure he was ready to finally confess.
"Ready to go?" Yi Jung approached Ga Eul as all the kids had left with their parents and Ga Eul was gathering her stuff.
"You were waiting for me?" Ga Eul asked, grabbing her bag and locking the door before heading out as Yi Jung followed allowing her to close the door behind her.
"No I was testing the kids to see which one I could adopt." Yi Jung cocked his head towards Ga Eul as she hit his shoulder lightly, "you haven't changed at all."
"Were you expecting me to change?" Yi Jung questioned but in response he received silence. Silence enveloped the empty hallway they walked through. Ga Eul fumbled with her hands as she smiled slightly. "I mean you did go overseas, they have different rules, or no rules at all, and different ways of greetings. Also there must have been so many pretty girls there too and…"
As the last few words reached Yi Jung's ear, he stopped, everything that Ga Eul said afterwards was a mumble to his ears.
"I mean it must be fun being in a new country being a free ma-" Ga Eul yelped with shock as she was pulled back with pressure and was pushed against the wall gently. There was no kindness in Yi Jung's eyes anymore, they were replaced with anger and seriousness. Even though Yi Jung had placed one hand to the side of Ga Eul, she still did not dare move, as if Yi Jung's was trying to tell her a story, which she just couldn't come to understand.
"Is that what you think I have been doing while I was in Sweden? Flirt with girls?"
Ga Eul relaxed her shoulders and smiled, "well of course not, you were mainly there for your studies and to become a better potter, but hey you are a man after all and when you had free time, you allowed yourself to have some fun like you did before. No big deal right?" Ga Eul smiled, but inside she felt as if she was stabbed in the heart with a sharp knife recalling all the things Yi Jung did with girls before and what he could have been doing as he was overseas. Carrying the fake smile Ga Eul begins to walk away, but Yi Jung grabbed her wrist with his free hand and pulled her back against the the wall. She looked up to him with curiosity once again. This time Yi Jung placed his free hand on the other side of Ga Eul, trapping her from both sides.
"And what if I said, even while I was away in a foreign land, my eyes only searched for you…"
Ga Eul's smile disappeared. Was Yi Jung being serious? No. He couldn't be. But before Ga Eul could say anything Yi Jung continued, "that my hands ached to to be in contact with your soft hands. That my heart lost it's beat without your presence, that my lips ached to finally touch yours, after that almost kiss we had…" Yi Jung moved his face closer, closing the gap between them, now only their lips were what kept the distance. "...One day didn't go by without the image of your beautiful smile appear in my head. Not one dream was completed without you. I went crazy even with the smallest hint of your voice that I heard." Yi Jung moved in closer to Ga Eul's ear, "you think I could even look at any other girl? When you were all over my mind?" With that Yi Jung left a small peck on the rim of Ga Eul's ear causing her to close her eyes with pleasure. Yi Jung moved back to look at his angel who was blushing, bringing out his signature smile, Yi Jung leaned in for Ga Eul's lips.
Before Yi Jung could get his kiss, Ga Eul's phone had once again become a barrier, Yi Jung was still willing to get his kiss but was stopped as Ga Eul's hand laid on his chest, pushing him back as she grabbed for her phone and pick it up.
"Hey Ga Eul! What's up?"
"Oh Woo Bin Sunbae! Nothing much just getting out of class." Yi Jung straightened himself and shoved his hands in his pocket with anger. At this exact moment something burned inside and he definitely didn't appreciate the feeling.
"Alright! I can come pick you up then? I am going to go pickup Yi Jung from the airport too and then we are to meet Jun Pyo at the beach, he has a surprise for Jan Di, he wants us all there."
"Oh Yi Ju-" Ga Eul was about to tell Woo Bin Yi Jung was here with her, but a strong shove from Yi Jung paused her words.
"I mean you haven't picked him up yet? Didn't his flight land already?"
"Yeah I should have, but that jerk said he had something important to take care of before he had me pick him up." Ga Eul looked up to Yi Jung as he shifted his view to the side with embarrassment, 'so he really did come see her first..' Ga Eul thought to herself bringing out her smile.
"It's okay Sunbae, please go without me. I have to actually meet up with the principal later, so I won't be able to come, please do enjoy yourself and I will meet up with everyone later!"
"Really? I was on my way to get you, but it is okay, you do what you need to and I will see you later."
"Okay! Bye Sunbae!"
"Bye!" Ga Eul closed her phone and looked up to Yi Jung, "I think you should get to the airport, or Woo Bin will be worried looking for you. I have to meet up with the principal." As she bowed, Ga Eul walked past Yi Jung, but stopped as she heard him call out to her. "Do I not matter to you anymore?" Yi Jung turned around to look Ga Eul's way as her back faced him, and he waited for a response.
"Sunbae, over these years I have become stronger and wiser, I don't want to misinterpret you anymore and be hurt again. I just can't anymore. Please for once respect my feelings." With that Ga Eul walked away, leaving Yi Jung speechless. 'Was that all you think of me Ga Eul? After all I have done for you?" Digging those thoughts into a whole, Yi Jung walked out of the school and got into his black SUV and drove off to the airport.