Hey guys! I decided to try and Hop on the JudyxNick train while I had the chance. This might be a short-ish story, but I hope you like it. Please review!

Chapter 1 (Vanilla Carrot Cake)

It was time to go home. Months had passed since the last time she saw her parents, and usually it was a happy visit, but this time Judy just needed to get away.

As the train pulled into Bunny Burrow, Judy got up from her seat. She could see her parents waiting for her, and she quickly gathered her belongings and scurried off the train, into her mom and dad's soft embrace.

"I missed you guys."

"Gosh, It seems like you were just here yesterday." Her father replied, pulling away from the hug. "But we miss you too sweetheart. You're keeping out of trouble right?" Judy didn't want to clue her parents in on the dangerous work that went along with her being a cop, so to give their minds some peace, she always left out certain details about any cases she was involved in.

"I'm staying safe." She answered.

"So what's with the sudden visit dear?" Her mother smiled, but her eyes were concerned.

"I just needed to see you guys, and be home for a while." She didn't want to tell them the real reason.

"There's nothing wrong with being a little homesick." Her father chuckled. The trio started to walk off, towards their home.

When they walked through the door, Judy was engulfed in the familiar aromas of her childhood. The warm vanilla carrot cake in the kitchen is what caught her attention first. As if reading her mind, her mother put a hand on Judy's shoulder.

"Ah ah, no cake until after dinner." She scolded. Judy smiled and rolled her eyes. Same old parents. "You should go unpack and get washed up. We're having your favorite tonight!" her mother said the last part in a Sing-song voice.

Judy went to her old room and set her suitcase down by the door, then she immediately flopped on the bed and closed her eyes. How did this happen? She thought to herself. Things seemed to be going so well for a while there, but I guess you can't change an animals instincts. She sighed and rolled into a ball on her side. Just a little nap couldn't hurt. Her mind drifted to the incident that started it all.

"Hey, are you going to un-cuff me or not?"

"You got yourself into this mess, you can get yourself out."

"Come on Judy. Please."

Nick pleaded with Judy as he tried desperately to yank his paw from being cuffed to a file cabinet in his office. Next he tried stretching his legs out to reach the keys just out of reach in his coat pocket hanging by the door. It was nearing the end of the work day, and most officers were already gone. Judy, being the thorough and hardworking officer she was, usually got stuck with the after hour shenanigans of her partner.

"It's not completely my fault, Clawhauser dared me to." Nick called out as Judy began closing the door of his office. "Wait! I know you won't just leave me here, it's against your moral code!"

Judy sighed as the door closed with an audible click. The fox was right. But she decided to let him suffer a little longer. Besides, she still had some work to get done.

About half an hour later, Judy went back to Nick's office to help him. She opened the door.

"Okay, I'll help you out, but you owe…" Judy looked around, but Nick wasn't there. "Me? Hm, I guess someone else felt bad for him." The room was dimly lit and Judy felt uneasy. Something was wrong. She was about to turn and leave when she heard a scratch across the floor, then the door slammed shut. Judy shrieked and jumped up onto the nearby desk. All of a sudden, she felt something cold clamp around her ankle, then a familiar chuckle.

"I can't believe you fell for that." Nick laughed. The uneasy feeling melted away.

"I came back to help you, you idiot." She said to the still chuckling fox. She tried hopping off the desk, but tripped/fell forward, her ears flopping over her face. She blew her ears back and turned to see her foot was now cuffed to the desk. Nick started laughing harder. Judy rolled her eyes and managed to stand.

"Now if you had helped me earlier, you wouldn't be in this mess." He said, finally calming down. "I'll see ya carrots." He turned to leave.

"No, Nick wait!" she yelled after him. He paused.


"Unlock the stupid handcuffs."

"Why would I do that?" Nick turned back with a mischievous smile. Judy thought for a second.

"Because we're friends?"

"Hm, nah."

"Ugh! Fine, I'll do your share of the paperwork for a week, no wait, a month."

"Tempting, but no." Nick walked over to the bunny, looking down at her. She tried taking a step back, but couldn't get far because of the handcuffs.

"Well, what do you want?" she said frustrated. The ball was in his court. He pretended to think about it, but he knew what he wanted. He leaned forward, inches away from her.

"How 'bout a kiss?" he whispered. Even though his voice was soft, his word rang loud in Judy's ears.

"What!?" she said incredulously. Nick stood up straight again.

"Or you could stay handcuffed here for the night." He said smoothly, "Your call." Judy's face turned bright red.

"Why?" she looked around to see if anyone else was around, maybe she could call to them for help, but she knew that everyone had left already.

"I like you Hopps." He answered. "You know that." Judy's ears fell. Her heart sped up. Months after Nick became her partner, she got the feeling that something like this could happen. Even though he changed, he was still a fox. Could she trust that he actually liked her? "So what's it going to be lieutenant?"

"I don't know" she couldn't think straight, he was so close. She tried to turn away, but nick held her shoulders firm. She looked into his eyes. His deep, wild green eyes. She started to close her own and leaned forward.

"Judy! Dinner is ready! Did you wash up?!" a sudden knock on the door and her mother's voice woke Judy up.

"I'll be right down mom!" she called back. Judy got out of bed and with one wistful look out the window, she went to join her family for dinner. "I can do this, at least."