Papyrus woke up dizzy and with a roaring headache. His body was still sore from when undyine had beaten him up. Remembering her made papyrus angry all over again. Who the fuck was she to tell the great papyrus that he wasn't fit to be anything more then a patrolmen? He swore last night as he drank away his problems that he would one day dust her. He still meant it.

Rubbing his head, he couldn't remember what had happened last night after he had started drinking whiskey. Papyrus figured it was the same as every night papyrus had drunk to much. Papyrus coming home drunk, pissed off and once again taking it out on sans. Papyrus knew that his brother was weak and sometimes he took it to far but he was only trying to toughen him up! He didn't want to be constantly worrying about him so he tried everything in his power to toughen him up and teach him independence.

What pissed papyrus off even more though was the fact that sans didn't want to be tough or fight! Sans didn't even want to train! Sans just wanted to live in a world where noone bothered anyone and monsters didn't have to kill each other. That idea was ludicrous to the great papyrus! Papyrus had learned long ago that that was merely impossible! It was either kill it be killed.

Papyrus groaned as he slowly got out of bed. He always prided himself on getting up early in the morning so he hated it when he slept in. He looked at the clock. It was already noon! Sans would pay for this! He would make sans pay! A strange feeling he had been feeling a lot lately flooded him, making him feel ignored it and chalked it up to not feeling well. He wouldn't show weakness.

When he tried moving, papyrus immediately noticed he wasn't wearing any pants. What the fuck? What could have possibly transpired last night to have the great papyrus take off his pants?! He ground his teeth in anger and decided that he'd punish sans later. Ignoring the problem for now, he simply went to his dresser and put on another pair of pants.

"SANS! WAKE UP AND MAKE ME BREAKFAST YOU SCUM!" Usually papyrus made his own food but he still wasn't feeling good so he'd just have his good for nothing brother do it for him. It wasn't like the shit was doing anything anyway. Papyrus wished he could just sleep all day but undyine would hunt him down and probably beat the living shit out of him again if he didn't go to practice.

"SANS! I FUKING SWEAR IF I CATCH YOU SLEEPING, YOU'ER AS GOOD AS DUST!" Papyrus stopped himself, a sense of dejavoo overcame him. What the fuck? He ignored it, chalking it up once again to not feeling well. Still not receiving a answer, papyrus stormed into sans's room, ready to punch him. Papyrus was surprised to not find him in there but he decided that sans must be hiding from him. He'd just have to search the house for his useless brother. Another feeling of dejavoo overcame him as he went about the house looking for sans. It was getting harder to ignore that feeling. Something kept nagging at the back of his mind, something that he was forgetting.

He couldn't ignore the feeling any longer though when he walked into the kitchen and saw the cabinet under the sink flung open and scratch marks on the kitchen Table, along with a red sticky liquid that papyrus was to dizzy to identify. It looked like there had been a struggle of some sort. Papyrus wouldn't doubt that there had been a struggle between him and his useless brother, there always was a struggle between them, but he couldn't identify the sticky liquid on the table. It seemed familiar but papyrus was still to hungover to properly identify it.

Papyrus sighed in frustration. He was already fucking late and on top of that his shit brother was nowhere to be seen! The useless whelp needed to learn how to take a proper beating. Papyrus sighed and came to the conclusion that sans was probably at grillbys sulking from his wounds. The great papyrus would have to deal with him later. Papyrus left the house quickly, ignoring the sense of dread overcoming him.

Papyrus crashed through the door and down in the snow with the shorter skeleton falling in his lap, unconscious. Papyrus looked around frantically and was relived to be back in his universe, the door closing behind him in orange light. He was never so grateful to be back in Snowdin. Looking down at the shorter skeleton, papyrus sighed as he guessed the trip was to much for the shorter Skelton. Truthfully, papyrus was grateful that he was unconscious, it made this all the more easy to transport him back to his home. He felt like if this version if sans was awake, papyrus would have a few bruises when he came home. Papyrus gently stood up with the smaller skeleton in his arms, blushing at the fact that he was still naked, and trudged towards his home.

There where a million different questions papyrus wanted to ask this sans but he wasn't in any shape to answer them. The most troubling question was what the fuck kind of universe did this sans come from? His universe was creepy and filled with fear and other monsters that seemed to only want to kill. How could anyone survive in such a hateful environment? Papyrus would hate to think of what happened to his own counterpart if this sans was so bad off. He shivered at the thought.

Once he made it to his front door, he made sure no one saw him quickly slip inside. He'd hate to know what would happen if the other monsters saw him carrying a naked skeleton inside his home. He blushed as his thoughts turned to his own brother. Dam it papyrus! Stop that!

Ignoring the growing feelings, papyrus took the other sans up the stairs and into his room. He couldn't imagine what his own brother would think of this and he figured it was best right now to hide this sans for him until he figured out what the hell he was going to do about all this. He never thought he'd be bringing someone back! Well…at least he knew the dam machine worked.

Papyrus gently laid the other sans down on his bed and covered him with his blankets. The other sans immediately wrapped himself up in a tight ball and started snoring. Papyrus smiled, this sans reminded him so much of his own sans but not at the same time.

Not knowing what to do, papyrus decided to make some food for himself and his new house guest. He hoped this sans liked tacos.

Sans could feel darkness around him, pulling him farther down into a hole. Sans didn't even try to fight it, he let himself be dragged down, figuring this is what it felt like to die. Sans was almost happy because now he wouldn't be such a burden to his brother. His brother that he loved more then anything but would never love him back. The brother that hated sans.

"Don't worry papyrus…it's all over now, I won't be a burden anymore." Suddenly, a hand roughly grabbed him by his neck and slammed him against something hard. Sans flung open his eyes and flinched when he saw papyrus glaring down at him.

"Did you really think you could escape me you useless slut?" Sans struggled underneath him but he was to weak to stop papyrus.

"N-no boss! I ran away because I didn't…"

"ENOUGH! I of t want to hear your excuses you useless slut! The only thing your useful is for a quick fuck!" Sans froze and the realization of what he meant set in. NO!

"Bo-boss please! No!" Papyrus just smirked.

"I like you begging sans." Papyrus unzipped his pants and a red stubbed cock sprang forth. "Beg some more." Sans screamed as his brother slammed into him.

Sans jolted awake, screaming and trashing around, trying to get his boss off of him.

"Shit!" A soft voice yelled as something hard hit the ground. Sans ignored it and fell off the bed, still thrashing around wildly. As he thudded to the ground he finally realized that the boss wasn't on top of him. A second of relief was replaced with tears streaming down his face. All he wanted to do was die and he couldn't even do that right!

"Hey…..are you alright?" Sans whipped around at the soft voice and came face to fave with a boss look a like. His soul almost shattered at the immense fear sans felt but looking closer, he was shocked to see that it wasn't the boss, but a hunched more laid back look a like skeleton. This skeleton didn't have the bosses sense of hatred, fear and anger. No, this skeleton had a sense that was mellow, almost lazy and loving. That didn't mean sans would trust this skeleton though. He looked away from this kind skeleton as fresh tears ran down his face.

"Hey now, don't cry. Theres no need for that." The kindness in his voice was almost enough for sans to puke. Why was he being nice? Why wasn't he trying to kill or fuck him?

"Not much of a talker huh? Well, that's fine, I just want you to know that you're safe here." Safe? Nowhere was safe.

"Where…am i?" Sans voice cracked and he flinched as he expected this skeleton to punch him for showing a sign of weakness. But the lazy skeleton didn't move or showed any sign of aggression.

"Your in my universe. This may seem crazy but…I built a machine to travel between universes so I could see what they where like and I came to yours and…" Papyrus decided it wasn't the right time to ask him about his twisted world just yet. "Long story short, I found you almost dead and I decided to bring you here where you'd be safe." Different universes? What the fuck? It sounded crazy but sans didn't have any other explanation for where he was so he supposed he'd believe it….for now.

"You should have left me to die." He whispered so softly that he doubted the other heard him. Papyrus flinched.

"How could you say such a thing! I couldn't just leave you to die!" Sans smiled at the absurdity of his statement.

"Of course you could have….weak monsters like me don't deserve to live." He remembered all the times the boss had kicked him, punched him, degraded him, and almost beat him to death. He was just useless.

"What….why are you saying that?! That's the most horrible thing I've ever heard! You're not weak! You don't deserve to die!" Papyrus was almost screaming. Why would this sans but not sans think he deserved to die?! Sans didn't respond. This papyrus was a fool.

"Look…I don't know anything about your universe but…that's not how things work here. Here…you can have a normal life!" Sans smirked.

"I don't belong here…" The only thing sans deserved to be was dust. Papyrus wanted to cry. Never before had he met a monster so….broken. He felt rage well up in him and he was almost afraid of what he'd do. Before he could think, papyrus sprung forward and wrapped sans in a tight hug.

Sans was so shocked at the gesture the only thing he could do was sit completely still in the other's embrace. Was he finally trying to kill him? Was this papyrus going to beat him like his own papyrus? He waited for the blows that never came. This papyrus just kept holding him tightly with his head resting on sans head.

"Wh-what the fuck are you doing?" Sans didn't understand why he was holding him, it made him uncomfortable. He felt trapped, exposed and vurnable.

"Im trying to show you that you don't need to die. Im trying to show you that there is goodness and love in the world." Sans didn't understand what he meant and started trying to squirm out of his embrace. That inly made papyrus hold on tighter.

"Let me go you fuck!" Sans was starting to panic. Papyrus was to close.

"Please…im just trying to make you understand."

"I don't need to fucking understand! I just need to go home!" Sans felt papyrus momentarily tense and sans thought that was his chance. He quickly squirmed out of his embrace and ran for the door. Before he could even make it to the door, he crashed into something soft. Papyrus was in front of him with a unreadable expression. This fucker could teleport? Fuck!

"Move you fuck!" The sooner sans got out of here, the sooner sans could go back to his universe and die. Papyrus gave him a strange look.

"Th-there isn't a way for you to go back." Sans looked at him in shock.

"WHAT?!" Papyrus flinched at his scream but he held his ground. He hated lying but it was the only way to save this monster.

"The machine…it broke on the way back to my universe. It…took to much damage." Man, that sounded so lame. But sans seemed to accept it with a fearful look. He could see the panic and fear on his face. Man, what has this skeleton been through to be so scared?

Sans started panicking. If the boss knew he wasn't at his job or cleaning the house or doing any of his chores he would KILL him! Sans smirked at the irony of that. Didn't he want to die? Isnt that what this had all been about? But there wasn't a way back to his universe! So what did that mean for sans now? It wasn't like the boss would care or know that sans was gone. Sans could just die in this universe and get it over with.

Papyrus watched as several emotions crossed this sans face before finally settled upon determination. Papyrus hoped this sans was finally coming around. Sans stood up and papyrus smiled. He opened his arms in a hug but sans just walked right by him and opened the door.

"Thank you but…theres something I have to do." Papyrus didn't like the emotionless tone so he quickly followed sans out of his room and without thinking, tackling him down the stairs. They both crashed at the bottom of the stairs in a heap of bones. Luckily papyrus landed on top of the struggling sans and was able to pin him down. Papyrus blushed as he noticed this sans was still completely naked but he was determined to sort out the hell that was this sans mind.

" what where you planning on doing?" Sans stopped struggling and resorted to just being pinned beneath papyrus. That was all that papyrus needed to know what he was planning. He couldn't let him dust himself! He had no choice. Papyrus summoned his magic and engulfed sans in it.

"WHAT THE FUCK? WHY CANT I MOVE?" Sans tried to trash his way out of the magic but it was no use, he couldn't move and he was still to weak to fight back. Sans was reduced to screaming while papyrus slowly walked him back upstairs and back into his room. He didn't say a word as he sat sans gently on his bed. He didn't know what to do with this little hell raiser but he couldn't let him go until he knew he wasn't going to hurt himself! Even if that meant tying him up in his room.

"LET ME GO YOU FUCK!" Dang, this little spitfire sure had a mouth on him!

"No! Not until I know your not going to hurt yourself!" Sans smiled cruely at papyrus.

"Go to hell." Papyrus sighed. It was the hard way then.

"PAPY! IM HOME DEAR BROTHER!" Papyrus flinched at the sound of his brother. Shit! Why was he home so early! What was he going to do now?! He looked at sans and felt dread at the cruel smile he had. Sans took a deep breath and before papyrus could stop him, started screaming at the too if his lungs.