A month after the Giant War, a son of Zeus arrived at Camp Half-Blood. Percy just found out that Sally and Paul died in a car crash and was crying in his cabin when the new camper arrived. Zack (the new camper) was hearing all about Percy and how he was such a hero. Zack thought that because his father was the king of gods, he should become the camp leader and so he developed a plan. He convinced the new campers that Percy was weak because he hadn't left his cabin all week then broke the treasured items of his friends and then blamed it on Percy. Everyone at camp hated Percy and loved Zack. The only reason Percy stayed was because he didn't want to leave his "home". Zack also convinced Annabeth that because he was the new camp leader, he would be a better boyfriend.

Percy POV

When I saw Annabeth kissing Zack, I had enough. Both camps hate me, my father disowned me for being "a stuck up brat" and mom and Paul are dead. I wrote a letter for camp, a letter for Nico, a letter for Thalia, then left.

I was recruited by Chaos a week after. He offered me a new life as his assassin. He gave me new powers, the name Omega, and a purpose.