Worth it
Surprise I'm back! Recently been rewatching Class of the Titans and man it's been hitting me right in the feels. But the ideas have been flowing so here's a sweet little drabble
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Years had passed since the 7 heroes had defeated Cronus. Even though they all could have gone their separate ways and forgotten the horrors of war they kept in touch. Through graduations, weddings, and losses they held firm even if their group had expanded to include a couple spouses. Everyone had piled into Jay and Theresa's condo for Jay's 30th birthday. They'd already enjoyed dinner and cake with everyone feeling a little bit tipsy, well almost everyone. Theresa, usually not one to turndown a drink, had been sipping on water the whole night.
She had been watching her husband of 4 years opening his gifts with her heart racing every time someone handed him a gift from the pile. Odie was currently showing Jay how to use his new smart watch he had given. Odie and his wife Kelly had recently started up a new tech company that was bound to do well with their combined geniuses.
"And so, once the syncing is all done you'll be able to do everything on the watch that you would on your phone! You know text, call, check email, watch videos-" Ah yes Odie because the one thing my workaholic husband needs is greater ease to check his work email, Theresa though.
"Check my Insta for my latest shoots!", Neil yelled. With all the free time Neil had no longer fighting Cronus the number of photoshoots had shot through the roof. The group joked that one could never really miss Neil- not with his face popping up on some ad almost every day.
"OOOO even better, set his latest shoot as your background!" Archie taunted, and the group fell into giggles.
Jay scrunched up his face and turned to Odie and Kelly smiling, "Thanks guys, I've been wanting one of these for a while now".
Atlanta turned to the last gift, Theresa's gift, "To Jay, love Theresa" she read and handed it over.
Jay took the gift and looked at Theresa with a little smile. He'd already been given his gifts from her earlier this week. Theresa- trying to keep her voice steady- told him that "It really didn't cost anything, and she'd thought he'd really like it". Plus, there are no returns on this gift, Jay.
Jay tore out the wrapping paper to revival a brown box, a little bigger than a novel. He opened the box and moved the tissue away and froze. Turning to Theresa she could see the barely contained excitement and hear the ecstatic buzz of thoughts rushing through his head. "For real?", his voice was just above a whisper. The whole room was silent.
"For real", she whispered feeling tears pool in her eyes. Jay practically launched himself at her, laugh erupting from him, kissing her fiercely. At that point the rest saw the pregnancy test grasped in his hand and the room gushed with congratulations.
When the room had (somewhat) calmed down, although Jay was not letting go of Theresa. She announced that she was 2 months along and that keeping this from everyone for the last 2 weeks was the hardest thing she ever had to do.
"I suppose", Neil started, "that the new baby might make a better background for your watch, than me. But only by a narrow margin".
Theresa looked around and couldn't believe how after everything that had happened, they got THIS lucky.
7 Months Later
Theresa was pretty sure she was being ripped in half. The nurse kept claiming she was "almost there!" and Theresa was starting to think she was being lied to. She could feel sweat trickling down her face and turned her head to face Jay. His eyes were wide with concern, and she felt like she had been gripping his hand for hours. "You're so close", he whispered "she's going to be so worth it, promise, just a couple more pushes". Theresa scrunched up her face as she gave one more push, ending it with a yell.
"She's here!" The nurse exclaimed holding up a screeching, wet, red baby. She laid her gently on Theresa's chest.
"Oh my god", Theresa could hear Jay's voice break as she held her newborn daughter, Jay softly rubbing the back of her head with his thumb. The newborn paused in her screaming to stare up at them, big brown eyes just like Jay's.
"Hi baby girl", Theresa could feel the knot at the back of her throat, "you were definitely worth it." Jay chuckled kissing the side of Theresa's head.
The nurse got her, Elise Marie Carthaway, all washed and swaddled up. Once she was clean and cozy the two of them noticed her fine red hair. Jay claimed she looked exactly like Theresa, whereas Theresa could only see those brown eyes and what looked like the beginning of a familiar little frown.
Jay took over holding little Elise so Theresa could have some rest. She looked over watching her husband coo to their baby girl about how much he loved her and how he was in big trouble with two women having him wrapped around their finger.
Oh yes, the path to get here had been rough but she felt so blessed to be this lucky.
A cheese-ball fic? 100%. Fucks given- 0
Shoot me any ideas you have! I'd love to be updating this series twice a month