Author: Fini.


"Mama, daddy, hurry up! I'm gonna be late!" Yukine was fairly certain they were going to get in some kind of trouble if they didn't make it into the school's opening ceremony right that second. He could already see the gate, but both Yato and Hiyori were way behind.

"Yukine, just a second! Akemi-chan's harness is all twisted. Yato, can you-?" Hiyori stepped away, huffing in slight defeat. "Sometimes I feel like these harnesses were made to be the parents' worst enemy."

"What? That sounds crazy, Hiyori. But yeah, I got it. Here, take her a minute." Handing Hanami off to Hiyori, Yato stepped in to untangle the safety harness and pull Akemi out. "Got her. Okay Yukine, you can go ahead." Stepping away, Yato shut the car door and moved to follow Hiyori.

"Yes!" Yukine ran ahead, disappearing inside the gate. Not two feet in, he knocked into another child and went sprawling onto his back. "Ee-gh…"

"Yukine, are you alright?"

"Yuki-chan?" The boy who he'd knocked into turned, reaching out a hand to pull him up. "You're comin' here, too!?"

"Daigo-chan!" Yukine squealed, throwing his arms around the other boy as soon as he was on his feet. "What happened to all your haaaiiir? Did you get it cut?" He reached up to run his fingers through his friend's hair, eliciting a giggle from him.

"Yep! Mama cut it!" Daigo nodded, looking up as Yato and Hiyori met up with them.

"Jeez, that explains why it's so short. You should let your daddy handle the scissors from now on, kid. Your mama could have-,"

"Yato." Hiyori smacked Yato on the back of the head. "Don't worry, Daigo-kun. It looks really nice." She assured him, shooting Yato an extra glare just for good measure. "Where are your parents, anyway?" Hanami had reached up to grab onto her hair, and she winced silently as she tried to pull the little girl's fingers away.

"Hanami, please let go of mama's hair-,"

"They're inside!" Daigo piped up enthusiastically, completely disregarding Yato's comment about his hair. "I was gonna go back to meet them, but then Yuki-chan bumped into me!"

"I did tell him not to run when we got here, but I guess that got disregarded the moment I told him to 'go ahead'." Yato rolled his eyes. "Anyway, let's go meet up with your parents, okay? Come on, you two."



Today, Yukine started Elementary school. He was really excited to go! He even got up an hour before me and Yato did. I'm happy to report that he got along with the other children, and he adores his teacher. He wore himself out so much that he went to bed a whole hour early today. He was a little nervous yesterday, but thankfully after today, I don't think that will be a problem.

We will face many challenges in the years to come. He has been a very agreeable little boy, but as he gets older and more independent, I'm sure he'll be finding ways to push our buttons, as all children will. I can't say I mind; in fact, I look forward to the challenges. I am sincerely grateful that he is our son, no matter the circumstances of how he came to us. You did the right thing. Coming from where we started, I can say with confidence that Yukine is the one who brought this family together. And really, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Also! I thought you might enjoy the picture I included of Yukine's first day. The other boy with him is his friend, Daigo-kun.

Friendly Regards,
The Iki Family