"Why lie?" Mark's words rang inside Emma's ears. They stood in the middle of her room, Mark towering over Emma's body. His eyes, blue and gold, human and fae, looking down at her with amusement and adornment. If Emma was her twelve year old self she would have died if Mark looked at her the way he was now. With complete trust at what she offered him.
Mark stared at her eyes as if he was trying to find out her deepest darkest secret. Emma wanted to look away but she couldn't, Mark's eyes were holding her down. After what felt like hours Mark finally looked away. He stepped back from Emma, he took her hand and kissed it.
"I have no idea what you are planning to do Emma Carstairs, but if it is for Jules I will help. Like I said before, you are a beautiful girl. Anyone would be lucky to be your boyfriend real or not"
Emma felt a weight off her shoulders. She was happy that Mark agreed, if he had said no she wouldn't know how else to keep Julian away and protected. She was so happy she jumped up and hugged him. If Mark was plainly human and not a Shadowhunter, Emma's forced would have knocked him off balance, but he wasn't human. He took on Emma's weight and hugged her back. They were still hugging when the door suddenly opened. Dru eyes went wide as if she interrupted a private moment.
"Oh sorry I was just-" Dru stuttered, "I'll come back later," she was about to close the door when Mark spoke,
"Silla it's okay. What's wrong?" Emma and Dru were shocked. Mark was the only person who has ever called Dru 'silla' and ever since he came home he has only ever called her Dru.
Dru contained her smile at the nickname and said. "The inquisitor, Magnus, Clary and Jace are leaving. They would like to talk to Mark before they leave. Emma they want all of us there.
Mark nodded, he looked at Emma "we'll talk about this later." Emma nodded
"I'll follow you in a minute I just have to do something first." Emma told Dru who nodded and left Emma's room.
Mark followed Dru out of Emma's room and headed for the sanctuary where Magnus was opening up a portal. Dru looked up at Mark, he was looking more and more like he did before. He was wearing a white shirt and some jeans. He was barefoot but she didn't find it strange.
"Mark? Are you and Emma together?" Mark looked down at his sister, Mark didn't exactly lie, because lying has always been difficult for him. Add those years in the wild hunt and the subject of lying has seise to exist to him.
"No we are not."
"Oh," Dru sounded sad, Mark was surprised.
"Why'd you ask?"
"Well it's just Emma seems so sad these past few weeks and we thought that if she started seeing someone she would be happy again," Mark interrupted Dru,
"Yeah, Livvy and I, Ty as well but he likes to stay in the background. We don't know about Jules because he's been busy, but we know he would like it too, if Emma had someone to make her happy. Because if Emma is sad then so is Jules." Dru was very smart for a 14 year old she saw things a different way and like all of his siblings cared a great deal of Emma. Mark understood why,
"Emma is a wonderful girl. And I do like her, and she has helped me with coming home."
Dru smiled again. "Well if you and Emma do start to date we will all support it"
Mark smiled at her as the arrived at the sanctuary. Everyone, minus Emma who was probably still in her room since he did not hear footsteps following, was there.
Jules and the twins were sat down on the coach, with Tavvy on his lap as they talked to Magnus. Robert was talking to Arthur while Clary and Jace stood by the portal waiting for it to be fully activated. There was something about couples you just noticed, the gravitate towards each other, even if they do not try.
"Ah Mark you're here" Robert said. Dru went over to their siblings and picked Tavvy up off Jules who looked like he needed to stretch after being confined in that small couch.
Mark stood straight up as Robert Lightwood walked towards him. He didn't really remember much from before his time in the hunt, but he did remember that Robert Lightwood was someone who had always intimidated him. Not because of who he was, but because Robert was even more guarded than Mark was.
"I have contacted the clave and told them what you and your family has done. They have allowed you to stay with your family for the time being. I am not sure what happens next but we will contact you when we know what to do. Since you were not here when the cold peace was made you are technically not involve in anything that it would suggest." Robert looked at his siblings then back to Mark.
"The clave has agreed in allowing Helen Blackthorn to come home" Mark faced lit up and so did his siblings.
"Really they are allowing Helen to come home? For good?" Jules asked.
"No. Not for good. For the past 5 years Helen has done wonderful research for the wards and their magic. She was never trapped there"
"Yeah she was just not allowed to come home" Jules said with a tone, Mark glared at him and Jules bit back.
"For how long will Helen be allowed home?" Mark asked.
"Just a week. She and Aline will be brought here by Caterina who is in Wragnel Island right now telling Helen the news."
"A week that's it?" Jules said
"They initially only agreed a day. But myself and Jia manage to bring it up to a week. I'm sorry buts that's all we can ask of the clave for now."
Mark nodded and thanked Robert. Emma came into the room after Robert step through the portal.
"Emma guess what?" Tavvy said as he ran up to her. Emma picked him up and asked
"Helen is coming home!" Tavvy said excitedly, Emma was shocked. She looked at Jules who avoided her eyes but nodded confirming what Tavvy said.
"That's great!" Emma smiled looking as if she was about to cry,
"It's not permanent though" Jules said.
"She's only allowed to be here for a week." Then he walked out of the room, probably heading to his studio. Emma placed Tav back on the ground, Mark walked up to Emma, knowing his siblings eyes were on them. Mark's back was facing his siblings as he leaned down towards Emma,
"Do you still want to do this? Helen is going to see through this." Helen always knew when Mark was trying to bend the truth. His beautiful sister. Who looked after him from the moment he was born.
Emma nodded. "We will just make it believing. Emma took his hands and squeeze it, Mark squeezed back.
"I'm going to find Jules and see if he is okay." said Emma then left the sanctuary