The applause faded into laughter and chatter as the obligatory break began for the assembled couples to regain their breath or greet new partners. Some lovers also retired to the seating alcoves for privacy.

In light of the unpleasant situation she found herself in, Rey too was glad for the respite; as it allowed her a brief moment to contemplate what action to take next.

She concluded that she would not speak of it to anyone save her grandfather and perhaps Master Skywalker, it was too risky to confide in others.

She scowled at the back of Hux as he merrily joked with Jessika and his First Order followers. How dare that man threaten her… in the middle of the dance floor of all places! Did he think she would shrivel in fright and tell him all she knew? Well… little did he know that he was dealing with a Jedi-in-waiting… the soon to be Lady Rey.

"What a pity these facts must remain secret, even after I am knighted," she thought to herself.

How she would love to attend a ball in a ceremonial brown Jedi robe. It would be a beautiful, yet powerful sight.

If Miss Kenobi had a lightsabre clipped to her side and a raised hood to give her an enigmatic air of mystery; would the General be so confident to confront her then?

Alas, she was a woman and it seemed that society still frowned upon the fairer sex taking up arms – in public at least. As a young lady, Rey knew the First Order would assume that she was the weak link in the Kenobi family. Although she could foresee the advantages, it was still infuriating.

It did not help that the Jedi and even the Church of the Light itself wasn't in favour these days. Not since Prime Minister Snoke and his First Order political party were voted into power in a landslide election victory some seven years prior. She'd been only thirteen, yet she still remembered her grandfather holding her close to him after reading the newspaper that day.

"This is how liberty dies," he'd told her sadly.

The First Order had gradually consolidated power and taken control of most aspects of daily life... law, trade, fashion. Yet Snoke wasn't satisfied with this, he would only be content when the whole country was under his yoke. The tyrant was determined to sweep away the last remnants of the Old Republic. Counties such as Jakkushire, which still retained their Republic members of parliament were watched closely for any hint of rebellion and any calls for independence were swiftly seized upon and crushed.

Within the Coruscant court some few Jedi were still in evidence, but they were mostly aged men like her grandfather. After the change of power, many had gone into hiding or mysteriously disappeared. Rey feared that the light of the Jedi might soon be extinguished, it was possible that she and precious few others of her generation might be the last of the old religion. These days the Knights of Ren seemed to be taking over the roles which used to be the responsibility of Jedi. This included offices such as national security and moral guidance… the latter was now a harsh conservative doctrine which was at odds with her liberal sentiments.

These thoughts reminded Rey that she'd actually been introduced to a Knight of Ren today, but thankfully she saw him depart from the room after the dance had finished and she hoped she was now free from his disapproving stare.

As Miss Kenobi was left to ponder the machinations of General Hux, she was disturbed from her reverie by the unexpected sound of an impromptu fiddler in the gallery above, as he started to play a song she knew well; yet had not heard played publicly for a half-score number of years.

The young man, who was most definitely not one of the hired musicians; sported an outlandish affectation of a beard and was wearing the uniform of a Browncoat ensign. He began to heartily sing his lungs out, albeit rather ill, for it took a rare talent to play one's fiddle and be your own vocal accompanist. However, the words that spilled from his lips were causing gasps and fainting spells throughout the congregation - for the song he sang was none other than the Old Republic national anthem and would certainly be considered improper, if not potentially treasonous within any of the First Order counties! Granted Jakkushire was not yet their territory… but it still seemed foolhardy!

All conversation soon died away and the entire company directed their attention to the shockingly patriotic display! There was much murmuring and shuffling of feet. Many in the Niima host party looked flustered at the deliberate insult to their guests of honour and were discreetly leaving the room lest they be implicated. But there were others including Rey who thought it was downright marvellous. She was enormously satisfied to see General Hux looking fit to rupture an artery as he tightly gripped on the lapel of his coat with indignation at having to listen to a song he found so loathsome. His men were likewise grim-faced, their drinks and flirtatious ladies suddenly forgotten.

"So this is what you meant by a show," whispered Rey to Finn. "I had never thought to hear 'Land of Force and Glory' ring out at the Royal Niima ball."

"You'll find I am full of surprizes," muttered Finn.

This candid remark sparked sudden awareness and she took care to cover her mouth as she hissed almost inaudibly "You're with the Jakkushire rebels?!"

Her friend gave a barely imperceptible nod and bent close to her ear to whisper. "You have the right of it Rey, I am part of the resistance."

Rey inhaled sharply, but kept her composure. "Your man up there has courage, but what good is that if he gets himself interrogated?"

The ensign in question finished his controversial ballad and gave a flourishing bow at which point a banner dropped down from the rafters, it depicted the emblem of the starbird, a symbol of the Light and the badge of the Old Republic. Rey thought she heard applause from some local knaves grouped at the back of the assembly rooms, but they were very soon hushed into silence. Yet it was too late - she could feel the tension in the Force and the barely constrained sabre-rattling from the First Order Greycoats.

Lady Tano hurriedly took centre-stage to try and diffuse the situation.

"My dear ladies and gentleman it seems some of the young men have had too much port this evening and played a rather crude joke on us all, but we surely can forgive the impetuousness of youth? she cleverly laughed at her own question in an effort to diffuse the tension and wagged her finger playfully. "Rest-assured their fathers and commanding officers will give them a sound admonishment for their efforts… Come now, let us eat drink and dance my friends!" She then snapped her fingers at the gallery.

The official musicians obediently take their cue from the hostess and start playing very loudly to drown out the scuffling sounds and raised voices whilst the wayward ensign is dragged away out of sight by stern-looking older men.

The assembled persons below continue to murmur and exchange bewildered glances with their peers, but miraculously Lady Tano seemed to have salvaged the situation. Servants are suddenly everywhere offering all manner of delights to distract the guests from the ruckus and soon the merriment picks up once more.

There was nothing to be done about the banner. It would require tall ladders and cutting tools to remove and this would only interrupt the party further.

Finn unabashedly stares up at the offending tapestry. "The starbird symbolises hope – it flies above us only for today… but that is enough for now; I am pleased with our efforts," he says quietly before turning back to Rey. He kisses the back of her hand apologetically. "Alas Rey, I must beg your pardon and excuse myself from the promise I made to partner you for the rest of the evening. I fear for my friend back there. I would like to check he does not get arrested or come to any harm."

"Yes… go dear friend and pray do be careful… Will I see you again before I leave for Coruscant tomorrow? You know we are to be gone for at least a month."

"Indeed Rey, I have already been invited by your grandfather to breakfast with you in the morning… but will you have the power to stir yourself from your bedchamber I wonder?"

"I do not doubt I will have the most terrible headache, but I shall not miss saying goodbye." She frowns and whispers near his ear so only he may hear her. "You must also enlighten me on your newfound status within the resistance. It appears the insurgency against the First Order is connected to my friends as well as my family. How you have all contrived to hide it from me is a feat in itself."

"So, Sir Obi-Wan has finally revealed his role to you has he? I am relieved we can now freely speak of it together. I hope I have your blessing in this Rey."

"It is true I detest the tyranny of the First Order counties, but I wish the resistance movement did not put those I care for in jeopardy."

"Don't worry yourself Rey, your grandfather used to be a Jedi knight! We'll use the Force and send these Greycoat dogs back to their Coruscant mansions."

Rey laughed "That's not how the Force works… until tomorrow then, I bid you good evening," she said with a curtsey. He smiled and bowed in return, before leaving her to join a group of Browncoats who were also briskly departing the room to assist their comrade one would assume.

With no partner, there was scarcely reason to remain in the middle of the dance floor and impede the courting couples. Rey instead decided to return to her aunt, for she was curious as to the reaction of Mrs Kanata. Predictably though, the lady and her circle of friends were incensed at the lack of dignity shown by the Browncoat, whom they had quickly identified as Ensign Dak.

"It is an embarrassment to Niima society and our good hostess Lady Ashoka Tano. I do hope Hux does not tar all of us with the same brush as that oaf," exclaimed Mrs Pava. "The General is quite taken with my Jessika you know and I don't want this debacle to damage her chances."

"The best Jakkushire families are loyal to Prime Minister Snoke, but this sort of behaviour only serves to give the impression that we are in league with the rebels," agreed Mrs Kanata.

"Oh Aunt, either you are either stupidly oblivious or you are an extraordinary actress," thought Rey as she joined them.

Mrs Kanata smiled with satisfaction as she saw that Rey had disentangled herself from Lieutenant Finn.

"Ah Rey my dear, good news Miss Pava is to join us on our journey to Coruscant tomorrow and will be staying with us at Takodana Square, so you will have a companion for the season. I have told Mrs Pava here that it is no trouble at all to us."

Rey was indeed pleased that Jessika would be staying with them at Mr and Mrs Kanata's home in Coruscant, for she knew very few people in the bustling capital. Although it seemed strange her friend would not be staying close by to her red-headed beau - Then Mrs Pava supplied an answer to her unspoken query.

"I appreciate you putting up my daughter Mrs Kanata, for Hux will be back at Coruscant within the fortnight and he has invited her to dine at his residence and escort her to some very important First Order galas. It shames me to admit it but my poor health does not allow me to travel during this time of year, so your hospitality is very generous."

"No dammit! Jessika won't be parted from him after all," thought Rey with disappointment.

"It is a such a shame that he did not invite your niece as well," Mrs Pava continued.

"Such a stroke of luck you mean," thought Rey with a grimace. "I don't want to eat my dinner with a man who threatens my family, thank-you very much!"

"Well Rey will be very busy with her presentation at court," announced Aunt Maz at a volume intended for each of her friends to hear it clearly. The former beauty flapped her fan with zeal. "She will have little time for galas so perhaps it is for the best."

The other women nodded politely but did not seem to be overly impressed.

Mrs Kanata now clasped Rey by the arm and took her to one side so as not be in audible to her friends who were moving on to other topics of conversation.

"Do you see how Mrs Pava gloats?! Why must you show me up by dancing with not just lowly soldiers... but rebel soldiers at that?! Thank goodness Mr Finn had sense to immediately leave the ball after that idiotic display. Are you aware that the silly ensign was one of his men and that there is already gossip circulating that you have some part in this?

"Madam I was not privy to any information on their plan,"

"Oh of course I know that, you know that but they don't know that!" gesticulating wildly at the room as a whole. "I can think of only one way to recover the situation - you must quickly find an eligible man from the First Order. You will then dance with him and charm him for the rest of the evening. This will allow everyone to see where our family loyalties lie and could even lead to something more if you play your cards right."

"Aunt, this is madness! We would do better not to be so brazen for it draws the very attention we wish to divert."

"Nonsense young lady, I know what I am about! Now let's see what can be salvaged… Has any man of their lot asked to partner with you tonight? He might still be willing to stand up with you, if you flash him your pretty smile."

"I have not been so fortunate," answered Rey falsely.

"That is very bothersome," stated Mrs Kanata with a sigh. "But, perhaps Lady Tano might oblige us and introduce you to some of the unattached guests. She has repeatedly mentioned that the gentleman outnumber the ladies this evening, so I foresee no difficulty in finding an obliging officer or two; let us find her forthwith…"

"No Madam, I must protest, please at present I wish only to take some air. If you will excuse me I will visit the gardens for a while. It is becoming rather oppressive in here."

Her aunt's shoulders seemed to slump with resignation. "Very well Miss Rey, I see it will be up to me alone to fend off scandal on your behalf. I must say you have no compassion for my poor nerves!" With that Mrs Kanata roughly shoved Rey's reticule purse back into the hands of its owner and stormed away.

"Thank-you Aunt Maz," she called after her, "Shall I meet up with you as we depart for the carriage?" No reply was sent back her way, so Rey simply shrugged and hung her purse back on her wrist, satisfied by the weight that all its contents remained undisturbed.

It truly was a hot Summer evening in Niima and consumption of sweet desserts and alcohol followed by an energetic dance had caused Rey to feel uncomfortable in her beautiful, yet rather restrictive gown. The ornate doors which led to the central courtyard and gardens of the assembly rooms had already been braced open by servants in an attempt to cool off the perspiring guests. Draping gauze curtains flapped around the arch of the doorway, indicating a breeze was indeed blowing from the outside.

This was a ball that would certainly be talked about for many years to come, but a break from all the excitement would be welcome. Rey walked casually outside and as the colder air hit her face she inhaled it in gratefully.

The courtyard was small and empty of people, if one didn't count the servant or two flitting between the buildings. The Niima Force Tree stood in the centre, its unusual long white branches stretched upward and wrapped around parts of the surrounding masonry. It possessed little in the way of foliage and its height was not exceptional, but the tree was several centuries old and extremely rare - An old symbol of a bygone age.

As Rey looked at the fluttering leaves she could sense as much as she could see the soft blue glow they emitted as the moonlight caught their reflective surfaces. The gentle illumination was invisible to most observers. Only those who were Force-sensitive could truly appreciate the tree in this way. It was like a song only she could hear, encompassing musical notes which had a wonderful way of cleansing the mind of discord and troubles.

The pretty silver earrings she wore sparkled and tinkled as the breeze whirled around her figure and whipped up the skirts of her gown. She closed her eyes and simply stood there for several minutes, letting the peace wash over her body as she imagined a future where she would not be pressured to find a husband.

"No man may claim my hand in marriage... unless he can defeat me in a duel of lightsabres," she silently swore before the tree.

Without warning, a large hand suddenly wove its way around her waist and she flinched violently as she felt the heat of another person close to her side.

"Miss Kenobi, you really shouldn't be out here unescorted, aren't you aware villains may lurk in the shadows?"

Rey let out a gasp as she recognised the tall, deep-voiced man who had startled her; for it was none other than Mr Kylo Ren and his beautiful full lips were smiling at her in a most alarming and lustful manner.