I shook my head and I sat back down to finish my worksheet. All I can think about is Roxas, how sweet he is and he's just like me. I wonder if he's gonna be my hero.
I try to concentrate, but I can't with all this racket! I pull my Ipod out of my pocket and I pop in my earbuds and I blast my music. That's better. It blocked out all the noice and I let the lyrics take me away, like I'm in a different place, just me, nobody else.
I hummed and I finished my worksheet. As I take my earbuds out, the room is quiet. I take a look around the room; the loud kids are not in the room. She sent them to the office?! I smiled, teaches them.
"Namine, are you finished with your worksheet?" The sub asked.
I rose from my seat with it in my hand. I walked over to the desk and I handed it to her and I walked back to my seat, I glared at the clock class is almost over. I put away my things in my bag and I go to line up. Maybe I can talk to Roxas at break. If I can find him.
The bell rang and the students left the room, the hall way was packed with students. I searched their faces to see if Roxas was one of them.
Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, I jumped. I heard a giggle. "It's just me." He walked next to me.
"I jump easily."
"So when's your birthday?"
"Why do you ask?"
"No reason, I'm just curious," he replied.
"August 16."
"Mine's the 17!" He smiled. "That's cool that we're a day apart!"
"Yeah, not too many people have birthday's after each other."
Roxas noticed a poster hung on the wall. He walked over to it and I took a look at it.
"Hey! The dance is tonight!"
"What about it?" I read the poster, the letters were written in different colors.
He turned to me with a smile. "You're going with me!"
"You're asking me to the dance?" A big grin grew on my lips. Nobody never asks me.
"Yes I am!"
"I accept your invitation!"
The bell rang.
"Great! See you tonight!"
We headed in the same direction. "Are you following me?"
"No, my class is this way."
When I turned in my class he's behind me. We have art class together? That's cool! I took a seat near the back and Roxas sat next to me.
In front of us was sketch pads and special pencils for drawing and shading.
The teacher stood behind the white bored and he began to explain the sketch pads and pencils. "As you can see you have a sketch pad and some pencils. They're yours to keep. You are to find something to draw or what comes to mind. You are to bring those with you wherever you go. I expect you to draw everyday, please date your drawings. I'll grade them. Any questions?"
A girl with jet black hair raised her hand as she got called on she placed her hand on the table. "Are we going to draw in class?"
"Yes we are! You get 20 minutes. If you don't finish, don't worry you can work on it at home or in class. So open them up and draw!" He flipped his pink bangs out of his face and he sat at his desk.
Roxas and I open our sketchs pads and pencils. I like to draw something deep. I start out with stick figures and I start to draw them into people.
I caught Roxas' eye on my drawing. I glared at his for a second all I could see was a cats face. I added in detail in the faces. I drew a boy, his arms are wrapped around the girl; her head his resting on his shoulder crying. Then I drew there bodies.
"Time!" Marluxia called out. We put our pencils down. He walked over to see our drawings. Mine isn't finished.
"Very good!" He say to the students.
Somehow I felt nervous, I'm not sure why. "Roxas, what a cute kitten!"
It's my turn! I'm freaking out! But why?
"Thanks! I like to draw my cats."
His eyes glared at mine. "I can see what's going on in this picture, even though it's not finished. I like it." He walked away from our table.
I took a look at Roxas' drawing. His drawing was finished, it was so realistic it was amazing! "Wow Roxas!"
He smiled. "Thanks, yours is awesome too!"
But how could he draw with so much detail and be done in 20 minutes? I can't draw that fast, I do put a lot of detail in my drawings.
"You guys did an excellent job on your drawings! I see some of you didn't finish your animal drawings. You can work on those."
Marluxia had us draw our pets we have at home, I don't have any pets, I drew a dog I use to have. When Diz took me in, he said that the dog had to go, I was heart broken.
We grabbed our drawings and we sat back down. Roxas took a look at it. "You have a Bangle?"
"I use too. I had to give her away when I got adopted." I looked at his drawing. He drew a dog as well, a lab. "What's it's name?"
"Midnight, I had him when he was a puppy. He's my best friend. I'm sorry to hear about your dog. What's her name?"
"Bella, she was a sweet dog. I miss her. So did you switch classes to be I this time slot?"
"Yeah I did. His fourth block class is packed, I wanted to switch to second block."
"I'm glad you did."
"Me too." Roxas shaded in his dog.
"How many pets do you have?"
"I have a dog, and seven kittens."
"That's a lot!" I added in more details in my dog.
"Yeah, I love animals."
"You take care of them?"
"Yup, all of them. It's a lot of work."
"Can I meet them sometime?"
"Alright class, time to pack up! The deadline of these drawings are on Thursday, you can take them home with you if you want. See you Tuesday and have a great weekend!"
The whole class packed up and waited for the bell to ring.
"Maybe you could come over tomorrow and we could draw together," Roxas said.
"Yeah I'd like that!" I smiled.
The bell rang the classroom cleared out.