Don't you just hate it when you do all sorts of work, and then for some reason the tab suddenly decides to refresh itself and then you find that during all that time working not once did you save in-between to ensure not much has been lost?
No? Just me. Huh.
… .
*Sulks in a corner*
First and foremost; *Bows* I deeply apologise for not posting a true chapter! I am so sorry for taking so long to update the story everyone! I'm trying to take my life outside of fanfiction very seriously so I'm not working on this as much as I like. Then I encounter a damn slump and had no idea how to go through with Chapter 5. *Groans*
Once again, I deeply apologise for taking so long. So I decided to host a Spacebattles version of this story, where posts are made by scenes instead of chapters. Hence, I believe that I'll have an easier time spewing out bits and pieces of the story to the public instead of making everyone wait for who knows how long just because one damn scene still isn't complete yet.
So if you're really impatient and want to read bits and pieces of Chapter 5, go visit the Spacebattles thread. I haven't reached Chapter 5 yet, seeing as I'm posting the scenes of previous chapters to ensure those who are introduced to this story through the thread can properly read it, but I'll get there soon enough.
So, before I go, I have this to say; I got a PM telling me that the correct spelling for "Gamma" is "Ganma". *Laughs before deadpans* Yeah. No. Pretty sure that somewhere down the line it's been confirmed that the spelling is actually "Gamma" and the pronunciation is "Ganma". I don't know why it's like that but hey, that's the official spelling apparently. Maybe I'm wrong, and if I am I'll be sure to go change the spelling but I wouldn't be surprised if this is not the case. (Ex: "Tomare" vs "Tomarle", "Kiken" vs "Kikern")
Now, I'll reply to reviews that have gone unanswered long enough:
StrangerDenB4: It's muscle memory, okay?! I just naturally type "It's" even when I mean "Its"! T_T
Raidentensho: If they do, Lucas will have to use their Eyecons a lot first before the skills will bleed into him. :)
Omarnosian10: … . Thanks for the idea! I don't know how I'll execute it in this story (or if I'll ever get to around it), but considering the teaser for Ghost 29… . Heh heh heh… .
salman332: Maybe the members of the council are reasonable authority figures. Maybe they aren't. It's not like they've had enough screen time to make their alignment canon now is it? I've read various manga, watched various anime and cartoons… . Some people let the power corrupt them. Some don't.
The statement you copied and pasted was practically from my own point of view. And at that time, I don't know whether or not the council are reasonable authority figures or not. I have a general idea on who I can trust… main character-wise. Secondary/Background characters like the council members? Nope. Nada. Zip. All I can draw on there is from what I know on similar characters originating from other series.
If I watched the show, I would know that… ? Heh. Oh I watched the show. And I watched enough shows and read enough stories to know that at first glance, people aren't what they seem when they're introduced to the series. Oh look? A princess-like character who apparently can do no wrong? Oh wait, she's a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing. Shocker. –_–
If you were me, you wouldn't mind being a ghost because there aren't much drawbacks huh? Well good for you. You rather see the positive stuff and put the negative at the back of your head. But that's you. I am me. I'm the type of guy who focuses more on the negative aspects of things without losing much sight on the positive aspects.
Ozpin is ooc huh? Well, I written him with the mindset that he's still another person too. He's not unflappable as he's portrayed as in RWBY. He's still human. You say he's being ooc. I say that I'm trying to make him human. I mean… seriously! Flying eyeballs! What person would not go "WTF?!" at that?! Maybe Ozpin wouldn't shriek (could've used a better word there, I'll admit that), but the point is; Ozpin would have some sort of shocked or surprised expression.
Still, kudos for you for speaking up your mind. That's something everyone can respect.
Blake's Faunus heritage is an open secret to her close friends huh? Well, problem is Team RWBY aren't all that close currently. You know, seeing that this is taking place within Volume 1. Before the events of The Stray/Black and White. Seriously, shouldn't Blake's reaction be a freaking indicator of when this story is taking place in the RWBY Timeline?
Chapter 4's author notes reveals that I myself have not liked how tsundere-like I'm writing Weiss as. I'm writing the story with a flow, and unfortunately that flow is apparently making Weiss into a tsundere, which is bringing on some hate onto me. I apologise, and hope that my writing of the character's personality will improve in later chapters.
Well excuse me for being the type of person who has the tendency on going on a rant. Look, I'm probably ranting right now. Excuse me princess for being the kind of guy who can stray off topic when he's thinking to himself.
jmasta32: Thank you very much. No, seriously. Thank you for the positive review. I needed it, considering the next two reviews that came after… ugh.
Ant Woman: *Sweatdrops* What?
"Japan is the best". Seriously? You honestly think that I'm stupid like that? Japan is just another country. It may make awesome stuff but that doesn't mean it's the best. Just because I like Japanese stuff doesn't mean I think Japan is the best and all countries should be like Japan.
Nevermind when they have seen stranger? Please, give me an example that occurred in RWBY that could top a belt that could summon a living jacket which fuses with it's wearer after the belt summons armour on the wearer. Not only that, an example that could top off back-up souls of living people that usually rests in the form of mechanical toy eyeballs, and convert themselves into human forms to fight in. Seriously, I would honestly appreciate it if you can give such an examples.
I never even heard of Admiral-Tigerclaw until this review. Was I the first one who created this idea? Hell no, most likely not. Other people probably came up with it far earlier than I ever did. But did this come from myself and not from reading another fanfiction? Yes, it did. And, explain to me how in the world can someone who is already dead can die again?
Oh how cute, you're already judging how I'm writing the RWBY characters when we're only four chapters in. That's nice. I think it's kinda how most people originally considered Weiss a bitch when Volume 1 came out.
The only ones who are speaking Japanese is the SI, Lucas (even then, Lucas only knows certain phrases in Japanese and speaks English at all other times), and the Riders. Everyone else is speaking English. I'm complaining that the dialogue feels like it came from a stereotypical Japanese anime.
You're obviously not looking hard enough. There's a Kamen Rider Baron (yes, Kumon Kaito himself instead of an SI or OC) crossover with RWBY. It's called Paint the World in Your Colours. Maybe you'll find something to complain about over there. In which case, I ask you to help enlighten us lowly mortals and create the perfect Kamen Rider crossover.
OH MY1 The EDGE1: … . *Yawn*
… Yup. That is seriously my reply to you. A big yawn to show what you say really doesn't affect me. At all.
"This first chapter alone already reek of your generic Kamen Rider SI who has so much money that he could buy all the Kamen Rider toy"? Hm, well, that's probably because I actually DO have the cash to buy Kamen Rider toys. Let's see, already went to Japan, bought some DX Drive Toys there… came back to Malaysia and bought some more DX Toys… so yeah. Excuse me for being afford stuff. All of my Kamen Rider SIs? The ones who start off with their equipment originally being toys? I try to be realistic in my choices instead of saying that the SI afford all of the necessary equipment like certain OOO-SI stories I know of… .
Like… let's say I'm doing a SI KR Necrom fic. I'm going to say the SI will have the DX Mega Ulorder, DX Toucon Boost and DX Deep Specter because quite frankly, those are the toys I'm would buy if they are being sold at the KR shop I know of.
Was it my intention to make the SI a special little snowflake that everyone suddenly seems to love? Nope. Not at all. As I've said time and time again, I've been writing with a flow in mind. If this flow suddenly states that it'll feel more natural that the SI is suddenly killed off for real, no revival bullshit in plan, then I would do that. Even heroes have to die at some point. And guess what? The story moves on even when they die. The universe doesn't really care who lives and who dies.
"Very old as fuck" huh? What, is he confirmed to be above 70 or something? Maybe then I would revise how I've been characterising him. But, considering he seems to be around Glynda's and Ironwood's age… I would have to say that he's probably just middle-aged. Just because you're young doesn't mean you can't be wise. You don't have to be "very old as fuck" to have Ozpin-levels of wisdom. And haven't you heard? The more things change, the more they stay the same. Ozpin used to be young too, once. I'm kinda likening Ozpin to Naruto. We've seen Naruto when he was young and in his teens, and now as an adult. They may have matured and become wise, but I believe that certain aspects of their personality from when they were children still remain with them even as adults.
For God's sake, just because Ozpin is one of those Wise Mentors types doesn't mean he isn't human anymore and doesn't have human reactions.
Let's get this fact straight; I. Am. Not. StrangerDenB4. I'm Symbolic Joker. You want typical harem protagonist being the butt monkey of his girls? Then this story is not for you. I write my own way, how I like it. Otherwise why would I write at all? Maybe I'll have certain scenes like that later in the story, but let's take a look at the timeline right now? Hm, so far we have four chapters. First chapter is the death scene itself. Second chapter takes place within the same day, about a few hours later. Third and fourth chapters takes place during the very next day. Do you seriously think that's enough time for butt monkey shenanigans to start taking place?
Waifu shit was put in there because I decided "Well, not like anybody else has done it. Might as well put it there because really who would take that seriously?" Evidently I'm wrong considering that I've already got two people complaining about it. It was just a gag. Like, when you meet a new friend and s/he does something hilarious/embarrassing that made a lasting impression. Then later down the line, you two would share a laugh at that moment. So please tell me what was so disgusting about it when this was it's sole purpose? Cause I am genuinely curious.
Ah Weiss. Again, Chapter 4's notes has stated that I, myself, have not liked how much of a typical tsundere I've been making her. But let's think about this; she was in a meeting with the headmaster about the guy who snuck into her team's dorm room. Then the guy proves how he's already that by shooting himself in the head before running away. Then the items the guy came with started flying around, leaving, with two remaining behind to fully explain the situation. And then a fight occurs in the courtyard, dragging everyone's attention. Exactly at what point during those times could Weiss walk away without looking like a complete heartless bitch?
Ah. Now here's what seems to be a legitimate complaint. True, spoken words could be empty. Words words and more words only leads to room for lies. Truth can easily come in the form of a single word. Not only that, actions speaks louder than words. Ozpin merely likes the conviction that Lucas had when he said those words, and would like to see if Lucas manages to live up to those words. Basically, Ozpin merely decided to keep an eye on Lucas to see if he's worth anything in the little war he and Salem currently has. I apologise for making it sound like he already decided to bet on both Lucas and Ruby already, but in reality he's merely preparing his forces and waiting to see if Lucas and Ruby are going to be key players.
Alright, that's all the reviews that have been answered. salman332, Ant Woman and OH MY1 THE EDGE1, thank you for your reviews/constructive criticism. Hopefully the points you brought up can help me improve to become a better author. Honestly, thank you for posting generally negative reviews. Gotta keep my ego in reality, right? So, truly from the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking the time to review my story. And I hope that you all will continue reading even if you say in your reviews that you will not do so.
But! Let me make this clear people. Like Stranger, I'm doing this for myself. Except since I'm dedicating this to Stranger as well, I'm making sure he likes it too. Meaning that so long as Stranger himself likes it and I like it, I could care less if there are people who are unsatisfied with it, which will there always be since the world is a big place and you can never please everyone no matter how hard you try.
Again I shall say that I am not StrangerDenB4. I am Symbolic Joker. Stranger and I… let's face it people; the two of us are in two completely different leagues when it comes to our stories. Stranger will forever be infinitely better at storytelling, characterisation, etc than I'll ever be. I want people to like my stories because of how I do them, not because I'm dedicating some of them to other Authors and try to copy their writing styles.
Alright, I've said my piece. Later folks. Hope to see you all when I post Chapter 5, and maybe at Spacebattles too.