(Donald Mallard)

As soon as anyone worked with Leroy Jethro Gibbs, even for a day or shorter, they knew the guy hid things. Most didn't care - everyone hid things, especially special agents who had worked undercover. The longer people worked with him though the more they realised how large their boss or co-worker's secrets really were.

Donald Mallard worked with Jethro for longer then anyone else. He knew the most, even thought of Jethro as a friend, but after finding his friend curled into a ball on his sofa, clutching at a photo, on the last day on July, even he had to rethink what he knew about the man.


The man didn't look up and once he looked closer he realised Jethro was asleep, his fingers soft on the picture, allowing Donald to slip it from his grasp, pushing a pillow under the younger man's head as he did so. Jethro didn't even wake.

The picture was of two young boys with two babies in their laps. The older of the two boys was clearly Jethro, even though he was only seventeen in the picture - those blue eyes Donald would know anywhere. The younger was a couple of years younger, maybe fifteen or so, with short black hair and startling green eyes - just as startling as Jethro's own blue eyes. Jethro had an arm around the younger boy's shoulders and the love in his eyes were timeless, perfectly clear even in the picture. The younger boy looked back at Jethro in the same way, even as he held tight to the babies in his arms. Both babies had tuffs of either light blonde or red hair and both were asleep.


Donald had the grace to blush as he looked over to his friend. "Jethro, you're awake. I...I didn't mean to pry."

Jethro snorted, pushing himself into a sitting position. "It's ok Duck. Hits me hard sometimes..."

"Jethro...is...was he your partner?" Donald asked softly, lowering himself into one of the chairs opposite. Jethro smiled slightly.

"He's still alive, Duck" he answered. "And yeah, he's my partner. Been so since I was seventeen, he fifteen - just a month before that picture. Last time Dad and I went on a trip together. He's Scottish, you know Duck? You remind me of him sometimes."

Donald smiled slightly. "And the babies?"

"He's second cousins" Jethro's face darkened. "His family hated him...well, hated everything not normal. His cousin fathered them but didn't want anything to do with them, so we looked after them 'til I left. Ray got the court to agree with him being guardian since the rest of their family didn't want anything to do with them. They still live there, in Scotland...Ray sends letter when he can."

"Ray?" Donald propped. Jethro nodded with a smile, love shinning through his eyes.

"Hadrian" he answered Donald's unasked question. "Hadrian James Potter. Everyone called him Harry but he hated it. He was always Ray to me. I was Roy to him."

Donald smiled happily at his friend. "Jethro...if you don't mind me saying...you act as though he is at war."

"He is" Jethro sighed. "You've heard of the attacks in Scotland?"

"Of course" Donald nodded. "It was one of the reasons why I wanted Mother to move over here so much. Our old house was always close to the attacks."

Jethro nodded, staring at his hands. "Ducky...do you know why the attacks happened?"

"Magic" Donald answered at once. "My father and younger brother both were wizards. They were killed in an attack in 1956. Jethro...are you telling me that your partner is involved in this war back in Scotland?"

Jethro nodded. "He's the Boy-Who-Lived - figure head of the Light side after Dumbledore died." He spat out the whole sentence. Donald stared, and not just because of what his friend had said, or even how he had said it. Jethro looked up to find Donald still staring. He frowned, "What?"

"Mother keeps up with the news of Britain much more then I do. She...she told me that, about a year ago, Harry Potter married Ginny Weasley just before their first child was born" Donald looked down, not wanted to see his friend's face at the news of his partner - who he was clearly in love with even after so many years - cheating. His head snapped up when he heard Jethro laugh.

"Duck - Ducky - I've been married four time since Ray and I last saw each other" the younger man explained with a grin, shaking his head. "It's a part of war, especially one like ours. Half a lifetime apart, it's not like we can expect the other to be monks. We tell each other and our other partners everything. It's why I've been divorced three times."

Donald nodded, not really understanding but if it worked for Jethro... "Wait, Jethro, you said four marriages..."

"Yeah" Jethro sighed, rubbing a hand through his hair. Donald watched as the silver strands turned darker for a moment, then back to silver. "Shannon was my first wife. Married in 1982...we had three kids - Kelly, Katherine and Jacob. All three are in comas...from the car crash that killed Shannon."

"Oh Jethro" Donald reached over, resting his hands over Jethro's, giving the man back his picture as he did so. "I am so sorry..."

Jethro waved him away. "It's fine Duck. You weren't to know. I visit them every Sunday, just after going to Shan's grave and sending a letter off to Ray."

"Your whole family in one day" Donald smiled. Jethro nodded, looking down at the only picture he had of his partner. He ran a finger over fifteen year old Ray's face, smiling softly.

"Are you ok Jethro? Can you come into work?" Donald asked after a moment. "Your agents are quite worried Jethro."

Jethro snorted. "Only 'cause I'm their leader. I'll be in after lunch. Tom knows that...I need time on some days. Just go back to NCIS Duck, I'll be fine."

Donald nodded and stood, patting Jethro softly on the shoulder as he walked past. Jethro smiled up at him, watching as Donald walked away and out of the house. A moment later the car started up and Jethro found himself alone again.