A/N:Hello! How is all? ^^ it's been a while yeah? I don't know how to continue my stories DX haha.. Well enjoy this one shot!

[Chapter Status: 1.11. ]

Clarisse is a bit clueless because her father is Ares she has to be mean. No, she wants to be nice. Maybe a little of both? It's always a question to her. Now since it's her 23 birthday she thinks of it more. She sits alone at her table with her cake lit while she stares at her candle. Everyone to busy to come over and stay with her even her boyfriend Chris, was busy. Maybe she should have been nice to some of the girls she was forced to chat with.

Is that what they wanted? It's always a question to her. Never what they wanted was what she was. If she was nice they would shy away if she was mean they be scared or yell back more angry. Why was so hard to make people like you? She wonders.

"Happy birthday to me." She blows the single candle and watches it go out.

Don't be wrong she wanted to be nice to people but they piss her off. Just why. She found out making people to bow down to you was easier then bowing to them. But she could never make one boy do that.


That little shit.

She hated his guts but respected him in some way.

Now since it's her birthday she had no one to celebrate with. Which one she always wonders was right. To mean or to be nice. A girl she said hello to her before and saw mock her after she went around the corner then she ended up breaking her arm. She decided to not be nice anymore. She sighs and takes out a knife to cut her cake someone rings her doorbell and she looks up alarmed. She takes the knife behind her back and walks slowly towards the door she opens it, sees no one around and frowns she looks down and saw a present. She flips the tab.

'Happy birthday. Idiot.


Clarisse bites her lip that jerk has to give her a present. Out of anyone it could have been. She swallows her pride for a few seconds to take the present inside. What if it was a bomb? What if it was a gag? No. That idiot is too nice. She was used to Percy leaving unspoken gifts at her door. She knew it was him because he always puts blue ribbon on it. She left his gift at the counter and started to serve herself a piece of cake. Maybe this year won't be as bad.