I don't own Kamen Rider Eternal or Cross Ange. This is for fun not profit.

Kamen Rider Eternal: Rondo of Angel, Dragon, & Eternal

Kyoya Yagami was unconscious with a bag near him on the ground, he is a young man with midnight black hair, and he is wearing a white leather jacket with a red shirt, black pants, and black shoes. He blinks a few times and then opens his sky blue eyes.

He saw the blue sky, and then sits up…

"What on earth?" Kyoya looked around and saw ruin buildings everywhere covered with plants. He then stands on his feet. "Where am I?"

He then tried to remember what happen today. He was on his way to meet up with some friends and goes to hang out, and then remembers taking a short cut and then want through to some kind of portal and everything went dark.

Kyoya shook his head and decided to look to see for people but found no one in sight. He then got an idea he opens his beg and in it is red driver with one slot called the Lost Driver and near it is color USB memories with the letters A through Z on them, he smiled at his collection and then pulled his phone.

He checks it to try to call someone but there was no signal reception.

"Well that worth a shot." Kyoya sighed and decided to look around again. He then heard something.

Kyoya looks and saw some people in white suits driving on some motorcycles coming to him.

Kyoya turned happy to see people in this ghost town.

"Hello there!" Kyoya waved. "I am so glad to see you!"

One of them pulled out device.

"No doubt about it the signal is coming from him." He said.

"Is that so," They got off their bikes. "You how did you get the T-2 Gaia Memories?!"

"Huh?" Kyoya blinked how these people knew about his collection. "I'm sorry care to repeat that?"

"Playing dumb huh?" He said. "Listen here kid you have two choices either you hand them over or we'll take them from you with force!"

"Listen here," Kyoya step back. "I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I know threat when I hear one. So I'm not doing it."

"That so, if that's the case." He and companies had brought what Kyoya recognized is Dopant Memories with that rib cage design on them and had the letter M.

They soon pressed the buttons.


They soon placed on USB port-like tattoos on their necks. They soon transformed into Masquerade Dopants.

Kyoya's eyes widen and they turned into Dopants.

"What the hell?" Kyoya turned around and runs away. "This has to be dream, it has too."

Kyoya runs as fast as he could but a few Masquerade Dopants blocked his way and look to his back and saw that he was surrounded.

One of them attacks Kyoya. Kyoya dodges his attacks thankfully he had marital arts lessons.

Then two more Masquerade Dopants join in and gang up on him. One of them grabs his shoulder and turns him and punches in the face. Then the second one knees him on the gut, the third uppercuts him hard to the ground and his staff in his backpack to come out too.

Then they decided to finish him off. Kyoya crawled away and then his hand landed on the Lost Driver. Kyoya looks at it and it feels real like metal. He then got an idea it was long shot and it may not work, but he had to try.

Kyoya puts it on his waist and to he surprised a black belt appeared and around him with a black box on his right side.

Kyoya looks at his Gaia Memories one that is white with the letter E. He grabs it and then stands up and pressed the button on it.


"Alright here go's." Kyoya said pointed his arm to his left side. "Henshin!"

He slipped the Eternal Memory to the slot and pushed it.


A tune played on the belt and wind spun around Kyoya and then formed his armor.

His suit completely white with blue arms design to look like flames that reached under his shoulders, he also had a black belt strapped around his left thigh, another strapped on his upper right arm, and two around his chest. He also had a black coat hanging on his neck and shoulders. Helmet sported yellow eyes and crowned by three horns that resembles a tridents head.

Kyoya had become Kamen Rider Eternal.

'Whoa, incredible.' Eternal looks at himself he resisted on jumping around like a fan boy he reminded himself he was in middle of a battle.

One Masquerade punches at him but Eternal caught it his hand, and then punches him hard on the chest.

"Nice!" Eternal then dodges two kicks from two of them, and sweeps kicks them to the ground. Eternal then dodges a few punches from one of them, and then a straight kick on the Dopant which sends him flying a good feet.

Eternal then brought out a black combat knife with slot on it, it is the Eternal Edge.

Eternal dodges two Masquerades' attack and counter's attack with his knife which destroyed them. One Masquerade kicks him, but Eternal dodges him with a jump spin and then slash him through his head, and then the Masquerade exploded.

Eternal saw the remaining Masquerade Dopants regroup. Eternal then removed his Eternal Memory and then slid it on his Eternal Edge.


Energy engulfs his knife and then Eternal slashed them which destroyed them.

Eternal sighed in relief that it was over and then change back to Kyoya.

"Man that sure was exhausting…" Kyoya place his hands on his knees, and then looks at the Lost Driver. "Just how on earth did this turn real?"

"I think I can answer." Kyoya turned around and his eyes turned wide of who he saw. It was Kamen Rider Decade.

"D-Decade but how?!" Kyoya gasped.

"So you know who I am that's good to hear." Decade said. "Listen we don't have much time, you have listen carefully."

Kyoya can't help but feel that something big will happen to him, in the future.

And there you have it I hope you like it. Review to tell me what you think about of the story.