Chapter 1:

A/N this is just a introductory chapter to introduce everyone in the story. It's going to be a different kind of story from my other story the Power Couple so I hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think.

Seth Rollins was 29 years old and the WWE World Heavyweight Champion for the past year; He had been married to Maddy a cross fit trainer he met at the Cross Fit gym in Illinois for a little over 3 years. They had been together for a little of 6 years and had a son Tyler Alexander Rollins who just turned two and was his daddy's pride and joy. Tyler had been in both the cross fit gym and his daddy's Black and Brave Wrestling Academy since he was a month old. Maddy tried to make the WWE pay per views every month with Tyler it was the only time that they were on the road with Seth.

Seth was at Black and Brave for one of their classes they were going over the new talent and he had Tyler with him.

"Tyler get away from the ring buddy, the boys are trying to wrestle for daddy and Marek" Seth said as the little boy looked back at his daddy with his dark brown curly hair and big brown eyes. He had on black Nike shorts and a black and white Nike sweatshirt and little black and white Nike's.

"Come on over here with Daddy, Mommy should be done with her workout soon "Seth said as he motioned for the little boy to come over to where he was sitting.

"I go in ring, daddy?" Tyler asked as he toddled over to where Seth was sitting.

"Not now buddy" Seth said as he picked Tyler up and sat him in his lap," here are your goldfish finish these up "Seth gave Tyler the snack cup of goldfish crackers. Tyler leaned up against Seth's chest and ate his goldfish and Seth reached over and took his water bottle and took a drink and gave Tyler a drink from his bottle. Seth looked down and saw that sleepy look from his little boy and knew what was coming next. He started to rock him side to side softly and Tyler's eyes were getting heavy and he tried to keep them open "No seep daddy" Tyler mumbled.

"Daddy is just rocking you" Seth whispered into Tyler's hair and after a couple of minutes looked down and his son was fast asleep.

"Works every time" Seth smiled to Marek

"You would think he would know when he know not to sit in your lap and eat goldfish by now" Marek laughed.

Seth took the goldfish cup and put it on the chair and turned Tyler around so he was laying on his chest with his legs wrapped around his waist and continued to rock and rub the little boys back. They had been there about 30 more minutes and they had finished and he stood up and put Tyler's head on his shoulder.

"I'm going to see if Maddy is done" Seth said to Marek as he walked next door to the Cross Fit gym.

"Night and good luck on that one" Marek replied with a laugh.

Seth walked inside the gym and saw that Maddy was talking to another one of the trainers and drinking her protein shake. He walked over to where they were standing "Hi babe, are you ready?"

"I guess you're ready to go?" she asked Seth.

"Yes, I'm tired and Tyler has been out for about 30 minutes" Seth replied.

"How do you do that? He never goes to sleep so easily for me" Maddy said as she looked over at her husband and son.

"I have the magic touch and he is a daddy's boy" Seth said with a smirk.

"I guess we are heading home, I will see you tomorrow Randy, since Seth is home I can come in a little early" Maddy said to Randy who smiled.

They got home and Seth changed Tyler into his Chicago bears pj's and put him in his toddler bed and covered him up and kissed him good night. "I love you, sweet dreams buddy"

Seth walked into their bedroom and heard the shower going and pulled off his shorts and shirt and crawled in bed. He turned on the TV to watch sports center and wait for Maddy to get out of the shower and come to bed. Seth drifted off to sleep before Maddy came out of the bathroom in a pj short set and she walked in and saw that he was asleep. She took of his glasses, covered him up with the comforter and kissed him on the temple. She then grabbed her phone and went to check on Tyler she peeked in his room and saw that he was still asleep so she headed to the extra bedroom that they used as an office. She sat down on the couch and texted Randy.

"Hey" she texted

"Can you talk?" he texted back

"Yeah, Seth is asleep and so is Tyler" she texted

It was about an hour later and she headed off to bed she was tired and was glad that Seth was asleep. She climbed into bed and rolled over and sighed she loved Seth but was she in love with him still? They had been together for 6 years and she couldn't ask for a better husband or a better father but he was only home two days out of the week and she was tired. She was tired of being the full time mommy, she loved being at trainer at Cross Fit it's what actually kept her sane most of the time. She had put Tyler into a Mother's Day Out Program two days a week at a local church so she could have some free time when Seth was on the road. Seth woke up and it was around 3:30 in the morning to a crying little boy. He looked over at Maddy and saw that she was asleep so he got out of bed and walked into Tyler's room and saw the little boy sitting up in bed with tears streaming down his face. "What's wrong Ty?" Seth asked as he walked over to the bed and picked the little boy up and held him close to his chest with his head lying on his shoulder.

"No go daddy" Tyler mumbled into Seth's shoulder.

"Daddy isn't going anywhere" Seth said as he rubbed Tyler's back trying to get him to calm down.

"Did you have a bad dream?" Seth asked as the little boy's cries became a whimper.

Tyler didn't say anything but just shook his head yes on Seth's shoulder.

"Wanna come sleep with Mommy and Daddy?" Seth asked as he continued to rub the little boy's back.

"peas" Tyler mumbled as Seth reached down and grabbed Tyler's favorite blanket and headed back to bed with his son. He placed him in the middle of the bed and covered him up with his blanket and crawled back into bed and Tyler scooted over so that he was touching his daddy. Maddy woke up and saw the little boy in the bed and Seth mouthed "Bad dream" as he rubbed the little boys back as he drifted back to sleep.

Seth was up the next morning with Tyler in the kitchen making scrambled eggs and bacon for Tyler, who was sitting in his booster seat at the table. He had made his coffee and took a cup with a plate of eggs and bacon all cut up over to the table. He put some eggs and bacon on Tyler's tray "you have to eat it, not play with it" Seth said with a smile. Maddy came down in her workout pants and dri fit shirt with her hair up in a ponytail.

"Where are you going?" Seth asked as he gave Tyler his sippy cup of milk to drink.

"Tony called in sick so I need to go and work with his clients today, sorry sweetie" she said as she walked over and kissed Seth softly.

"Looks like it's me and you today buddy" Seth said to Tyler who clapped his hands.