Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Author's Note: This takes place after Copy That. It took me awhile to do this one because I kept trying to write one for when Trent is bad and I just couldn't feel it. If anyone feels that something could have happened due to a part or whatnot then you can let me know if you want and I'll see what I can do about it. I apologize again for the wait.
Trying to Move Forward
Trent stretched and looked up at the Zords. He hadn't been sure if this was indeed true but there was some more stuff that was able to help him so it wouldn't take as long. He had the weirdest feeling still going through him as though he had been asleep for the longest time. The thing was that being evil was more complicated than he ever would have thought it would be.
"All done?"
Trent looked over to the door and saw Dr. Oliver there still morphed. He did feel bad about that especially since Dr. Oliver was the one that gave the suggestions about helping to make the cleaning go faster. He hadn't really blamed Kira, Ethan or Conner. He gestured to Dr. Oliver, "I really am sorry about that….about all of it really."
"I know you are Trent. And I know you saved my life but…things are not going to be as easy as you might think."
"Trust me this," he signaled around him, "so far has been easier than I would have thought."
"I know you want to do good with your powers and I think that you can do a lot of good but that means following through with what you say."
"I do know that. I want to. I want to help out people. I've never…before this whole White Ranger thing I had never thought of doing bad things to people. I'm just sorry it came about like this."
"Look it might be a while before all the trust is there but you're just going to have to deal with that okay?"
"I know. Don't worry. My purpose is to fight with you guys and not against you."
He nodded, "You probably should be getting home. We'll see you later."
Trent nodded and slowly walked off. After he exited the lair he began walking home. He didn't have any other mode of transportation and he was fine with that considering he had lots to think about. He was still very uneasy about how things had ended up. He was glad he was in control again…or at least that he didn't have The Evil White Ranger inside of him. He was glad he wouldn't be fighting the other rangers any more even if he did beat them. But he had left his Dad behind. He had abandoned him but there really wasn't anything he could do and his Dad had told him to leave. He was trying to save him.
What did it all mean in the end? He'd have to continually fight his Father and not tell the others. He had made that promise but now he wasn't sure how easy it would be. Then again what would they do with that information? Had they really tried to help Trent? Had Trent actually let them try? He remembered when Kira came and he had confided in her about being the White Ranger. Her first reaction was bad but then she listened to him and wanted to help him. Maybe…no. He wasn't going to betray his Father. Though he was hard on him Trent knew he loved him and he had been there for Trent time and time again. He also remembered back to earlier when his Dad had mentioned that he didn't want Trent as the evil White Ranger. That meant something and not just something he could just throw away.
Sighing he saw movement through the trees. He tensed up and prepared himself to fight off whatever was coming for him. To his intense surprise Kira walked out of the trees. "Kira? What are you doing here?" Then he shook his head as he realized that he wasn't too far from Dr. Oliver's house/lair. She was probably just going back to talk to him. "Right, uh, he's still in there." He said as he gestured back from the way he had just come.
"Trent…" She started and then stopped. The two stood there and looked at each other.
Trent knew he should say something. He also realized that odds were it didn't really matter. Not if the way Dr. Oliver had talked to him had shown him anything. Sure he had done wrong and sure he had hurt them and done all of that. Played with them. But it wasn't him. It was the Evil White Ranger which was him but at the same time it wasn't and he didn't think any of them could actually understand. But he wasn't sure if he really thought that any of them needed to understand. He sighed and looked at Kira, "I know I already apologized but…I just really wanted you to know how sorry I am with how this entire thing turned out."
"I know. And…I…I'm sorry about making you clean the Zords by yourself."
Trent shrugged, "I deserved worse."
Kira looked down and Trent wasn't sure but he wondered if that was because she did think he deserved worse. And yet…that conversation that they had by the water…after her first accusations she calmed down and still wanted to help him. Maybe she didn't think too poorly of him. He had never wanted to hurt anyone and he meant that but since Kira had entered his life she was among the top that he would never intentionally hurt and he had meant that when he told her.
Before the quiet went on too long Trent spoke up again, "Look Kira…about when you came to talk to me and you let me know about Conner and Ethan being Power Rangers too…"
She looked up, "Yeah?"
"I was going to wait for you. I just…got taken. So I am sorry about that as well."
"I came back with the guys and you were gone…I wasn't sure what was going on but…that's why I went back there."
"By that point I had given up. I hadn't thought anyone could help me. But I didn't want to hurt anyone either."
Kira looked down and then back up at him, "I do wish you had been able to stay but I understand now why you didn't. But…that's in the past. Things happened that were not in your control. I realize that. And…you're good now. You're…you're who you were before and that's…" Kira paused and took a deep breath, "that's the Trent I remember the most. I am glad you're back."
Trent didn't want to correct her, at least not til he had more time to really think about the impact of being the evil White Ranger had on who he was as a person but he did hope that he could be the guy she was remembering again. He tensed his jaw as he realized that it might not be because he might be too changed to ever be him again. His hand twitched as he realized he wanted to hold her hand but he was unsure if a gesture like that would be welcome by Kira…not now at least. "Thank you." Trent looked back from the way he came, "I won't keep you any longer."
She looked behind him and then back at him, "Actually I came back to see how you were doing."
That was not something Trent had even considered. He knew his look must have mirrored the surprise he felt, "Oh?"
"Yeah. We left and after Conner and Ethan went home…I just had to come back. I…I thought it was unfair we made you wash the Zords."
"Dr. Oliver gave me something to help make it go faster."
She nodded, "I'm glad. So are you headed home?"
Trent felt an ache in his heart at what he would find at home but nodded all the same because really where else did he have to go to? Besides his Dad was there, it's not like Mesogog would be there. He much preferred the island fortress. "Yeah. My Dad will probably be worried."
Kira nodded, "I'll walk part way with you."
Trent gave a small smile, "Thanks."
The two started off walking back from the way Kira came. It was quiet for a bit before Kira started talking, "So are you going to start working for Hayley again?"
He shrugged, "I really liked that job but I don't know anymore. I mean…I'm sure Hayley has found someone much better."
"I know that Hayley really liked having you as an employee."
Trent sighed, "I know she did."
"Okay Trent why did you quit in the first place?"
"Because of everything happening with the White Ranger."
"Exactly. It's better now. I think you should go and talk to Hayley…that is unless you don't want to?"
Trent was silent as he thought about it. He had really enjoyed working for Hayley. She was a good boss. She was kind and understanding, fair and smart. Especially when he had first started manifesting the White Ranger Power. Perhaps…perhaps he could see if she wouldn't mind him coming back to work for her.
Although she was friends with Dr. Oliver and she knew. She knew exactly who he was…had been…had done and maybe that was too much. Of course if she didn't want to hire him it's not like she would hire him and then wish he was gone and make him feel bad. So at the very least if he asked her and she didn't want him there she would say no, he was sure of it.
"I'll think about it."
Kira gave him a smile before they both lapsed into silence. Trent wished he could say something but his mind was miles away wherever the Island Fortress was. He wondered if his Dad was there or if he would go back home and find him there. He had to be somewhere and maybe…just maybe he could figure a way out of this. After all if the mistrust and anger towards him said anything he couldn't imagine how they would react to finding out about his Dad.
He stopped seeing that they quite a bit further than he had realized. Kira would be going the other way than he was, "Thanks for checking on me Kira. I know I didn't deserve it but I appreciate it all the same."
"Trent…it wasn't your fault. I mean yeah you could have come clean sooner and maybe we could have helped you."
"When I did confide in you that was as soon as I could. I just…I was hard to be in control and I tried my best but…it just wasn't good enough."
Kira looked like she wanted to say more but remained quiet for another minute before she spoke, "I don't know what any of us would have done in your shoes."
He shook his head, "I guess we'll never know."
"I guess not." Kira looked around and seemed to only realize where they were and why he had stopped. She gestured towards the way her house would be in, "I suppose I should head home. I'm supposed to be there soon."
He nodded and then looked back towards his house, "Did you want a ride?"
She shook her head, "I think that would take longer time. I'll be fine. Don't worry."
"Alright." He said reluctantly, "Kira…I…really did and do mean what I've said. And I never wanted to intentionally hurt anyone. Especially you. I wasn't lying when I said that."
Kira smiled, "Thank you. I…" she looked down, took a deep breath and looked back up at him, "I believe you."
He closed his eyes and exhaled. It was important that she knew that even though he was sure that they probably wouldn't go past somewhat teammates because regardless of what was said he knew it wasn't going to be easy becoming a part of their team. Before he could open his eyes he felt Kira's hands grab a hold of one of his. He opened his eyes and looked into hers, "Thank you. I know I don't deserve it but…we'll just leave it at that. Please?"
Kira looked like she wanted to say more but instead nodded. "I do have to go but please know that I'm glad you're on our side now."
He gave a small smile, "Thank you. I am too."
Kira hesitated for a second before her lips lightly touched his. He was somewhat surprised and he moved his one free hand to rest lightly on her hip. The kiss didn't deepen and it didn't last for as long as he wanted but it was something he greatly enjoyed.
Kira stepped back and the two of them shared a brief hesitant smile before Kira released his hand, "I'll see you later."
He nodded, "Of course."
Kira turned and walked off towards the direction of her car he assumed. Trent waited a couple of minutes before moving towards his home. He still wasn't sure how things were going to go and he was quite sure things were complicated but at the same time if Kira did indeed believe him then that might just help him as he tried to deal with everything. And he would just take it one step at a time. His Father believed in him and now Kira. Trent knew that the rest would hopefully come in time and he would go with that hope.