Haikyuu Project

Obligatory Disclaimer: I do not own Haikyuu! or any of its characters/settings. All rights belong to the author/mangaka/what-have-you. Any additional characters or settings are mine.

Title: Eclipsed Sun

Summary:A fiery-headed boy decides that hiding his scars is easier that facing his nightmares. Unwilling to shatter the world he's built, he manages to create the perfect illusion, for himself and those around him. But what happens when his nightmare comes knocking on his door, threatening to engulf him completely? And how does a certain bespectacled boy play into the picture?

Previous summary: Tsukishima Kei. Hinata Shouyou. Two people at odds most of the time. What happens when a boy so engrossed in his envious state lashes out? Hinata may be adept at hiding things from Bakageyama, the obtuse setter of Karasuno High, but maybe not from their sarcastic blocker. When emotions run wild, people often say things they regret. (I ship KageHina. Period. But to get the ball rolling you see more of Tsukishima in this than Kageyama)

Warning: Non-consensual sex (read: Rape), child abuse, sarcastic hurtful comments that'll leave even the toughest guys butt hurt (but we love Tsukishima anyway)




The boy stood concentrating, every ounce of his being entirely focused on the ball at the other end of the court. Now was not the time to panic. He breathed in, feeling the heat, the smell of sweat, the brightness of the court. His bright brown eyes darted to the flimsy board which presented their score against their opponent.


Match point: Aoba Josai

The Grand King took a swooping breath in, his eyes sharper than usual. There is restlessness in the air. The spectators hold their breath. The opponents cannot afford to do so. Oikawa breaths out, having that mad glint in his eyes that's present every time he's about to make a server's ace. The boy, barely reaching 162cm braced himself. Lowering his body, he glared at the other team's captain. He could almost hear Oikawa whispering: "I'll break that spirit of yours."

He tossed the ball high, his legs bent, takes the jump and-

It's uncomfortable. The heat is unbearable.

A distorted image of Oikawa mid-jump, a face leering in the darkness, someone screaming- it sounds close, too close-

"You're awfully quiet tonight-"

The ball is received by Daichi-san, their ever reliable captain. The tsk coming from The Grand King could be heard from the other side of the court. The boy dashes forward, this is it! Chance ball-

A dark room, aching limbs. What time is it? What day? And the ever present hunger that never ceases-

The ball flies to Kageyama. Wall. Avoid. He can almost see the trajectory of the ball. A split-second, that's all he has, a split-second to be faster, to be unpredictable, and jump, jump jump-

Disorientation. Like getting hit in the head and experiencing a concussion. But he's fine right? Always fine. Right? Then whose ragged breathing is this? Whose hands are shaking?

The sound of footsteps. Run. RUN. RUN!


In a house on the other side of a mountain, a boy with fiery red hair wakes, gasping for breath. He looks to his right at a digital clock. 3.24 A.M. He clutches his chest, willing his heart to be still. A moment passes.

Silence beckons him to sleep. The boy wipes the sweat from his brow and yawns. He turns back to his side, all traces of worry gone from his face. The only evidence left of his nightmare slowly vanishing from his forehead as his sweat dries. 3.25 A.M.

Haikyuu -

A/N: Um… HELLO! I am new to fan fiction . net . Please show me the ropes?

Also, main idea of this story: Hinata needs help, more than he realizes. Tsukishima notices one day. Not Hinata-gets-raped-by-stranger-needs-therapy fanfic. I guess something much darker? Reminiscent of Harada-sensei but without supporting the weird rape logic?

Do I EVEN MAKE SENSE?! FML, it is 1.51 a.m. More stuff coming soon tomorrow. I promise to update at least twice a week, but since the story's just starting, expect multiple entries soon.