Chapter one: Findings

Even as Gohan stood before Cell he heard his fathers voice. "I'm sorry Dad, I failed you, I'll never be able to beat Cell and your death will have been in vain," He thought as he battled on. "Gohan, don't give up," Goku said, "You can do it son, give him your best kamehameha wave, you can do it."

"But I only have one arm and Cell's power is so much higher then mine, what if I fail and Cell lives?"

"Gohan, don't think like that, you'll win, think of the earth, your friends, all the pain Cell inflected, use that as your fuel Gohan." Gohan listened to his father, despite his worries and concerns; he just let himself go as he attacked Cell with all his strength. Gohan felt Cell begin to over power him after the two blasts hit, he kept thinking, Father died to protect this planet and if I must, so will I, as he began to pour his very life force into the blast, regardless of his own life. Suddenly he felt Cell's power just vanish. He had won. A small smile was upon Gohan's face as he fell to the ground. Instead of hitting hard dirt Gohan just kept falling, falling into a dark hole it seemed. There was no light, sound, or anything for that matter, he didn't even hurt. "I must be dead." Gohan thought vaguely as he fell through space. Then there was pain. Gohan had hit pavement with a sickening thud in some suburban area. He was too tired to even cry out as he felt the pavement crush his few unhurt bones. Then Gohan drifted off into a deep sleep, but before he did, Gohan said only one thing, "Father, I won."

Inside of a house Serena and Ami were having a 'study party'. Ami was sleeping over and she was helping Serena with her homework when they both heard a loud thump just outside. Ami and Serena rushed to the door, their homework forgotten. Serena got there first as she pulled open the door she saw the limp body of a 10-year-old boy on her doorstep.

"Ohmygod!!!" Serena screamed when she saw him, Ami, even though she was quite freaked out, she kept a more logical track of mind. How did this boy end up on the street, and in this condition too? She asked herself.

"Serena, get some bandages from my bag," Ami ordered, "This boy is in pretty bad condition." Serena went to get the bag as Ami bent down to see if he had any broken bones. She was startled to find his left arm shattered and his right arms completely shattered. She ran her finger across his bloody face to see is the boy had a broken nose or fractured skull, luckily, he didn't. Serena arrives with Ami's bag in hand, she looked down at the bloody boy, shuddered, and handed Ami the bag.

"Thank you Serena." Ami said as she expertly put the boy's arms in splints and wrapped them tight. She then took one rag and mopped away the access blood off his face and wrapped his head.

"Ami," Serena inquired, "shouldn't we move him inside?"

"Your right but if we move him in this condition, the boy may go in shock and die." Just then Luna spoke up, "Ami, we could make a makeshift stretcher and bring the boy inside, moving him may or may not kill him, but staying outside the whole night most certainly will."

"True," Ami said, "Serena, can you stay with he boy until I get back?" Serena just nodded. Then, Ami went inside to get some blankets and some sticks for the stretcher. After bringing Gohan inside, they set him on Serena's bed and pondered hoe he got in this condition.