Hey all! I'm back with something new. All I want to say is I've been having A LOT of Rollins feels lately... Like a shit ton more than I usually do and I wanted to write about him. Um... If it seems stair step-ish at points it's on purpose, kinda. I'm sorry in advance. And this is my very first attempt a Rollins/OC story.

Oh and don't shoot me for not updating Blue. My Baron muses have left my ass hanging and so the story is just kinda sitting there. This one is done though.

Read and review or whatever it is you lovely people do.

Chapter 1: A Day To Remember vs. The Wonder Years

Standing outside in a parking garage-like area wasn't how Bianca Pierce had expected to spend her Monday afternoon. She was currently waiting for her one or both of her best friends to come get her to check in with security so they wouldn't think she was some obnoxious or creepy stalker fan. So far she had been waiting 15 minutes. She was starting to get hungry, having not eaten since the morning when she got on her flight from Seattle, and a little bit worried thinking maybe her friends had forgotten about her visit altogether.

17 minutes. Bianca rolled her hazel eyes as she pulled her iPhone from her pocket and went to text messages to quick dial her best friend Jennifer. The call rang until it went to voicemail.

"Dude, where are you? I'm standing back here looking like an asshole waiting for you. Whenever you finish doing whatever it is you're doing with Jon, I guess come get me." The woman tapped the red end button on the screen of her phone before she slid the device in the right back pocket of her skin tight white skinny jeans.

"Nice shirt. Where'd you get it, Hot Topic?" The voice sounded familiar having heard it on a weekly basis on WWE television, but she didn't want to jump to conclusions.

She chuckled to herself. She was wearing an electric blue t-shirt with the words keep running your mouth in large electric pink letters that were outlined in yellow and black. It was one of her favorites from her favorite bands, A Day To Remember.

"Warped Tour 2011, actually." She spoke as she turned around to face the person that had spoken to her. The front of her shirt was adorned with imitations of the ghosts from Pac Man and A Day To Remember in the same bold lettering as the back of the shirt, across the chest. Her eyes were greeted with the handsome sight of Seth Rollins.

"Oh. I wasn't expecting that." He hadn't been. He liked to think he was special in liking his favorite bands that no one else would ever have the same shirts as him. Or at the very least not come across them at his job.

"Why would you? Too busy being caught up in hating your town or the girl that broke your heart?" She gestured towards his shirt, not being a fan of the band he wore proudly across his chest.

"There's nothing wrong with The Wonder Years." He defended, pulling slightly at the hem of the shirt.

She stifled a laugh, "If you say so."

"Hey, wh-"

He was cut off by a big metal door opening and allowing a short, long haired blonde woman out.

"You're here! Oh my god." Jennifer, her best friend, spoke loudly enough that her excited voice echoed a bit in the parking lot area of the arena.

"You know her?" Seth questioned Jennifer.

"Yeah, she's my best friend." Jenn responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

The woman in question had an amused expression on her face.

"This is Bianca." Jenn finally introduced.

"Thee Bianca?" Seth asked again. He had heard a lot about her. She wasn't what he was expecting. He had heard about her quick wit or as Jon Good had put it, her smart ass mouth, but he wasn't expecting to feel the wrath of her quick tongue so soon.

"The one and only." Bianca spoke up.

"B, this is..." Jenn started to introduce her to Seth, but was cut off.

"Colby, A.K.A, Seth Rollins. I know. I'm a fan." She offered her hand to him.

"Well now I feel like an asshole." Colby muttered, causing Bianca to smirk.

"Where's..." Bianca turned her attention back to Jenn when the same door Jenn had exited opened again and the man in question walked out.

"What's up, Binks?" Jon Good greeted cheerfully. He had that half smile on his face that made him look boyish.

"I fucking hate when you call me that." Bianca grumbled, shooting Jon an annoyed look.

"Suck it up, cupcake." Now he had a full blown smile on his face.

She scrunched up her face before she hugged her two best friends.

"How's your asshole boyfriend?" Jon asked as the four of them walked to the door, checking Bianca in and getting her a backstage pass.

"Jon..." Jennifer's voice held a warning edge.

"He's not my boyfriend." Bianca spoke confidently as they walked through the arena.

"You live with him, don't you?" Jon questioned, making sure he had his facts right.

"Ohhhh Kay... Let's not air my dirty laundry in public in front of strangers." Bianca said trying to change the subject.

"Colby isn't a stranger." Jon spoke as he glanced at Colby. Colby was walking them trying to keep himself from laughing at the group of friends.

"Jonathan." Bianca and Jennifer spoke in unison. Their voices holding a warning tone.

"Alright, alright. Damn." He held his hands up in defense.

"Speaking of dirty laundry; why'd you assholes leave me out here for so long? What the fuck were you guys doing?" Bianca began doing her own prodding into her friends personal life.

"That's none of your business, cupcake." Jon spoke as he draped his arm around Jenn's shoulders, pulling her into his side. She blushed as she playfully punched him in the side.

"Ew." Bianca spoke just as Colby did.

"Over share, dude." Colby said shaking his head.

"We weren't doing anything!" Jenn denied which caused Jon to chuckle.

"Yeah, nothing that we're willing to share with you two anyway." Jon spoke as Jenn blushed profusely which made Jon hug her and chuckle at her expense.

"It's okay Jon boy. You don't have to share with me, I'm sure I'll hear all about it later." Bianca winked dramatically for effect.

Suddenly Jon looked slightly mortified.

Bianca smiled brilliantly as they made their way into a locker room.