A/N: Sorry for the delay in updating. my only excuses are work, life, classes starting back, starting on my Masters thesis proposal, and my Pokémon Go obsession. Everyone has been so worried about the little Chairman so I hope this chapter will satisfy all of you. Enjoy~

Chapter summary: In which Simon has some explaining to do and the Chairman is the center of attention, or so he likes to think.

18: Reunions

"Are we safe out here?" Clary gasped the moment the door slammed shut.

"Yeah," Jace said with a grin. "Vampires have a problem with sunlight. It turns them to ash on contact."

"As long as they don't sparkle or anything, I think I'm fine," Simon said, laughing weakly in relief. "But seriously though," Simon said, still staring at the closed door, "is anyone else wondering what just happened? Like, did that guy just help us or-?"

"Or," Clary said, whirling on her best friend with a furious expression, "how the hell you managed to get caught by vampires in the first place!"

Simon gulped and his shoulders slumped as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I sort of, kind of followed you to Hardtail."

Clary crossed her arms and cocked her hips so all her weight rested on one hip and pursed her lips waiting for Simon to continue. When he just shrank further under her gaze she rolled her eyes and groaned in frustration. "We specifically told you not to."

A fire lit in Simon's eyes and he pulled his hands out of his pockets and held them out as if seeking answers from someone somewhere in exasperation.

"Right," he said, "because last time I didn't follow you, you house got destroyed, your mom got kidnapped, Magnus' place got raided, and you both fell off the goddamn map. So of course I shouldn't follow you again because something like that won't ever happen again. Oh no, that was just a one-time thing. It's not like there are people hunting you down for something you don't have or killing Magnus' people for no reason. And naturally the police aren't investigating your disappearance and stuff. No, no, not at all. Everything's just peachy keen. Thanks for asking. Yeah, how are you this fine day? I spent all of last night in a creepy vampire base, but no worries I'm fine. One hundred percent fine. Fuck this shit, I'm freakin' fine!"

Simon was gasping when he was finished and there may have been tears in his eyes. He hadn't meant to say all that. He knew it wasn't Clary's fault, or even Magnus' fault for that matter. He knew they just wanted to protect him. But there was a difference between knowing something and accepting it. He did mean everything he said, he just...didn't mean to say it like that. It had been a long night.

Clary was staring at him with a stunned expression and that dumb blonde Shadowhunter person was giving him a look that was caught between impressed and amusement. Simon groaned and scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean for all that to come out at once," he said. "Let's just call it a night and go home, yeah?"

"We have to stop by the Institute first," Alec said. "We need to report this to Hodge."

"Fine. That's..." Simon shook his head, "fine. I'll just," he gestured vaguely, "take the subway."

"No," Clary said, stepping forward and taking Simon's hand in a firm grip. "He's coming with us." She shot a look at Alec daring him to argue. "I'll call Magnus when we get to the Institute and he can pick us up. How 'bout that?"

Simon's lips quirked up in a tired smile. "'Kay," he muttered.

Alec rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he said, taking charge. "Let's go. We're late as it is."

"We were on a time schedule?" Clary asked, hurrying to keep up with the dark Shadowhunter.

"We were supposed to be back at the Institute by dawn," Isabelle explained, flashing Clary a smile. "If Jace acts suitably drunk," she added with a playful wink at his brother, "I think we can pull off the party-hardy story."

"Only if you join me, Izzy," Jace shot back with an answering grin that was all pearly white teeth. "I never drink alone."

Clary heard Alec grumbling under his breath and figured this whole scenario was rather typical of this crazy family. It was amusing and nostalgic in a way. It reminded her of the antics she and Simon often got up to when Uncle Magnus took them 'adventuring' through the city. Those little 'adventures' usually resulted in a lecture from both Luke and her mom. Often, even Magnus found himself on the butt end of Jocelyn Fray's infamous lectures. But it never stopped him from taking his niece and practically-nephew on yet another adventure.

Jocelyn. Mom.

Simon squeezed her hand in encouragement drawing a faint smile from her. It had been a long and full past few days. When she came out of her thoughts, they were standing in front of the dilapidated church that served as the Institute.

"Um, guys, I don't do trespassing," Simon said. "Especially when the building I'm supposed to trespass in looks like it's one good smack away from collapsing."

Jace chuckled and took hold of Simon's free arm and all but hauled him forward to the church's front door. Simon complained non-too happily about the manhandling. When Jace opened the door, Simon was unimpressed by the interior.

"Wow," Simon said flatly. "Was there something I'm missing beca- HOLY SHIT! What the hell are you doing to your arm?" he exclaimed when he noticed Jace literally burning a loopy mark on his forearm leaving an angry red mark behind. "Dude, are you some kind of masochist or something?"

Jace grabbed Simon's hand. Simon flailed trying to shake his hand free.

"Woah!" he cried. "Bro, sorry, but I do not swing that way..." His words trailed away as the crumbling walls became fuzzy before solidifying in strong, solid stone illuminated by impeccable chandeliers hanging from the ceiling above, glossy wooden doorways and benches lined the entryway, and were those hi-tech monitors in that room up there? Yes. Yes, they were. Simon really wanted to play with them.

Next to him, Clary snickered. "Don't worry," she said, giving his shoulder a friendly nudge. "I had the same reaction when I saw it. Cool huh?"

Alec didn't stay to hear the answer, striding briskly through the hallway towards the main room with Isabelle at his heels. Jace just shook his head and waited with the two guests. So he added a bit of flail to the de-glamourization. He could show off every now and then.

"Oh heck yeah!" Simon burst, his eyes glowing with excitement. "What was that? Some Jedi mind trick? Or some kind of glamour or spell like from D&D?"

"Closer to the second," Clary said. "Come on, let me show you around while we wait."

Definitely hi-tech monitors. Symbols Simon didn't recognize glowed, swirled, and danced across the perfect, liquid crystal surface around the one symbol he did recognize.

"Hey," he said, pointing to the large black symbol at the center of one of the monitors. "I know that symbol. Clary painted it on my van. You used to paint that every so often. Kind of like that cool 'S' doodle everyone used to draw in elementary and middle school."

"'S' doodle?" Jace asked curiously.

Clary flushed and even Simon clicked his tongue awkwardly. "It's nothing really," the fiery haired girl said. "Just," she shrugged, "one day in the 90's, everyone just started drawing this doodle that looked like a crystallized 'S' thing. No explanation. We just all drew it. No one seemed to know who started it or when, we just all drew it for no reason."

"Spooky," Simon said in a creepy voice, waggling his fingers in a goofy mockery of magic casting.

Jace blinked in confusion. "Mundanes are weird," he muttered.

"Hey," Simon balked. "I am not a mundane person. I'm just not one hundred percent mainstream."

Clary cackled. "No one cool ever is," she said, holding out her fist for Simon to bump. Their knuckles touched briefly before bursting apart like finger fireworks, sound effects and all.

The blonde Shadowhunter hesitated. "Are you two together, or-?"

"No," Simon said, overrode by Clary's, "Oh god no. He's like my brother."

Ow. Not subtle at all. And man did that hurt.

Simon felt his enthusiasm drain from him but did his best not to show it. Clary had never shown interest in anyone like that before. But referring to him as a 'brother' still stung. What was that slang term? Ah yes, the 'friendzone.' How unoriginal and accurate.

Something soft brushed against his ankle just as he dropped his eyes to the floor. The moment his eyes settled on the fluffy young tabby rubbing against him and purring, he gasped.


"What?" Clary repeated, spinning to Simon. "Wha- Chairman!"

She knelt next to Simon, stunned to see her best friend cuddling the little tabby in his arms. "Chairman Meow what on earth are you doing here?" she asked, reaching out to scratch right behind the cat's soft ears. "Magnus has been worried sick about you. Oh you precious cutie pie."

"Yeah, I bet," Simon said, smiling down at the tabby. "What's he doing here?"

"I-" Clary shook her head completely bewildered.

"I see you found the latest addition to our little family," Isabelle said, returning to the group. A bright smile filled her face as she watched Clary and Simon pet the cat. "We haven't thought of a name for him yet, but we'll figure something out."

"His name's Chairman Meow," Simon said, snickering when the Chairman honored him with a lick from his sandpapery tongue.

"You named him?" Isabelle asked.

"No, Magnus did," Clary said, standing. "The Chairman's Magnus' cat. Or Magnus is the Chairman's human. It's kind of hard to tell with them sometimes." She turned curious eyes to the other woman. "Where did you find him? Magnus has literally been worrying himself sick."

Isabelle tilted her head and nodded thoughtfully as if finally understanding something. "I didn't find him," she said. "Alec did when he investigated Magnus' shop after the break-in. I don't know the details but Alec seems a bit," she bit her lip, "attached to the little guy." Then the grin was back full force. "He carried the Chairman all the way back to the Institute in his jacket pocket."

"Did he now?" Clary said, feeling a grin of her own stretch across her lips. "Well, I suppose it's only right if he returns the Chairman, don't you think?"

"Oh absolutely," Isabelle said seriously.

"What's going on?" Alec asked, coming down the stairs from the training arena where he'd reported to Hodge. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel when the two women aimed pointed stares right at him. "What?"

"His name's Chairman Meow," Isabelle supplied unhelpfully.

"Who?" Alec asked suspiciously.

"This little guy," Simon said, standing with the tabby Alec found currently attempting to climb his shirt. "His name is Chairman Meow. He's Magnus' cat." He successfully pulled the cat away from his shirt and was promptly bitten.

Alec let his eyes settle on the tabby, taking him from Simon's hands and letting the little guy settle comfortable on his shoulder next to his neck. "Magnus has a cat?" was all he could think to say.

He didn't really like the idea of giving up the tiny tabby, Chairman Meow. He liked the cat's energy. But if it did belong to Magnus, then it would be best if-

"You should return him to Magnus," Clary said, the sly grin on her face quickly vanishing almost as if Alec imagined it

The dark Shadowhunter eyed her, very sure he was missing something. "He's your uncle," he said. "You can just take him back." Silence. "Right?"

Clary gave him a disappointed look before rolling her eyes and pulling out her phone. She pressed a button and held the device up to her ear. "Hey Magnus," she chirped happily. Alec decided he did not like that tone. "So I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first? Bad? Okay, well it was Simon who'd been captured by the vampires. Later, uncle. I'll let Simon tell you the whole story."

"Traitor," Simon grumbled, looking very much like he wanted to melt into the ground.

Clary winked at him and continued into the phone. "The good news is we found the Chairman. Well, actually someone else found him. You'll never guess who. Nope, you have to come to the Institute to see. Trust me, you'll be glad you did." She quickly hung up and slipped her phone back into her pocket with a victorious smile on her face.

"This is going to be so much fun," she said.

"A Portal just opened outside the Institute," a Shadowhunter monitoring what were probably security cameras called urgently.

Alec had just enough time to de-glamourize his bow and knock an arrow on the string, aiming it at the front door before a blur of fiery red flashed across his vision and flung the front door wide open.

"Clary!" he cried. "What are you-!" His words screeched to a stop, slamming into the wall of stalled thoughts and the slippery thing that was language with the exception of one, single word. "M-Magnus?!"

"Clary Fray where is my baby!" the High Warlock of Brooklyn demanded with all the impulsive energy of a child dmanding their favorite stuffed animal.

Clary just smiled sweetly, planted her hands on Magnus' shoulders, and turned him around so he faced Simon Lewis who was still cradling the now loudly meowing Chairman Meow. Magnus' bright brown eyes grew round and sparkled as they zeroed in on the fluffy cat who very clearly wanted its daddy.

"Chairman! Oh my precious baby. I missed you so much," Magnus cooed, brushing right past everyone and plucking the little cat from Simon's arms and pressing his glitter covered face into the tabby's fur. "I'm so sorry I didn't grab you earlier. I love you so much. I'm taking you home now, I promise. I'll even give you lots of treats and all the cuddles you want."

"Is he always like this?" Jace asked.

Clary glanced at the blonde Shadowhunter and bit back a smirk at the completely dumbstruck expression on the golden boy's face. "What?" she teased. "You thought he was just some all-powerful stick-in-the-mud?"

He didn't answer, but the way he opened and closed his mouth and shifted his feet awkwardly was answer enough. Clary snickered. "This is how he normally is," she said. "Eccentric, goofy, sarcastic, and sassy as fuck." She shot Jace a sly look from the corner of her eye. "Best uncle ever," she declared proudly.

"But he's not your uncle," Jace said seriously.

Clary frowned and narrowed her eyes warningly. "You mean like you're not Alec and Izzy's brother?" she challenged. He opened his mouth to argue but she cut him off. "Don't deny it. It's blatantly obvious you're adopted. If you can be adopted and accepted into their family, why can't I adopt Magnus and accept him as my uncle? He practically raised me, you know."

Jace fell silent and dropped his gaze, nodding reluctantly. "I get that," he said slowly. "But that's not what I meant. I meant, you're a Shadowhunter and he's a warlock."

"So?" Clary said, planting her hands on her hips and facing Jace directly.

"You're different races. He's half demon, you're half angel. He's also immortal," Jace continued. "He'll never grow old. He'll out-live you. Doesn't that..." He shrugged uncomfortably. "Bother you?"

Clary looked back at her uncle thoughtfully and smiled. "Nope," she said confidently. "It just means I'll have to work harder to always be prettier than he is. A challenge I readily accept. Isn't that right, uncle?" Clary called, startling Magnus, who looked up in confusion.

"Is what right?" he asked, letting the Chairman claw his way up to his shoulder where he curled up and purred in contentment.

"That I'm prettier than you," Clary said, stepping forward to pet the cat on her uncle's shoulder.

Magnus scoffed and gave his niece a look. "You are very beautiful, biscuit," he said in a tolerant tone. "But you will never out pretty me."

"I thought beauty was in the eye of the beholder," Clary countered with a teasing smirk.

"It is." Magnus winked. "I'm the beholder." He flicked his fingers along Clary's chin playfully before reaching out and unerringly snatching Simon's ear. "As for you," he said, his voice taking on the tone of a very disappointed parent. "What did I tell you about following us?"

Simon hopped pathetically under his uncle's abuse and whimpered. "Not to?" he said in a tiny voice.

"And what did you do?" Magnus pressed.

Simon sighed, his entire form minus his still captive ear, slumped in defeat. "Follow you."

Magnus released the Mundane's ear and crossed his arms. "I suppose getting captured by vampires was punishment enough," the warlock said mildly.

"What did you expect me to do?" Simon said, huffing in frustration. "My best friend just had her mom kidnapped, another friend is dead, a bunch of crazy people are trying to kill both of you... Wha-" He flailed his arms out in exasperation. "All this is going on and you think I'm just going to sit back and watch? No one hurts my family and gets away with it," he said slowly, holding up a finger in Magnus' face.

Isabelle felt her eyebrows lift, surprised and impressed by the display. A glance at both Alec and Jace on either side of her showed they were also impressed, if a bit reluctant on their part. They would all agree family came first for them.

"Besides," Simon added, puffing himself up, "you owe me."

Magnus placed a hand over his chest where his dark skin peeked out from between his red silk shirt in mock surprise. "I owe you?" he repeated in disbelief.

"Yes," Simon mumbled. "I got turned into a mouse. I think I'm gonna have nightmares about big feet and perfumed pockets for days." He jolted ramrod straight in shock. "Holy shit, Alexis!"

Magnus placed a hand over Simon's forehead. "You're having mood swings again," he said mildly. "I'll stop by the pharm-"

"No, you don't understand!" Simon snapped, batting Magnus' hand away. "Alexis was the girl who went with me to Hardtail."

"You brought someone else with you?" Clary gasped.

"A Mundane?" Isabelle asked.

"Uh, yeah, Mundane, whatever," Simon said, not particularly liking that terminology. "Look, she was already planning on going there anyway," he explained. "She was going to catch a cab and meet up with friends. I offered to drive her in my van. We got there, grabbed a drink and then I turned into a mouse-"

"In front of a Mundane?" Jace demanded, meeting Alec's eyes in concern.

"It's not like I did it on purpose, you know," Simon groaned. "I ordered water, okay?"

"Did you notice anything different about the drink?" Magnus asked, pulling Simon's attention back to him. "Anything at all. Was the color off? Did it taste funny?"

"It kind of glowed blue," Simon said, "but there were black lights everywhere so lots of stuff was glowing blue." He blinked. "It tasted a little sweeter than most water I've had to, now that I think about it. Almost like raspberries or something like that."

"Fairy wine," Magnus and Isabelle said at the same time. Magnus turned his gaze to the Shadowhunter girl, impressed.

"Mild, and probably not the alcoholic kind," Isabelle continued, staring Magnus directly in the eye. "It would have sparkled he'd still be tripping if it was alcoholic." She grinned and Magnus felt his lips twitch up. He liked this woman.

"But what about the girl?" Clary said. "Did you see what happened to her?"

"Uh, no, not really," Simon said, scratching the back of his head. "I was kind of too busy trying not to get stepped on. Besides, I'm sure she's fine."

"Why do you say that?" Alec asked, speaking up for the first time.

"Well, her dad works with the cops," Simon said with a shrug. "I get the feeling she was trying to sneak out."

"The cops?" Clary gasped.

"And you helped her?" Alec demanded.

"She's was already going without me," Simon protested. "At least I helped her get there safely."

"And Alec please," Isabelle said, giving her brother doting look. "It's not like we've never snuck out before."

"No?" Magnus asked, eyeing Alec with interest. "Perhaps you should start. I know of a few places that could be fun. If you're interested of course," he added with a playful wink.

Isabelle would forever remember the faint tint of red on her brother's pale cheeks. Oh, Alec had it bad.

"Back up to the part about her dad working for the cops," Clary said. "What do you mean he works for the cops?"

Simon wilted. "I think it's the same guy who came with the police lady who interviewed me the other day," he said.

"You said you didn't think he was a policeman," Magnus said, scratching the Chairman's chin thoughtfully.

"He's some sort of consultant," Simon said. "Helps out with their investigations. That sort of thing."

"This is getting ridiculous," Alec muttered. "This is why we don't involve Mundanes in Shadow World business."

"Yeah well, maybe your Shadow World business shouldn't involve hurting Mundanes and their friends," Simon said, barely holding back his fury. "I already said I'm not going to just stand back and watch my friends get hurt. The fuck kind of person do you think I am?"

"A stupid one," Alec quipped.

"If making sure the people I care about are safe and sound is stupid, then hell yeah, I'm proud to be called 'stupid'," Simon growled.

"No one's calling you stupid," Clary said, stepping between the two boys. "No one," she said again, aiming a glare at Alec. "Only hypocrites would say that."

Simon snickered. "Besides," he added, "you forgetting a couple things."

"Yeah?" Jace said. "Like what?"

"Like the fact I was totally able to track you guys using Mundane methods," he said with a smug grin. "Oh and you're still fighting with swords and bow and arrows like old school LARP. I mean seriously, do you guys even use modern weaponry around here? Like, at all?"

"They serve their purpose," Alec said.

"Right," Simon said, nodding. "Keep telling yourself that."

"Ladies," Clary said fiercely, despite the fact she was clearly fighting back a smile. "You're both beautiful. Now shut up."

Alec flushed in offense and Simon bit his lip.

"Does this mean I'm prettier than you?" Simon finally blurted to Clary.

Magnus made a high pitched sound that sounded suspiciously like laughter startling Alec and the other Shadowhunters but was completely ignored by Simon and Clary. Alec's eyes were wide and focused solely on the warlock who was covering his mouth and clearing his throat. Alec's attention was broken by Clary smacking her friend upside the head.

"Not on your life," she teased. Instantly, she and Simon started laughing.

"Mundanes are so weird," Jace muttered.

"Well," Magnus said suddenly, "as much as I'm enjoying this," he glanced up at Alec, "visit, I'm afraid I have to get back to my Lair. And since these two troublemakers are currently under my care," he said, placing a hand on both Clary's and Simon's shoulders, "I'll be taking them with me. So, before I leave," he stood tall, "who found the Chairman?"

Jace waved his hands in denial and Isabelle pointed at Alec with a shit-eating grin, completely loving the way her big brother's face was the shade of her lipstick. "Alec did," she said proudly.

Magnus' eye softened as he strode forward to stand in front of the blushing Shadowhunter. "Thank you for finding my cat," he said honestly. "Perhaps," he added with a subtle lowering of his glitter lined eyelashes, "you could let me pay you back? Nothing serious," he said quickly. "Just payback for services rendered."

Alec couched awkwardly. "Um, s-s'no big deal," he said, finding it very hard to look away from those dark, hooded eyes.

"Oh, I insist," Magnus all but purred. He noticed the Chairman lean forward and meow cutely until Alec hesitantly scratched the tabby's ears. "Besides, the Chairman seems to having taking a liking to you." He smiled. "Drinks?"

"Uh, what?" Alec asked intelligently.

"Say tomorrow night, eight o'clock, my place, no dress code," Magnus said. He winked then spun on his heel and pulled his two wards along with him. It may have been Alec's imagination, but he was almost sure he saw the High Warlock of Brooklyn lick his lips when he turned back to wave before stepping through the Portal. Real or not, he'd certainly dream about it.