A/N: Just a random plot bunny I had in my head. First ML fic... it probably won't be a very long one. About 5 chapters? We'll see. Anyway, enjoy some slight Marichat I couldn't help sneaking in... ;P
Chapter One: Truth or Dare
Alya Césaire was not a quitter. This was something Marinette knew quite well. Her best friend flashed a determined smile from the desk chair as Marinette lay sprawled across her chaise, a mischievous look on her face.
"Hm… what's the worst thing I can make you do without earning myself some karma?" she mused, smirking.
"It's truth or dare, Marinette. You're making this way too complicated. Nevertheless, I, the adventurous Alya, am always up for a challenge."
She leaned forward in her chair and raised an eyebrow. Her expression was a dare in and of itself. Truthfully the only reason Marinette was holding back was because Alya had leverage over her. The last thing she wanted to be dared was something like "Tell Adrien he looks cute today," or "Ask him out on a date".
The last time Marinette had tried anything of the sort had been… eventful, to say the least. Mortifying, to do it justice. And it was all Chat Noir's fault, honestly, for giving her false confidence and encouraging her. Why she'd thought trying to talk to Adrien in the first place had been a good idea, she had no clue.
It had been a pretty good morning. Defeating a particularly difficult akuma the night before with Chat had given her ego a boost. After it was purified and everything was restored to normal, they'd parted ways and she hid in an alley to detransform. Chat hadn't actually needed to use cataclysm, and so bowed farewell and sprung off into the night to do… whatever it was that giant cats did at night in Paris. He hadn't gone far enough though. On her way home, she nearly jumped out of her skin when she noticed him sitting on a swing set in the park she decided to cut through. It was too late to go around, he'd seen her...
"Evening, princess!" He called with a grin. "You're out a little past bedtime, don't you think?"
She rolled her eyes and joined him, sitting in the swing to his right. "I was just taking a walk before bed. And you, alley cat?"
He leaned back, holding the chains of the swing and sporting a satisfied smile. "Just finished saving Paris yet again with the help of my lovely leading Lady. Decided it's never too late to be a kid."
He kicked off from the ground and swung back and forth, his tail dragging the ground and his hair ruffling slightly with the movement.
Marinette smiled to herself to see him look so happy. She kicked off too and they swung in silence for a few minutes as her thoughts had wandered where they always wandered to…
"Something on your mind, princess?"
She jumped, having forgotten he was next to her, lost in thoughts of another blond boy with green eyes.
"What? N-no, I'm fine, it's nothing." She felt her cheeks suddenly flush and was grateful for the poor illumination from the streetlamp.
Chat Noir halted his swing and leaned over in the darkness, suddenly interested. He grinned in his most chesire way, poking her shoulder with a gloved claw.
"Really? Seems like it's not nothing to me. Don't think I can't see you blushing, cherie." He tapped the side of his mask with a smirk. "Don't you know cats can see in the dark?"
Damn. Marinette had forgotten about that, actually. She quickly thought of all the times he'd led her through dark places when she was Ladybug. She didn't know how she'd forgotten that, but she didn't let it get to her. Just who did this cat think he was, poking around in her business? She straightened her shoulders and shrugged.
"Not like you'd be much help anyway, kitty. I don't see you getting attention from your crush either."
They both blinked. Marinette quickly realized with a jolt that she'd used Ladybug's nickname for him without even thinking twice. That, and… that was kind of low of her to say. She paled a bit, instantly feeling guilty. Fortunately Chat saw the remorse on her face.
"It's okay," he shrugged, cutting her off. "You're right. But Ladybug is.. Ladybug. She's not exactly one's typical crush. I don't think this applies to her. Once her mind is set on something, it tends to stay set. Fortunately for you, most people aren't so stubborn. So tell me, this person. What are they like?"
Marinette was taken aback. She hadn't expected a response like that from Chat. It was incredibly honest and patient and she found herself wondering how much time he actually spent thinking about Ladybug and analyzing her personality.
She shrugged again. "Well… he's… cute. Really cute." Her cheeks turned red again as she continued. "He has green eyes, and blond hair-"
Chat smirked and gave an elaborate bow from his seat. "I'm flattered."
Marinette rolled her eyes and nudged his shoulder with a smile. "Sorry. Not you, you silly cat. He's actually… I'm sure you've seen his face everywhere. He's kinda all over the city." She stared out into the park and noticed in irony the perfectly placed Adrien Agreste poster next to a park bench. She blushed even harder.
Chat followed her eyes, looking out into the park and looking genuinely shocked when he noticed the poster too.
"N-not," he said in amazement, "Not the model, Adrien Agreste?" His cat eyes were wide with an emotion that Marinette couldn't place and she stared at him in puzzlement for a moment. Was it really that odd that she had a crush on the same model that thousands of other girls in Paris did too?
"Well… yes actually…" She gave a defeated sigh and looked at her shoes. "I know, I know. I don't stand a chance. I'm not much to look at, really. There are thousands of other girls prettier than me that he could have his pick of. My crush is unrealistic."
"Hey, hey, hey," said Chat suddenly, coming out of his train of thought. He lifted her chin with a gentle finger and cupped her face with his palm, forcing her to look him in the eyes. "Whoever said you weren't pretty?" He said quietly, his green, lamp-like eyes holding her gaze steadily.
Marinette didn't know why her heart skipped a beat.
"Hurry up," Alya complained, rolling her eyes. "Or you lose your turn by default and it goes to me."
"That's not in the rules!" Marinette protested.
"It's truth or dare, Mari. There are no rules." She straightened up with a gleam in her eye. "My turn, you took too long."
Marinette nearly gulped. She didn't like the look on Alya's face.
There was no telling where this would lead, but she wasn't about to back out.
"Truth or dare, Mari?"
Oohhhhh, whatever could Alya have in mind? Thank you for reading this very short chapter! I'll do my best to update soon. Review please?... :) Bye bye for now, petits papillons! A tout à l'heure!