Alright guys, it's me, Breaker12. It has been a few months, I suppose?

Anyways, I'm here with some important news – not good ones, sadly -, so I suggest you pay attention to my next words. You see, as many of you have noticed, I have pretty much stopped updating ALL my stories with the exception of Defying The Heavens. There are many reasons for that.

Firstly, DTH is time-consuming as hell. I write 1 2k ~ 2.5k words chapter EVERY SINGLE DAY. In other words, daily updates. That already takes up a great deal of my time.

Secondly, I'm faced with a colossal Author's Block in pretty much most of my stories, which sucks, believe me.

Thirdly, and most important of all…. I have simply lost interest in this story, along with many of my other stories. Although I can probably continue it, the new chapters would come out at random periods, whilst they would be terrible in quality (Believe me, if a writer writes something he's no longer interested at, in most of the cases, it will SUCK. Badly suck). On the other hand, I have placed too much time and effort into these stories, and I don't want to see them simple be forgotten by time.

Therefore, I'm henceforth placing this story up for adoption.

Yes, I know that MANY of you will come to hate me for it. After all, not only did I finish the previous chapter in a cliff-hanger, I even dropped this story. Yes, I know that what I'm doing is going to be frowned upon, but… I have already arrived at a conclusion. I'm someone that strives for perfection, and I'm not willing to publish poorly-written-chapters-content-wise.

Moreover, looking back, there are simply far too many plot-holes, mistakes and incosistencies in The God Of Magic. Even if I were to continue writing, I would most likely re-write it from the start, which is something that I ABSOLUTELY don't have the time to do.

And so, in order to finally get this story out of my mind, I have decided to (Yeah, I'm repeating myself) put this story up for adoption.

So, if anyone is interested, please send me a PM or something. (Also, if you want to re-write this story from the start, feel free to. In fact, I even have a document with many of the ideas and concepts I have for this story, along with my future plans. I can hand you that if you have an interest in adopting it).

EDIT: It has been adopted by TREX19990.