technically speaking
summary: When Adrien discovers Ladybug's secret identity, he somehow comes to the conclusion that the only way to get her to fall for him is to charm her other, half – Marinette, the baker's daughter. Chaos ensues, as usual.
pairings: marichat & the rest
sidenotes: hi everyone! im gonna be real… its been nearly 3 years since ive written anything for the ml fandom. So….couple things. 1.) obviously this was written prior to season 2, so all events considered, im going to try to incorporate elements of season 2, but its likely going to end up being a mixture of both seasons. 2.) im 19 now, and its really weird for me to write 14 year olds - so marinette and adrien are 17, nearly 18 in this story. 3.) gentle? i am EXTREMELY rusty writing-wise but i need a break from college life and i just caught up with ml and am feeling the spirit ! also i realize in france high school is referred to as lycée, but...ill just call it high school to avoid confusion.
Day 2 started out relatively normal.
Adrien got ready for school. Adrien pretended not to notice Plagg raid the fridge. Adrien held his tongue when Plagg subsequently got a stomach ache (he tried not to linger on the specific science of a kwami stomach ache) from all the food he consumed. Adrien ran his thumb over his lucky charm, a relic from nearly 3 years prior, from Marinette herself, no less. He had found it the night previous, muddled up with treasures he kept in his sock drawer. He made the hasty decision to tie it around his ankle, a more inconspicuous placement, before heading off to school.
It was his last year of high school, and even though higher education wasn't the route he was going to take, he still took his coursework seriously. Plagg thought it was hilarious that he bothered to do his homework, but Adrien felt it was one of the small things he could do to help anchor him to reality.
The truth was, as he grew older, so did his popularity. Nino called it the "Zac Efron Effect," essentially meaning he had become somewhat of a teen heartthrob in France, making his already difficult life a thousand times harder. As if turning into Chat Noir in secret wasn't hard enough, now he had to pile that on top of the fact that he now had instagram accounts dedicated to his location at all times of the day.
Plagg referred to it as "spiritually taxing."
Adrien referred to it as a pain in his ass.
The ride to school through tinted windows seemed the same as it always had been - save one very important detail.
Adrien had been writing furiously in his notebook the entire drive over. Plagg, as risky as it was, chose to linger on his shoulder and watch him write with amused disinterest.
"I didn't think it was possible for you to get any weirder." Plagg commented.
"And yet, here we are." Adrien concluded, scribbling one last note to himself before shutting his notebook. He had three classes with Marinette today. Three opportunities to try and get inside her head, and decipher why it was that she despised him.
The car came to a stop and Plagg hid himself in Adrien's pocket, his preferred place of residence. Adrien gathered his supplies and began the second day of his epic Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste journey into the heart and mind of Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
"Dude," Nino elbowed Adrien, a sour look on his face. "You are seriously starting to freak me out."
Adrien blinked. "What?" He had only heard a fraction of what Nino had said. His mind had been somewhat preoccupied, despite it being nearly three hours into the school day.
"You're staring at Marinette like she's on fire." He said flatly. "I thought you didn't like her like...uhh...that?"
"I do like her." Adrien said, rubbing his neck half-heartedly. "She's...really...nice. Sorry, I'm just distracted, is all."
Nino looked barely convinced, but went back to telling him something only half-important about Kim starting a fight with some underclassmen.
It only took Adrien a minute to get distracted again. Marinette was seated in the back of the classroom, flipping her pen around in circles, round, and around, and around, around her dainty, pale fingers. She had a rigid expression on her face as she listened to Alya, who was beside her.
Adrien took her in again, as what she was. She had changed a lot since he first met her. Or, maybe, not that much. She was still Ladybug, after all. Only now, she let her indigo hair cascade across her left shoulder in a loose braid, unlike Ladybug, who kept her hair fastened in a bun to prevent visual impairment during battle.
She was perfect. Literally, perfect. He felt like he was staring at the night sky, and he was seeing it the way Van Gogh did.
Marinette abruptly stopped twirling her pen and surveyed the room, and he didn't have time to hide his unabashed staring before she caught his gaze.
She stared at him back, at first, like she couldn't quite believe what was happening, before she started to look alarmed and turned to say something to Alya, her face a burning shade of pink.
Great. He'd embarrassed her. No wonder she could hardly stand to be in the same room as him.
Nino paused in his one-sided conversation and looked down at his phone, which was buzzing. Adrien assumed it was a notification from soundcloud, but the answer came to him sooner than he thought.
"Check it out," Nino moved his phone in front of Adrien so he could read the content. It was a snapchat conversation between him and Alya.
what's up with goldilocks? he keeps staring at marinette.
Adrien wanted to bash his head through the desk. Even Alya noticed. He really was transparent.
Adrien glanced at Nino, attempting to assemble a proper excuse. "I...wait a minute, am I goldilocks?"
Nino managed to look a tiny bit guilty. "'s sort of an inside joke, doesn't really matter, what matters is you, going creepo-mode on Marinette."
"I…" Adrien looked at his desk blankly, wishing he had quick wit. "Am...really into women's fashion."
"Women's fashion?" Nino repeated.
"Yep. And Marinette is very...fashionable." He concluded.
Nino shrugged. "Alright, whatever."
Oh, Nino. So trusting. So sweet.
He could feel Plagg rustling around in his pocket, roused from what was probably his 6th nap of the day. Of course, Plagg was probably spiritually awakened whenever he happened to be embarrassing himself royally. Plagg tended to think of Adrien's life as something of a reality tv show, one he was merely a spectator of, and enjoyed the occasional romp, even if it was at Adrien's expense.
He was lucky Adrien was so attached to him. A crueler Chat Noir would have kicked him to the curb years ago.
Adrien's thoughts were interrupted by Alya herself tapping his shoulder.
Alya was a really beautiful girl, probably one of the most beautiful girls in their class. No wonder Nino was so bewitched. Adrien had always admired Alya for her blunt straightforwardness and moral clarity.
"Hey Adrien." Alya greeted, her smooth, sultry voice implying that what she was about to say next was dangerous. "Can I ask you something?"
Adrien's eyes flicked behind her, to Marinette, who was with Alya, they were probably on their way to the commons to eat lunch together. Marinette appeared to want nothing to do with their conversation and was keeping her eyes firmly glued to the front of the classroom.
"Fire away." Adrien instructed. He could already tell that Alya had a killshot lined up by the way her lips curled up at the ends.
"Do you usually communicate with girls by staring at them until they combust, or is this just a special occasion?" She asked sweetly.
Marinette turned so hard he could swear she got whiplash.
"Alya!" She hissed, grabbing her friend's arm and pulling it harshly.
Great. Adrien tried not to look guilty and to completely zen his facial expressions. After all, that was modelling rule number one. Never let them see you panic.
"Sorry Marinette. I just like your top is all." He lied through his teeth, before flashing her his best photoshoot smile.
Marinette turned to Alya. "I told you it was nothing. You're such a drama queen." Marinette looked flustered, before adding on, "sorry Adrien, she's crazy!"
"Not at all, it's my bad. I didn't mean to freak you out." Adrien apologized, this time meaning it. The last thing he needed was another reason for Marinette to avoid him like the plague.
Marinette smiled nervously before pulling at Alya. "Let's go eat, I'm starving."
Alya looked at her and patted her on the head. "I'll catch up with you."
Marinette nodded slowly, her eyes flicking between Alya and Nino, before retreating out of the classroom, probably eager to get away from him. Adrien released a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding.
Alya's piercing gaze shifted back to him. "You know I love you Adrien." She winked at him and set her hand down on his desk, before speaking once more. "But that is my girl. So don't play the game unless you plan on scoring a goal. Got it?"
Adrien nodded, for once actually understanding what Alya was saying. Don't play with Marinette. He realized he had somewhat of a fabricated reputation as a heartbreaker - which was pretty interesting considering how little he was actually allowed outside of his home and work - and Alya would do anything to protect her best friend. It was a good thing he had no bad intentions then, or he'd risk the wrath of a very pissed off Cesaire.
She seemed pacified by his acknowledgment, she ruffled his hair and bid him farewell, but not before winking at Nino.
Nino made a gurgling sound and watched her retreating form disappear through the doorway.
Adrien wanted to laugh, but recognized that he'd made a similar blunder in terms of Marinette.
Perhaps they were both just fools in love.
Adrien realized that what he was doing was sketchy, to say the least. And not just because Plagg continuously reminded him of the fact every five minutes.
Adrien had purposefully re-transformed, to his kwami's dismay, after his most recent battle with Hawk Moth. Ladybug, or Marinette, remained blissfully unaware that he knew her secret identity, and you could say that everything was going according to plan, technically speaking.
Marinette was sitting on a lawn chair on her balcony, listlessly combing through her advanced chemistry text book while aggressively clicking her pen. Adrien knew for a fact that Marinette was an ace at chemistry, which is why it didn't bother him all that much that he'd be disturbing her. After all, he had to stay on track with the plan if he wanted her to reveal her secret identity within a month. Not to mention he had to make up for the disaster that had been school that morning.
Oh, would you just go over and say hello already? It's past my bedtime!
Adrien rolled his eyes at Plagg's whining.
"It's seven o'clock, Plagg." He muttered to himself, glancing upwards at the night sky. Since winter was nearing, there were less hours of daylight, meaning it would get dark around 5 o'clock. This also meant that Plagg would fall asleep around the crack of 4:30, which proved difficult whenever someone became akumatized near 5.
Back to Marinette. Adrien watched her with mounting interest. She seemed so out of place there, with her schoolbook perched in her lap and fairy lights lit. She should be on billboards, and be the face of a generation, and yet there she was. Studying.
Adrien swallowed, anxious to approach her again. She hadn't exactly been ecstatic at his presence the day before. He'd simply have to crank up the charm.
He leapt from the top of the building he'd been stationed atop of and gracefully landed on top of the light pole of her balcony.
Marinette looked up, startled. Her chemistry book fell to the ground with a stark thump.
Her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. She looked at him the same way she had looked at Adrien when she had caught him staring.
"Chat Noir?" She asked intrepidly. "What the - get the hell off my balcony!" She threw her pen at him and he caught it, thankful for his quick reflexes. She had meticulous aim.
"Why, just visiting the lovely princess," he drawled, sliding down the pole and strolling towards her confidently. "How is she on this fine evening?"
Marinette barely flinched. She looked furious. He'd recognize those battle-hardened eyes anywhere.
"What is your deal?" She asked, exasperated. "Can't you take a hint?"
Chat Noir shrugged, and with a grin, "I think it's pretty clear that I can't."
She rolled her eyes and folded her arms over. "Well, can i at least get an answer, then?"
Chat rolled on the balls of is feet, eager to avoid the question. "I'm not sure what you mean, Marinette."
Marinette regarded him coolly, no doubt due to the rare usage of her first name. He was hoping it would soften her up. He was unfortunately mistaken.
"What are you doing in my house?" She articulated, taking a cautious step towards the trap door that would lead her back into her bedroom.
"Technically, this is your balcony." He pointed out. She frowned.
"Technically this is a felony." She mocked his tone and tilted her head at him. The gesture was small, but Chat would accept any ground he could gain at this point.
"You enjoy my company entirely too much for this to be a felony." He smarted, knowing well that he was skating on thin ice. He was banking on the fact that he was right, and on that fact alone.
Marinette pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, a look he recognized to be one of deep thought rather than scrutiny.
"Chat, tell me why you're here, or I'm leaving." She dealt, taking another finalizing step towards the trap door. She clearly recognized that for whatever reason he was at her abode, it had to do with her presence. So clever. Too clever, in fact. Adrien felt himself fall just a little bit more in love with her.
He clicked his tongue, unsatisfied with her answer. "Princess, allow me to be candid. I don't have an answer for you. I also don't want you to leave."
Marinette studied him. "I believe they call that, 'having your cake, and eating it too.'" She paused slightly. "It's frowned upon."
He grinned. Honesty was the best medicine. Or, in his case, half-honesty.
"Which is why I came to you." He felt his lip twitch in satisfaction. "Clearly you have the most radiant smile in all of Paris - and I'm going to need it with all that frowning."
Her hands dropped from around her chest in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding me."
He shrugged. "What? Too much?"
She nodded. "Far too much, Shakespeare."
He laughed, and she smiled. He hadn't lied, it was definitely radiant.
They lapsed into a short silence - one not quite filled with discomfort, but instead, a quiet moment where they both canvassed one another with equal curiosity. He could practically see the wheels turning in her head - he saw it whenever she released her lucky charm, and had to find a way to use it. He wished he could see inside her head, her thoughts, her hopes, her dreams. Her heart.
She opened the trap door with her foot, suddenly. Chat froze, watching her facial expressions with a sincere look of awe.
"Well...are you coming in, or not?" She asked. Her face turned a bit red after asking, or perhaps the moonlight was playing tricks on him. Either way, Chat had never felt more victorious.
"Ladies first," he conceded. She gave him a flat look before she ducked into her room. He followed, cautiously. He recognized the delicate trust she'd given him, and that even the slightest deviation could shatter that trust. He needed her to trust him above all else, and the rest would follow. Hopefully, of course.
He glanced around her room again. Not much had changed, only now he had more time to absorb the details. The petal pink walls, the cork boards and sketches on the floors and on her desk, the foggy smell of something sugary sweet, like vanilla cupcakes.
"This - this is weird, isn't it?" Marinette suddenly asked him. Her confidence from before had dimmed to a soft candlelight, and she was looking to him for reassurance.
"I prefer to think of it as new." He rephrased.
She cocked an indigo brow. "What exactly is it?" Her question was loaded, as usual. He held his ground.
"Our relationship, obviously." He answered.
If he thought Marinette was shocked by him before, this was a whole new level of distress.
"Our - relationship?" She choked.
"Is there an echo in here?" He joked. She was too winded to laugh. Or maybe he just wasn't funny. Probably the former. "Yes - our relationship. As friends, of course." For now.
She exhaled in relief. He made a face.
"Ouch." He muttered. She heard him loud and clear.
"I mean, it's not that - that you're not, I mean...attractive, or anything. It's just that I barely know you. I mean, I know of you, but I don't know you, know you. You know?" Marinette rambled, pulling at her adorable braid every time she scrambled to find the right words.
"Wow. I'm honored that you think I'm attractive, princess. I really am." He told her, his giddiness threatening to spill out his sides like an overflowing tea kettle.
Dial it back a bit on the flirting, jeez. You just met the girl.
Adrien was tempted to reply to Plagg, but elected to ignore him. This was his time with Marinette. Although, he could do well to listen. Marinette looked more flustered than she did when she was forced to do a group project with him in school last year.
"Um...look, Chat Noir, I think there's been some sort of...mistake, here. I'm just a girl…" she trailed off. She was probably going to continue, but Chat Noir saw it best to cut her off.
"And I'm just a boy. Can I make it any more obvious?" He cracked a smile at his own reference. She looked tempted to do the same.
"Seriously, though. I'm just...Marinette. Baker's daughter. Student. Nothing special." She pushed a lock of hair that had fallen out of her braid back behind her ear. "You understand where i'm coming from, right?"
"I do." he replied softly. "You know, I'm a person behind this mask, too."
Her face softened visibly. "Oh - that's not what I meant, I know that, I just-" she sounded mortified.
"Relax, I'm just messing with you." He took a step forward to demonstrate that he really was a normal person.
"Oh." She bit her lip and sighed. "I-"
"Look, I know you're confused - hell, I would be, too. But it's just…" he gathered his wits before continuing, "you're special, Marinette. And I can see that. But I want to see more."
She looked painfully skeptical. Pity, because he was actually telling the truth.
"Is this because I called you cheap?" She asked doubtfully.
"What? No." He replied quickly. "Well, maybe a little."
She cracked a smile. She leaned against her wall, seemingly caught between her own musings.
"Say...say I believe you. What then?" She wondered aloud.
"Well…" he considered, "you would allow me to get to know you. Nightly." He took another step forward, and watched as the alarm bells rang in Marinette's head.
Of course, she dared not show it in her voice. "Pretty bold for a guy whose name I don't even know."
"I'm a bold guy." He responded playfully.
"Ew." She shot back. "You're up to something, aren't you?"
"I'm always up to something." he conceded. "Aren't you?"
She seemed to consider his words, visibly deliberating between her options.
"If I say no," she began, "will you respect it? Not come crawling around here again?"
"Purr-omise." He couldn't resist tossing in a pun. He knew ladybug secretly loved them.
Case in point, Marinette tried to hide her smile.
"Gross." She commented. "And if I say yes, what exactly would that entail?"
Adrien smiled, about to make a comment, before she interrupted.
"And don't say anything. That pun was not intended."
He grinned. She knew him so well.
"Basically, I'll visit you at night and we can chat." He knew full well he was pushing his luck with a second pun, but she actually laughed this time.
"And is chatting all you plan on doing?" She inquired defensively.
"Your wish is my command, my la-" he caught himself before he could say anything further incriminating, "my princess."
She gave him a dubious look.
"I must be going crazy." She finally said, tilting her head back against the wall.
"Not crazy," he corrected, not standing directly above her. She blushed at the proximity and tried to find something else to look at aside from him. "Just miraculous."
She looked startled for a moment, before recognizing he was just making another pun. "Ha-ha. Don't make me regret my decision before I've even made it."
"You won't regret a thing," he whispered. "That's a promise."
She let out a breath. "If I say yes, you'd better step out of my personal space before I knock you out."
"Anything you say," he sang, admiring how the blues of her eyes shown under the fairy lights in her room.
"Fine. I'll do it."
He smiled, in near disbelief that his plan was working. He almost forgot to evacuate Marinette's personal space, before she gave him a sharp reminder in the form of a smack to the collarbone.
Right. It would undoubtedly serve him well to do as she says for his next couple of visits.
From then on, it would be smooth sailing for operation Ladybug-reveal.
Marinette was smiling softly, and Adrien could barely contain his glee. Everything was falling into place.
Of course, that didn't mean he wouldn't push his luck one last time before he left.
"Shall we seal our deal with a kiss?"
"Get out of my face."
"Fair enough."