Ch 51 end of all things

"It's weird to say, but the comet actually looks beautiful." Suki said.

"To bad the firelord is going to use it to destroy the world." Toph said.

The eel-lizard swam thru the water and walked on dry land, right where the base was. Dismounting, they walked up a hill to the edge of a cliff, and see the fleet lift into the air.

"We're too late! The fleet's already taking off!" Sokka said.

Lin catapulted them upwards towards the nearest zeppelin. They fly high into the air and land on the catwalks of the zeppelin.

Climbing up a ladder, they head inside the airship heading towards the cockpit. Avoiding the guards, they approach the cockpit.

"Toph, you're up." Sokka said.

Toph knocked on the door a few times, and kicked the door down on the last knock. She wrapped the door around herself in the form of armor. The firebenders and Toph duel, with the firebenders shooting at Toph with their enhanced flame.

The armor deflects the fire, and the captain shoots again. Toph rolls backwards and kicks her leg into the air, sending the floor that is underneath the captain right through the roof.

The duel continues for another few minutes, and a firebender is seen being thrown out the room and breaks his neck when he slams into the wall.

"Great work, Toph. Time to take control of the airship." Sokka said.

"That's a great idea. Let the blind girl steer the giant airship." Toph sarcastically said.

"I was talking to Suki." Sokka replied.

"That makes sense." Toph said.

"What about the rest of the crew?" Suki asked.

"Take us closer to the water. I got an idea." Sokka said.

As the zeppelin descended towards the water, Sokka spoke into the microphone.

"Attention crew, this is your Captain speaking. Everyone please report to the bomb bay immediately for hot cakes and... sweet cream. We have a very special birthday to celebrate." Sokka said.

After waiting a few minutes, Sokka opened the bay doors and got rid of the crew. Free from that deadly threat, they ascended and headed to intercept Ozai's airship. Unfortunately, the time spent to rid themselves of the crew also slowed them down considerably.

"We're not going to catch up in time." Sokka said, looking thru a spyglass, as Ozai's zeppelin approached the earth kingdom shores.

"No." Suki said.

Ozai launches the first attack of fire, shooting an incredibly powerful flame towards the ground. No less than 5 minutes later, Ozai's zeppelin is crippled. The engines are blown off their mounts, and the crippled zeppelin crashes into the earth, Ozai fleeing the downed airship.

"What just happened?" Suki asked.

"It's Aang! He's back!" Sokka shouted.

"Thank god!" Lin said, a grin on her face.

"Go Aang! Airbending slice!" Sokka said, swinging his hand down.

"Shouldn't we help him?" Suki asked.

"We need to focus on destroying that fleet from burning down the earth kingdom." Sokka said.

"And how do we do that, captain boomerang? I can't see outside this floating hulk of metal." Toph said.

"Just wait." Lin said, counting from 3.

"Airship slice!" Sokka said, as Lin counted to zero.

At the helm, Sokka manipulated the controls to propel the zeppelin. As they headed to the fleet, the fleet started to bomb the earth kingdom with their enhanced fire.

"Woah. That's a lot of fire." Toph said.

"It is." Lin said, looking at the raging inferno.

"It's going to be a rough ride. We need to get to the top of this thing, fast." Sokka said.

"Then what?" Suki asked, as they headed to the ladders.

"If we make it that for, I'll let you know." Sokka quickly kissing Suki.

The zeppelin began to shudder and shear apart, as it crashed into the other zeppelins, crippling a few of the zeppelins.

"Run!" Lin shouts, as the zeppelin begins to show cracks in the hull.

Running forward, they reach the crowned head, when it splits in two. Sokka and Toph are separated from Lin and Suki.

"Suki!" Sokka shouts.

"I'm fine! Just continue with the mission!" Suki said.

"Any ideas?" Lin asked.

"Yeah. Follow me." Suki said, as they landed onto an intact zeppelin.

Heading to the rudder, Lin jams the rudder so the airship runs into another zeppelin, crippling both war machines.

"Man. The fire nation sure didn't pay any attention to the armor." Lin said.

"Probably because they didn't think that anyone would be crazy enough to try such a thing." Suki replied.

"Overconfidence in a war. It'll get you killed." Lin said, as she got on all fours and pounded the metal with her fist.

"What are you doing?" Suki asked.

Lin opened her hands and moved it across the metal, then squeezed them tight. An explosion is heard, and the zeppelin begins to fall.

"I destroyed the engine. We need to leave." Lin said.

"There, that zeppelin." Suki said, pointing to another zeppelin.

"Hold on!" Lin shouts, grabbing Suki and running towards the zeppelin. Using her metalbending, she forces a piece of the metal to propel the pair further towards the zeppelin. Upon crash-landing on the zeppelin, they look around to find more targets, only seeing one more zeppelin.

"Last one." Lin said, heading to the rear of the zeppelin, and rips open the metal roof. Getting on a knee, she extends a hand thru the open armor and reaches out to the engine components. Opening all the vents, she forces the zeppelin to increase speed, and watches as they collide with the last zeppelin.

"What happened, did boomerang come back?" Toph asked, as Sokka clutched his broken leg in agony.

"No. Suki and Lin." Sokka said.

"How many are left?" Toph asked.

"Just this one." Lin said.

"What the troops inside?" Sokka asked.

"Leave that to me." Lin says, with a sly smile.

Laying flat on her stomach, she closes her eyes and feels the entire structure of the airship, noting where the crew is at every location and second.

"Got ya." Lin says, and closes her hands into a fist and curls her toes, then opens both hands and toes.

Screaming is heard, as the soldiers drop right out of the zeppelin, the floor having disappeared right under their feet. Lin puts the floor back where it belongs and stands up.

"What happened?" Suki asked.

"Did you just remove the floor from their feet?" Toph asked.

"Sure did." Lin said.

"Remind me to never piss you off." Suki said.

A sonic boom is heard, and they look towards the direction. They see Aang and Ozai duke it out, and Aang is winning the fight.

"Kick his ass!" Sokka shouts, a smile on his face.

"Of course he's winning." Lin says, and watches the fight.

The fight ends on a plateau, and Aang and Ozai face each other. Suddenly, two bright lights appear in the sky. Orange, and blue.

"What's going on?" Sokka asked.

"I don't know." Lin said.

The blue light dissipates, and for a moment is gone. The blue light returns in force, and drowns the orange light.

"Could Aang be doing that?" Suki asked.

"It has to be. Only an avatar could pull off such a stunt." Lin said.

The blue light is gone, and Aang is left standing. Reaching his arm out, he calls the waters to rise and put out the fires.

"What are we waiting for? Lets get to it." Lin said, as she climbs inside the zeppelin. Suki and Toph carefully bring Sokka inside the zeppelin, and take him to the sickbay to bandage his leg.

Lin carefully guides the airship to meet with Aang and Ozai. Gulping, she runs from the cockpit and onto the plateau.

"You did it! You should have seen yourself, it was amazing!" Sokka said, as he made several gestures and noises, re-enacting the fight between the two. Suki carefully walks up to the slumped Ozai.

"So did you… you know, finish the job?" Suki asked.

"I'm still alive." Ozai said.

"I learned there was another way to defeat him and restore balance. I took his bending away." Aang said.

Sokka and Toph widen their eyes in response.

"Wow. Who taught you that?" Toph asked.

"A giant lion turtle." Aang said.

"You have the craziest adventures when you disappear." Toph said, crossing her arms.

Lin walked to Aang and pulled him aside.

"Thank god, Aang. Thank god." She said, kissing him.

"I thought you didn't believe." Aang said, breaking away from the kiss.

"I don't. But you did it. You ended the war." Lin said.

"With everyone's help." Aang said, as Lin roughly kissed him again.

At the fire nation, a large crowd gathered for the crowning of Zuko, and the end of the war.

"I can't believe a year ago my purpose was hunting you down." Zuko said.

"And now we're friends." Aang said.

"Yeah… we are friends." Zuko said.

"I can't believe a year ago, I was still frozen in a block of ice. The world's so different now." Aang said.

"And it's gonna be even more different, when we build it together." Zuko said, hugging Aang.

Zuko walked forward and greeted the large crowd.

"Please, the real hero is the avatar." He said, stepping to the side as Aang walked forward.

"Today, this war is over!" Zuko said.

"I promised my uncle that I would restore the honor of the fire nation, and I will. The road ahead of us is challenging. A hundred years of fighting has left the world scarred and divided. But with the avatar's help, we can get it on the right path and begin a new era of love and peace." Zuko said, and everyone cheered in response.

Yeah. For the next 70 years. After that, more carnage and bloodshed. Lin thought, knowing the future, or did she?

"I'll figure it out when I get back to republic city." She muttered to herself.

The group headed to Ba Sing Se for much needed R&R, and found themselves in Iroh's new tea house. It was in the third ring, and had a great view of the city.

Everyone was resting and minding their own business. Mai and Suki are playing a game of Pai Sho, Toph is resting her feet on a table, Sokka is writing on a piece of paper, Aang and Lin are sitting in a large chair, comfortably in each other's arms.

"Zuko, stop moving. I'm trying to capture the moment. I wanted to do a painting, so we always remember the good times together." Sokka said.

"That's very thoughtful of you, Sokka." Katara said, looking at the drawing. "Wait! Why did you give me Momo's ears?"

"Those are your hair loopies." Sokka said.

"At least you don't look like a porcupine. My hair isn't that spiky." Zuko said, joining the group.

"I look like a man." Mai said.

"Why did you paint me firebending?" Suki asked.

"I thought it looked more exciting that way." Sokka said.

Momo jumps onto the table and looks at the picture.

"Oh, you think you can do a better job, Momo?" Sokka asked.

"My belly's not that big anymore, I've really trimmed down." Iroh said.

"Well I think you all look perfect!" Toph said.

Aang and Lin walked onto the balcony and looked at the view, as the sunset appeared over the horizon.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Aang asked.

"It is. Never thought this would happen." Lin said.

"You're from the future. How could you not know?" Aang asked, facing Lin.

"Because history does not show a Lin Beifong living in this time, let alone dating avatar Aang." Lin said.

"Wow. You got one hell of a problem when you go back." Aang said.

"Yeah. About that…" Lin said.


"I'll be heading back very soon. Probably before next morning." Lin said.

"So soon?" Aang asked.

"I know. But it's what needs to be done. I made a deal with the spirits. When the war is over, I'll be heading back. Aang, I've been with you every step since day one. I know you'll be a great avatar and a great man. This… journey, if you might call it. I'll always remember it." Lin says.

"Will we see you again?" Aang asked.

Lin darkly laughed.

"Believe me. You'll see me again within twenty years. Just don't lose your shit." Lin said.

As Aang fell asleep, Lin stayed awake while cuddling with him one last time. Her eyelids felt heavier than any piece of metal she bent before. Leaning forward, she kissed Aang one last time, and kept her lips glued to his as sleep over came her.

"Where am I?" Lin asked, her eyes opening. Standing up, she saw she was back in the spirit world.

"Welcome back." The time spirit said, approaching her.

"You brought me back." Lin said.

"Yes. But you have damaged the timeline. It is different from what you originally knew before, but not by much. Avatar Aang married an earth-bender, and still has his three kids. But Kya, is an earth-bender, not a water-bender. Avatar Korra is stronger and wiser than before. She's contact Aang many times, and has sought his advice. Said advice was sprung from his interactions with you." The spirit said.

"Who did Zuko marry?" Lin asked.

"Not relevant to your situation." the spirit said.

"Okay. What about my memories?" Lin asked.

"As a punishment for damaging the timeline, you will be forced to carry the memories of both timelines. However, the original will fade, and the alternate will take place." The spirit said.

"How long was I gone? From the perspective of republic city?" Lin asked.

"Only for a few hours. Now go." The spirit said.

Following the spirits order, Lin walked out of the portal into the night sky of republic city.

I wish you were here, Aang. So you can see what Korra has done.

"Lin, where have you been?" Su asked approaching her sister.

"Su, I got one hell of a story to say. And you won't believe it." Lin said.