They felt a little bad. "Gray, are you sure they'll be okay with us gone?" The boy turned to his girlfriend, adjusting himself in the already uncomfortable seat in the airport.

"What? Oh, I'm pretty sure." The Faunus growled.

"You not sure now?!"

"L-look! I talked to Ruby about it when we went shopping for gifts." Blake folded her arms and crossed her legs in smooth succession, not pleased with the answer given to her.

"Really?" The boy nodded, fiddling with the strings on his hoodie. "Tell me how you told her."

The two best buddies walked around one of the malls that were within Vale, they looked through the various stores trying to find gifts that best suited their needs. Gray looked around before remembering what he was supposed to tell Ruby. "Oh Ruby, me and Blake are gonna visit her parents."


"That was it?! You didn't even tell her when!"

"I know that now! I'm bad at explaining sometimes!" The boy pulled his hood over his head, hiding his face as he silently 'wept'. Blake rolled her eyes and sighed, unfolding her arms. 'God he's ridiculous. It's remarkable that I've dealt with him this long.' And here she was, within a airport with tickets for Menagerie… to visit her parents… to catch up… and tell them that she's been dating a guy. Huh.

'Well at least I expected this to happen. I hope Ruby, Weiss and Yang will understand.'




Why did they leave?! Why oh why did they leave her with…


Yang stared at Blake's empty bed, this was the one time Yang was awake before everyone and she deeply, DEEPLY regretted it. She was stuck with these two lovebirds, throughout Christmas and New Years. 'Someone kill me now.'

Yang could see it now.

Weiss pushed Ruby harder against the wall, clutching the young, innocent, sweet, adorable sisters clothes. "W-Weiss I don't think we should be doing this, I don't t-think I'm old enough…" Ruby whimpered, unable to bat away the clutches of her sinister girlfriend.

"Don't worry Ruby…" Weiss growled as she began to remove Ruby's shirt. "I'll take care of you…" Weiss giggled evilly as Ruby wiggled in a mixture of uncomfortableness and pleasure? Yang didn't really know nor did she want to think what her sister looked like in such a situation. Wait, isn't she doing that right now?

The young girl powerlessly pushed Weiss' hands away, wanting and not wanting her to continue. The heiress and the innocent wittle sister kissed passionately as Yang now desperately tried to stop thinking about this, only to make her mind worse.

Yang slapped herself multiple times clearing the horrific thought from her mind. The blonde grabbed her scroll and sent a rather angry text to Blake.

Yang: Bllllllaaaaakkkeeee

Blake: Ye

Yang: Why'd you and Gray leave me with them?! T_T

Blake: Omg Gray didn't tell you either. We're going to visit my parents so we'll be gone for a while.

Yang gasped quietly and instantly responded.

Yang: Wow you guys are going all out

Blake: Mhm

Yang: But why couldn't you bring me?! You left me with the worst people to leave me with!

Blake: Well, I brought Gray with me so I could introduce him and tbh he's a bit more important than you right now if you know what I mean

'Damn that hurts Blake.'

Yang: Damn Blakey just flung me into depression

Blake: Sorry didn't mean it like that also I'm sure you'll have fun with Weiss, just don't get her sick, she somehow has a weak immune system

Yang: yeah yeah I just wished you didn't leave on you know, the DAY OF CHRISTMAS wtf Blake?!

Blake: This was the best flight since we found one last minute

After a minute Blake texted back again.

Blake: Oh we're boarding now gtg Gray sends his regards

Yang pouted.

Yang: tell em to go fuck himself

Blake: …...I wish you hadn't had said that god his immature

Yang: but you love the boy… I think, have fun with your flight

After that text Yang closed her scroll and sighed. "Seriously of all times they choose to leave on the day of Christmas… they really left me." The blonde sobbed. Her noises managed to wake up the dreadful couple. "Here we go."

"Weiss wake up it's Christmas!"

Blake sat down, next to a window and closed her eyes, this would most likely be a long flight. "So! What did Yang say? Does she miss us already?" Blake smiled softly and kept her eyes closed.

"She was a little upset that we left her with Ruby and Weiss but, she's a woman she'll be fine." The Faunus felt her lover's hand cover hers, slipping his large dark brown fingers in between her pale ones.

"Couldn't have said it better myself. I do feel a little guilty though." Blake moved her head to Gray's shoulder before smooching his cheek. "Welp that guilt disappeared pretty quick." Blake giggled and sighed.

"This ride is going to be long."

"Yeah, that's why I got my music and you got you books." The boy then slipped in a pair of earbuds and sat back, closing his eye. Blake pouted and opened a book that was on her lap, thinking while going over the words.

As time passed Blake fell asleep with Gray, then woke up.

Then slept.

Then woke up.

This was a recurring trend for the couple throughout the flight.

Yang was absolutely miserable. She needed to get away from these two. With every, single, goddamn gift, Ruby kissed Weiss and then Weiss would smile, and then they'd stare at each other for a while just like Gray and Blake did…

Wait a minute, Gray and Blake had that look when Yang, Ruby and, Weiss left. And they…

Yang's eyes widened in horror. No… these two are not thinking of that. Absolutely not. Ruby doesn't know how to do that with a girl. Hell, she had difficulty pointing out the differences between a guy and a girl besides that one is prettier and has breasts!

Surely Yang's darling sis wouldn't think of such a thing…

The blonde's mind ran into the back of her memory, remembering the time when Yang indeed told Ruby about such subjects.

'Fuck! How could I have done such a thing?! What's wrong with you past me?!' She then also remembered after telling Ruby such information, Yang thought to herself; 'man future me is gonna thank me!'

"Yang!" Ruby squeaked. The blonde glanced at her sister in front of her, the brunette had a smile on her face. Wanna go out to Vale to see a movie? Weiss will treat us!"

"I didn't say anything about Yang!" Weiss denied before sneezing. "Darn it!"

"Come on Weiss! Please?" Ruby begged. Weiss sniffled and nodded reluctantly. "Yay!" Come on Yang! It'll be fun!" Yang sighed inwardly. Time to make this the 'best'.

Flights can get boring.

Real fast.

Gray sat in his seat listening to his music while Blake read. They've been doing this for a while now and Gray needed something else.


He didn't need it but he felt like bothering his kitten. "Kitty…" He whispered.

"Gray if your trying to whisper your actually speaking normally, your music is too loud." Well, he tried to whisper.

Turning down his music the boy continued. "Do you have another book?" Blake shook her head and turned the page. "Really? You brought one you book worm?" Blake glared at the boy before continuing to read. "Oh I see, you brought another copy of Ninja's of Love right?" That got her attention. The girl went stiff in her seat. "Thinking of getting frisky at your parents?" You know, sometimes Gray thinks he's going too far but then… he sees Blake's flushed face and completely forgets what he was feeling. "Your kinky." The boy grinned.

"H-how'd you know?" Wait what? Uhh, Gray was joking.

"Huh? Wait are you serious?!" Gray whisper shouted. "Were you seriously thinking of having sex at your parents?! And using those romance books as sex advice?!"

"N-no! I have restraint! I'm-I'm not addicted to you!"

"On the contrary Blakey, I think you are, just depends on what your addicted to." Gray wiggles his eyebrows and 'winked'. The Faunus squeaked and slapped Gray hard in the chest.

"Shut up!"

"Oooh, so it's both the things I'm thinkin' of right?" Blake rolled her eyes and closed her book. "Addicted to me and…"

"Shut up!" Blake yelled. Realizing that she just yelled on a plane with multiple people asleep Blake sighed heavily.

"Okay, I'm sorry babe. I'm just playing. You know that right?" Gray prodded the girl to get a reaction but nothing happened. "Alright. Ima go to the bathroom." The boy smooched his silent girlfriend's cheek before getting up and quietly walking to the bathroom.

Man, he was just playing. She knew that right? Gray always messes with her! Maybe she reacted that way because some of that stuff was true. The boy blushed thinking that Blake was addicted to his…

Yeah no. Let's not think that as we walk to the bathroom… sounds like a plan.

Meanwhile with Blakey the girl tried to bury her embarrassment. She wouldn't admit it! At least not here, who knows who could be awake here and extremely nosy.

It was a weird thing to admit too! How can you just nonchalantly tell your boyfriend, hey I really like the way you have sex? Like huh?! It was weird enough that Gray said that! Is he like some mind reader or something?

Blake sighed. She couldn't get too mad at him. He was just teasing. Faintly, Blake could hear Gray music… he forgot to pause it. The music had light instruments and smooth transitions. The girl smiled and paused his oddly relaxing music. Actually, the girl changed the song, wanting to hear what else he listened to. Rap, jazz, Gray had interesting taste. Some of it was just instrumental. Most of it was that retrowave genre. Blake giggled.

What a weird boy.

The boy she's addicted to. Not just for sex. The girl glanced up to see Gray, sitting down, rubbing his cold light skinned arms. "Cold?" The boy asked while taking his coat off his seat. Blake smiled and nodded. The girl cuddled up to the boy as he threw his coat over them. "Better?"

"Yeah. Thank you." The Faunus thanked, kissing him on the cheek. She didn't even have to look to know that he was grinning.

"No problem Kitty." He whispered, the boy grabbed her smaller hand, snaking his fingers in between hers. "Love ya." The cat hummed in acknowledgement and closed her eyes.

Hours passed in this claustrophobic plane and as Gray rubbed Blake's hidden ear the flight attendants spoke over the speakers informing everyone that they will reach they're destination shortly. The boy smiled, excited to get off this damn thing and also to sleep on an actual bed… oh, and meet Blake's parents. That's a plus.

Gray lightly shook the girl, but when she didn't moan in annoyance and glare at him Gray stopped.

With her asleep and then arriving soon, Gray grew a little nervous realizing what was happening. This was a big step in they're relationship. But let's not forget this is for Blake too, she needed to see her parents. To him right now, him meeting her parents was not really a priority, but a second. And he was fine with that. Thinking of possible ways they'd reunite made the boy smile. Gray scanned his kitten's face, she was relaxed with a small 'smile' on her face. Lastly, the boy slipped his earphones in, waiting for Blake to wake up or the flight to land. A

Blake waking up happened first. The girl yawned and sat up, getting off of Gray's arm as the boy took an earphone out in curiosity. "Hey kitty."


"We're landing soon." The boy said, poking the kitten in the side.

"Ah, really?" Blake yawned looking out to see the sun rising.

"Yup, you woke up just in time babe." The boy grinned. Blake rolled her eyes and continued to yawn. "Good sleep?"

"Mhm, what about you?"

"Didn't sleep." Blake stared at him. "What?"

"You moron, we're going there as soon as possible!" Wide eyed, Gray stared at his hands.

"Oh. Well shit!" Blake rolled her eyes and giggled.

"Your so dumb!"

"H-hey! Th-that's not nice!"

"What? Don't have anything to comeback with?" The Faunus snickered. Gray growled before chuckling. "What?" The boy leaned into close, whispering in her ear.

"Addicted…" That was a comeback. Blake yipped and shoved the boy.

Yang had an alright Christmas. Sure it would've been better with you know…

Her favorite and more entertaining, and more perfect couple. Wait, was that grammatically correct? Eh, Yang never really had 'that' mind. But, it's been hours and Yang already missed Gray and Blake. All this 'thanks Weiss' and 'I love you Ruby' that. Sure Gray and Blake were more 'aggressive' but still, they were more fun to be around and they knew how to stop.

Man, Yang wondered what they were doing now, probably arguing while holding hands.

"Gray if you ask me are we almost there I'm going to break you hand." Blake groaned. The two have been taking buses and were now finally walking to they're destination and Gray was starting to get fussy.

"But my legs are tiredddd." The boy complained, swinging they're interlocked hands.

"Well you can rest outside then, because we're here." Gray looked for the standard house that he pictured in his mind.

"Where? I don't see any houses."

"Turn around dummy." The boy did what he was told and noticed in the distance was…

"Holy shit! You live there?!" Gray pointed at the large mansion. How the hell did he not see that?!

"Come on, your legs are killing you remember?" Blake jested, walking in front of Gray. The boy blew a raspberry and followed slowly, these bags were becoming tiring.

A few more minutes of walking, the two stopped at the front door of Blake's home. The girl's hand hovered over the door knocker, shaking in nervousness. "Blake? Hey!" Her boyfriend grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. "What's up?"

"What if they don't accept me and you?"

"Why wouldn't they? They don't want me to be black?" Gray snickered.

"No! Oh my… what if they don't like us?"

"I'm sure your mom will love me. You dad, I'm too sure though." Blake bit her lip and casted her eyes at her feet. "Hey… Blake, baby hey! It'll be fine. They'll love us, they'll love you. Remember, you said they were a very loving mother and father. So, keep you cute head up, smile and knock." The boy grabbed the Faunus' chin and lifted it up. "Come onnnn, smile~" Gray said. Blake frowned deeper before Gray ticked her.

"S-stop! Okay, okay I'm smiling." Blake giggled. Lastly, the boy turned her around and grabbed her hand, making her grab the large door knocker.

"Nooooww, knock!" The knocker fell and a audible thud was created. "See? Good job Blake!" The girl rolled her eyes as he kissed her cheek. Seconds later, the large door creaked open and a yellow eye peaked through the crack.

"Hello?" The eye focused on Blake and the voice gasped before throwing open the door. "Blake?!"

"Mom…" Blake's mom pulled her into a long, and loving hug as Gray smiled and watched. They looked exactly the same to Gray but, he wasn't one to discriminate. "Oh my… why are you-"

"I wanted to see you, and I wanted to apologize for my actions way back when."

"Oh sweetie, that doesn't matter now! I'm just glad you're here!" Blake's mom held on even tighter. "Oh! And I see you brought someone with you!" Gray waved awkwardly and smiled.

"Uh, hi. I'm Gray." Blake's mother let go of her daughter and walked up to Gray, looking up. "Uh, it's an honor to meet the mother of such a nice woman." The boy offered a hand but, the Faunus' mother embraced him.

"Thank you Gray. Please, call me Kali." Said woman smiled. "A nice gentleman Blake." The girl blushed and smiled. "So, besides coming out to see me and your father, anything else?" Gray and Blake glanced at each other before Blake cleared her throat.

"Um, well, Mom I wanted to see you guys and also introduce Gray. My boyfriend." Kali's eyes widened and she smiled.

"Oh! Is that so? Well, you chosen quite the looker." Gray scratched the back of his head while Blake gasped. "Oh I'm just teasing, please come in! I'll go get your father!" Blake's mom dragged Blake in while Gray grabbed the bags and closed the door.



This place was beautiful.

Gray held the bags as Kali left to find Blake's dad. "Gray? Stunned by everything?" Blake said waving her hand in his face.

"Y-yeah. Really pretty." Blake giggled and stood on her toes, holding Gray's face.

"Don't get too scared big guy." The girl kissed him and smiled.

"So this is the guy." A deep voice made Blake jump and stand normally while Gray widened his eye. "So your Gray?" Blake's father approached the boy and he gulped. Blake stared at Gray with slight nervousness.

"Told you he's big."

"Uh, uh, uh, yes sir! I'm uh, dating your daughter sir! It's nice to meet you, holy crap he's tall!" Gray whispered to Blake. The larger man chuckled and offered a hand to Gray.

"It's nice to meet you." Gray stood up straight and dropped the bags.

"And it's nice to meet you Mr. Belladonna!" Blake's father chuckled again and shook Gray's hand.

"Please call me Ghira. And relax." Gray exhaled heavily making Blake rub her temple and her parents laugh.

"Oh! You two must be exhausted! We'll show you to your rooms! Blake you can go in your old room!" Blake shook her head immediately.

"No, I am not. Give me the guest room." Gray stared at Blake shaking his head hard.

"Why not? You have great memories there." Blake's father spoke up.

"I just-, I don't want to sleep there okay?" Blake's mom nodded her head in understanding.

"Okay. That's fine. I guess you can stay in the same room with Gray, come I'll show you!" God damn it Blake! Why did you say no?!

She's gonna get Gray killed! Them, sleeping together in the same room?! Is she nuts?! Yeah, they do that at home and in the same bed but not here! Did she see her dad, he'll break Gray's neck just by looking at him! Ohhh why… as Blake and her mother left, Gray sped walked to catch up to them, leaving his girlfriend's father.

"Here we are~!" Kali sang. The guest room was simple, a bed, dresser on each side and a mirror on the far side of the room. The closet was pretty spacious too.

"Woah. This is great!" Gray complimented, taking glances behind him. Kali clapped and smiled.

"Why thank you! You two can stay here for as long as you'd like! Now, I'll leave you alone to unpack." With that Kali left the room. Gray groaned and dropped the bags and sat on the bed.

"What's wrong?" Blake asked as she took off her shoes and grabbed clothes and placed them in her dresser.

"Oh you know just the fact that I might die here." Blake stared at Gray confused. "What? Have you seen the beefcake that is your father?! Does he bench five me's?"

"Oh my, Gray please my father is a family man and a lover he wouldn't hurt a fly." The girl tried to calm the boy down while climbing on the bed, pushing the boy down.

"Uh, judging by the fact that he looks like he can wreck this house in two seconds, I doubt that." Gray disagreed. His girlfriend straddled him, grabbing his cheeks.

"Gray, shh."

"Nooooooo…" Gray pouted, running his hands up and down Blake's legs. "Make meeeeee."

"Fine, but nothing special we are at my parents." The Faunus gave in, effectively silencing her boyfriend with a kiss.