Rose awoke from her spot on the couch and stretched, not recognizing that Maple was on her until the cat got down, glaring at her.

"Oh, sorry, girl," Rose whispered, looking at her brother and guardians asleep around the room. Remus was asleep on a recliner with a book in his lap, Harry was asleep on the loveseat, and Harry had passed out on the floor. Shaking her head Rose slowly stood and walked into the kitchen, humming quietly as she went. She let Galen and Hedwig into the room and fed her beautiful cat, who was purring contentedly. Galen nipped at her ear affectionately after landing on her petite shoulder, and Hedwig landed on a perch in the corner.

Rose shook her head and smiled as she got out some owl treats for both her and Hedwig, starting to contemplate what to make for breakfast. She ignored Galen once he sat on the perch next to Hedwig and retrieved the carton of eggs with a slight frown.

Last night had been interesting. As the first night of the summer, she knew her guardians would start it off with a bang. She just wished they had had another method.

"Rose, do you know about… What I mean is…" Sirius had tried to talk and Harry had ran as far away as he could much to Rose's confusion.

Well, now she understood. 'The talk' that everyone had tried to warn her about was terrifying. And she decided that she would have much rathered just reading about it.

Rose hummed as she started the sausage that she found in the fridge along with the eggs, and paused when she heard movement in the living room. Surely no one was up yet? After waiting a moment she decided she had just been hearing things and she continued cooking. Once breakfast was done cooking she simply laid plates out for everyone and went to wake them all.

She paused at the door to the passageway, however, when she saw a woman with light brown eyes and greenish blue eyes sitting on Sirius's lap. She wore long, dark sleeves and dark jeans. They were whispering to each other, neither aware that she was there.


They both jumped and yelped, their heads clashing together in their surprise. The yelps easily brought Remus around who then nudged Harry awake.

"Who's this?" Rose questioned again.

Sirius's blush was amazing and Remus snickered before sniffing the air, "Is that food?"

"Remus, don't protect them," Harry groaned as he stood and stretched. "You know Rose'll destroy you."

Remus shrugged helplessly as Sirius who just sighed, "Rose, Harry, this is Victoria." At this, Victoria waved slightly and stood up off of Sirius's lap.

"Hiya!" She said, with what appeared to be an American accent.

Rose frowned and sighed, just walking into the kitchen, muttering to herself about not having enough food. She made coffee for Sirius, who generally speaking wasn't a morning person and tea for Remus. She got the pumpkin juice out for Harry, and the orange juice out for her. She paused, realizing she didn't even know how to place this newcomer at the table.

Harry walked in and seeing that she had already made breakfast plopped down onto his normal chair and got himself a plate with a glass of pumpkin juice, "Thanks, Rose."

"Yeah," she huffed out.

A shamefaced Sirius was the next one to enter, he looked at the setup and tried to sit across from where he knew Rose would be sitting only to be stopped by her.

"Go find a chair," she said with a glare.

"What?" Sirius asked, looking surprised.

"You heard me. You get to sit at the head of the table. And Remus can sit next to Victoria. He'll behave at the table, and based off of the talk you gave me last night I shouldn't trust you and Victoria next to each other."

At the mention of the talk, Sirius scurried off and came back with a chair, which he sat on at the head of the table. Remus and Victoria walked in and looked at the arrangement in amusement.
"Remus, you're across from me, next to Sirius. Victoria, across from Harry. Also, what do you like to drink?"

Victoria's eyes seemed to light up with relief, "Oh, coffee, please. Do you have any cream?"

As everyone sat and got themselves food that Harry was trying to destroy before they even got a chance, Rose got out the cream and sugar for Victoria and Sirius.
"Here you go," she muttered placing it down and pouring them both a glass.

"Thank you," they chorused.

Rose finally sat down and ate, silently communicating with her twin, much to her guardians amusement.

Who does she think she is? How did they meet? Rose asked her twin, glancing at Victoria for a moment before finally eating.
She think's she's Victoria, I don't know, and, by the way, your cooking is getting as good as Mrs. Weasley's. Harry said with a sly smile.

Rose sighed and glared at him, although her cheeks were tinged pink. I'm eating as much as I can before I give you the rest of my food, Mister.

Harry just sighed in response and they continued eating. It wasn't long before Rose passed over her sausage-less plate to her twin, however, and she received a grateful hug from him.

Finally, Victoria broke the silence, "You have questions."

"Of course," Rose muttered, staring at the woman that sat at her table.

"My name is Victoria Geren, I'm from America originally, got transferred over here to be an Auror, met your godfather on assignment, and originally fought getting together with him. However, when he found out something about me and didn't run screaming, I decided to give it a go."

"What did he find out?" Rose questioned, taking a sip of her orange juice.

"He found out about my scars, and what my animagus was as a result," As Victoria spoke she was raising her sleeves and Rose noticed short raised up bumps of pink flesh with a frown.

"And how did you get the scars?"

"Rose!" Sirius said in shock and mild anger.

Victoria just raised her hand at him, and stared at Rose for a moment, as if sizing her up, "Myself."

Suddenly the pieces seemed to click in Rose's mind and she sighed. Of course, Sirius was attracted to this woman. With his background and her past pain, it was no wonder that he couldn't resist the woman.

"I'm sorry for your pain," Rose muttered before getting up, kissing Harry on the top of the head and going to her not-quite-finished-bedroom.

"What just happened?" Sirius asked in a daze.

"I think she approves," was Harry's response, as he looked down at his empty plate in disdain.

As the beginning of the summer went on, Rose discovered she sorely missed her twins. Although they often exchanged mail, Rose knew that something was going on, because Galen would return in a tizzy every time. Rose, however, just brushed it off as the twins annoying the rather stiff owl.

One day, while Sirius and Remus were working on Harry's room Victoria, knocked on the door of Rose's room and poked her head inside, "Hey!"

"Hi, Victoria. What's up?"

"Oh, just decided to help you with your room."

They both looked around the very destroyed and empty room and sighed. Victoria shook her head and shrugged her shoulders apologetically, "I'm not much of a girl, so I can't tell you what you want. You tell me what you're thinking and I'll make it happen, though."

Rose smiled at the woman. She had started growing on her lately. "Well, do you know what they wanted to do?"

"I think they wanted to make it as feminine as possible so you wouldn't want boys in it."

They looked at each other and both laughed, shaking their heads.

"Personally, I know exactly what I want. The only issue is the window."

"Oh? What do you want?"

"I want each wall to have the symbol of one of the houses, so I can draw inspiration from all of them."

Victoria hummed and looked thoughtful, "Well… We could do that. But it'd be a culture shock whenever you walked into the room."

"That's the issue," Rose nodded in agreement.

"You're in… Gryffindor, correct?"

"Yeah," Rose answered noncommittally.



"Ahhh… Well… Why not make it a sort of Gryffindor themed room. Carpet or wooden floors?"

"Wooden floors. Maybe with a rug?"

"Gold to obnoxious?" Victoria wondered.


They both laughed and Victoria started waving her wand around, the room changing rapidly with her movements.

The floor that used to be carpeted 'for her own protection' turned into a beautiful wood floor, with a red and gold paisley rug in front of where her bed had landed just seconds before. She watched in fascination as what used to be a 'princess' bed turned into a bunk bed, with a small set of stairs going up the side to the top bunk. Her curtains became Gryffindor red with little gold crowns and tiara's on them.

Next, her bookcase flew into the room and landed next to her window. Her desk flew over and landed on the other side of the window, and all of the pictures that Rose had carefully placed on it flew onto the walls. A comfortable looking couch appeared on the opposite side of the room as her bed, and her walk-in closet doors tested their ability to open, moving the couch until the doors seemed happy.

When Victoria had finished she was panting a little bit, trying to catch her breath and wiped the small beads of sweat from her head.

"Woah," Rose said with wide eyes.

"You like it?" Victoria suddenly seemed self-conscious.

"Like it? I love it! Why the bunk bed, though?"

"Oh, that's easy, I know you want friends over this summer, and they'll want somewhere to sleep. I mean, I kept it as two queen beds, but I figured it'd be best."

"You're the best!"

Victoria blushed and murmured in what Rose was sure was disagreement before she walked out of the room rubbing her arms nervously. Rose sighed quietly just looking around until Maple rubbed up against her legs. Rose laughed and scooped the cat up holding her close, feeling the loud purr making her body vibrate.

"I like her too, girl."

The one thing the room needed, Rose soon realized, was her owl perch. She quickly amended the issue and pushed the bookcase over from the window just enough so that Galen wouldn't stare at her reproachfully as he sat on his perch. Then she hummed and went down into the kitchen.

Before Rose realized it was almost her and Harry's birthday and they both frowned in realization that neither had seen their friends yet. As they were about to suggest visiting the Weasley household Rose was cornered by Victoria and informed that they were going shopping.

"What for?" Rose asked in confusion.

"Well, one of the good things about having me around," Victoria said, her voice attempting to sound cocky. "Is that I am a fellow female. And I can tell when you are struggling. So. We're going girl shopping."

Rose squeaked and looked down at herself. She didn't want to admit it, but the training bra had become rather tight.

"Don't worry," Victoria went on to say. "I'll get you ice cream afterwards."

Rose left with Victoria not long afterwards, and they flooed into The Leaky Cauldron.

"Ah, Victoria! Your usual? Where's Mr. Black?" Tom, the barkeep, asked her.

"Not today, Tom, I'm here for girly reasons. Just need to get into Diagon."

Tom nodded his head to where the entrance lay, and as Rose and Victoria walked away, Rose felt Tom's eyes on her.

"Well, where do we go? Remus and Sirius just sorta threw the last ones at me," Rose shyly admitted.

"Easy. Follow me."

They walked to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions and walked behind it to a smaller store. Rose inspected the frilly bras and panties in the window of Sarah's Secret.

"Ummm, Victoria…"

"Don't worry. Sarah's my best friend, she'll steer you right."

As they walked in they saw many people bustling around, and others just staring openly at the displays. There were many things that Rose could hardly look at in the store, but Victoria directed her farther inside.

"Victoria!" A voice squealed out as a witch barreled into her.

"Sarah!" Victoria yelped, her expression on of happiness.

"Oh, it's been too long!" Rose took in the new witch. Her and Victoria were pressed together, but Rose could still see the dark brownish red hair with the blonde roots. She was most definitely wider than Victoria was. Victoria was curvy, sure, but she was still very thin compared to the witch that was holding her and talking animatedly into her ear. Her nails had recently been painted a vibrant blue, but they were already chipping. Once the witch, Sarah, stepped away from Victoria, Rose went wide eyed.

The woman's breasts were gigantic. Much bigger than oranges, and Rose blinked in confusion. How could she still be standing?

"So this is Rose! Oh, don't you worry, Victoria, I'll take the best care of her! Can't let Sirius get mad at you, can I?" Sarah's wink was rather roguish and Rose went bright red, trying to squeak out some sort of word at the woman in front of her, completely ignoring the fact that Victoria had gone red too.

Rose, looked between Sarah and Victoria again, and couldn't help but notice how different they seemed. Sarah's eyes were bright blue, almost the color of the sky while Victoria's were currently a dulled green. Victoria's more angular face just added to how soft Sarah looked. Sarah's nose was small, much like Rose's, but with a small upturn at the end. It was amazing, to Rose, that these witches were best friends.

"This way darling, to the back with you," Sarah said, ushering Rose away from all of the colorful, lacy, and frilly bras.

Once Rose got her bearings she sighed out her relief. These were much more comfortable territory for the small girl.

"I have to measure you dear, is that okay?"

Rose just nodded her consent as a tape measure started wrapping around herself, and Sarah hummed thoughtfully before the tape measure fell lifelessly to the ground.

"Here dear, go try these."

Rose did. She tried every single object that Sarah pushed into her tiny arms, and when Sarah finally let them escape her clutches Rose had more bras and underwear than she thought any decent person needed.

"Just to be safe," Sarah had said. "I loose mine all the time."

"Seems impossible with how big they are," Victoria has spitefully muttered. But Sarah ignored her and sent them on their merry way.

"That was…"

"Terrifying," Victoria said with a sigh. "Yeah, Sarah'll do that do you. You either love her or you hate her. Trust me, I've done both."

With their bags shrunk and hidden in Victoria's robe pocket they sat down at Florean Fortescue's and each got a small chocolate ice cream.

"How did you two meet?" Rose finally asked.

"Huh? Oh, you mean Sarah. Well, it was easy enough. She and I went to the same muggle primary school, then went to Ilvermorny together. We got separated but maintained our friendship. She got into the equivalent of Ravenclaw, and I into the equivalent of Gryffindor."

"She didn't seem…"

"Intelligent? No, she doesn't. But she just… is. For instance, she started that business from scratch with no business advice what-so-ever and now it's booming."

Once their ice cream was finished they went back to The Abode.