A/N: The title comes from a line in the song 'Running up that hill'. In particular from the Placebo version of the song, which the 'deal with god' sounds a lot more like a deal with the devil (or a Hawkmoth) because of the tone.

This fic was inspired by another fic over on AO3 that was inspired by a comic where Marinette was Adrien's akuma object because she was the most important thing to him. I can't find either to credit but will if I see them. Because that idea killed me and now I have pages of paper lying around where I had to get it out of my head.

I also needed Chat Noir!Alya and Ladybug!Nino for reasons.

A thunder in our hearts

Part I

It was halfway through lunch-break and Marinette was watching her friend tap away on her phone. From the comments she was making under her breath she was either getting into another shipping war on Tumblr or she was dealing with one of the followers on the Ladyblog she was getting into an increasingly antagonistic relationship with.

"Oh you think so," Alya growled, "Well, Ladybug5ever129, I'll show you just how much you really know."

"You shouldn't let them wind you up, Alya. If they're so much of an issue, then just ban them. It's your website."

Alya let out a frustrated moan. "I know. If they didn't post such good photos I would. They've been bullying my other readers."


"I know. But look!" The redhead held up her phone so Marinette could see a high resolution photo of Ladybug mid-swing. There was an uncomfortable pit in her stomach as she realised it was taken just a block or two from her home. They had managed to follow her that far?

"Alya, you can't let them continue being nasty to people just because they get you good photos of Ladybug."

"I know. It's just they're so shiny and clear."

Marinette could understand Alya's feelings to a small extent. Due to the unpredictable nature of akuma attacks and how quickly Ladybug and Chat Noir had to leave afterwards, most of the available photos of the pair in action were taken from standard smartphones rather than professional equipment. However shiny photos were no reason to tolerate internet trolls. Especially when it was a website that was your responsibility to maintain.

Her disapproving look made Alya cave. Not that it would have stopped the girl if she hadn't wanted to.

"Fine. I'll ban them from posting on the Ladyblog. They were creeping me out anyway."

"Don't worry. I'm sure all your other readers will appreciate it."

That turned out to be true. Though Alya did have to spend the next week being extra vigilant, as Ladybug5ever129 apparently made several accounts to leave vile comments all over the Ladyblog that needed removing.

"Crazy bitch," Alya could be heard saying regularly.

The first time it happened in close Alya nearly got detention. The second time it happened she did.

"Are they really that much of a problem?" Nino asked at lunch, starting Alya off on a mini rant.

Adrien nodded along in agreement. "Some of the stuff he's been posting… it's pretty messed up." His hand tightened on Marinette's knee.

She looked at him in confusion.

Later, he mouthed.

"That bitch," Alya continued, "is fucking psycho. She talks about Ladybug like she actually believes they're close and the only reason I blocked her is because I'm jealous of their relationship."


"She says some really messed up things too. Mum saw some of it and now she has this rule about making sure all the windows are locked once it's evening."

Marinette froze and looked at her friend in horror. "You mean they might do something to you just because you blocked them from the Ladyblog.

"Calm down, Mari. It's nothing. Just stuff internet trolls say. Mum's just overreacting."

"Okay. If you're sure."

"I am."

Marinette wasn't. The way Adrien reacted wasn't normal. "So what's really happening," she asked on patrol that night.

"It's like Alya said, this person's crazy. The scary sort of crazy. The way he spoke of you… You know I'm in the modelling industry. The way he spoke about you is just like the way I've seen some of the girls I've worked with spoken about." Chat's hand tightened around hers, like he's afraid she's going to disappear. "The stalked be people who were so were so wrapped up in these delusions it's terrifying."

Ladybug tightened her own grip on his hand. "It's okay, Chat."

"Just promise me you'll be careful."

"I will. Not that I need to. I've got you."

Chat smiled weakly at her. There was obsession and obsession. When it came to Ladybug5ever129, he was terrified he knew exactly what side of the line they fell on.

Chat Noir pulled Ladybug into his arms and despite their 'No kissing in suits' rule (one close call was enough for them to realise the distraction was dangerous) he pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead.

Ladybug froze before sinking into the hug Chat so desperately needed. "Everything's going to be fine."

Marinette was woken early by her phone ringing. She blearily picked it up, half intending to throw it against the wall, and peered through hazy eyes at the caller ID.

"Alya, what are y-"

"It's official!"

"Nino asked you out? That's great."

"What? No. Not that. Quickly check out the Ladyblog."

"Alya, it's too early."

"Marinette, pleeeeeeeaaaase."

Marinette is a pushover. She stumbled sleepily over to the computer and thanked whatever god that was listening that she had the Ladyblog bookmarked. She wasn't sure her typing skills would be up to the challenge this early.

"What am I supposed to be looking for?"

"You'll know it when you see it," Alya sang. Nobody should sound that happy in the small hours of the morning.

Marinette wasn't sure what she was supposed to be looking for but needn't have worried. The second the front page of the Ladyblog loaded she choked on her saliva and jolted into awareness.

"You see it then?"

Of course she saw it. Half the screen was the words 'Ladynoir is Canon' and the other half was a photo taken slyly on a camera phone with Ladybug in Chat Noir's arms as he kissed her on the head.

"Where did that photo even come from?" Marinette choked. That nnight had been two weeks ago and it was only just surfacing now? Not to mention Marinette hadn't even realised anyone had witnessed the moment. She felt angry. That had been private and now it was being broadcasted for the world to see.

"I'm not sure. One of the local news channels broadcast it first since then Twitter's been blowing up with it."

"Twitter?" echoed Marinette.

"Yep. My LadyNoir feeds are loving it. I mean there's a few people saying shit because they actually thought they had a chance with one of them but for the most part people seem really pleased."

Marinette didn't know what to say to that. She clicked on Twitter out of curiosity and LadyNoir was trending. She had no idea that so many people cared about Ladybug and Chat being together.

"This is crazy."

"I know." Marinette could hear Alya's smile across the phone line. "I've just won so many arguments on Tumblr. I can't wait for the next akuma attack."

"Alya," she scolded.

"What? You know I don't mean it like that. I don't want anything bad to happen. I just want a chance to interview Ladybug and Chat Noir."

"I'm not sure they'll want people asking questions. They must have kept quiet for some reason. Besides," she added looking at the photo again, "there's a chance that kiss is just platonic."

Alya scoffed and didn't dignify a response to that with words. Marinette got it. There was no getting this cat back in the bag.

"I'm going back to bed now. I'll talk to you in a couple of hours."

Talking to Alya turned into being talked at by Alya as the girl excitedly chattered away. It was almost amusing at first but quickly became exhausting as the girl analysed every aspect of Ladybug and Chat's relationship. Some bits were hilariously wrong, some too close to home, and others just too private.

It came as a relief when the last lesson of the day was interrupted by an akuma attack and Marinette could slip away.

The relief didn't last long though as, after an easy fight, she and Chat had to fight off curious fans.

"Is it true you and Chat Noir are together?"

"When did you fall in love with Ladybug?"

"Can I get your autograph?"

Thankfully the police were still on hand from the fight with the akuma and were able to keep the crowds in check as Ladybug and Chat Noir made the rounds. When they had a few minutes left before they had to release the transformation they always tried to spend a few minutes of time with their fans. Public opinion was important and making friendly with overzealous crowds was part of that. It wasn't always her favourite thing but it was important.

She dodged questions on her relationship with Chat, something they unanimously agreed to keep low-key, signed autographs, and allowed a couple of photos to be taken.

"Ladybug! Ladybug!" one fan called. "I love you!"

Ladybug smiled and gave them a small wave. Her earing gave out its two-minute warning beep. "I have to go now. Thank you, everyone, for the support. Have a nice day." She turned to Chat, who looked a little flustered from fielding questions about their relationship with ambiguous answers. He gave her a goofy smile and a wave as he saw her heading his way. God, she loved that boy. "Come on, Chat. Let's g-"

The sound of thunder cracked through the air and for a second everything just froze. Then Ladybug fell forward into Chat's chest. A red glow surrounded her before dissipating, leaving Chat catching hold onto Marinette as Tikki tumbled to the floor at the sudden release of the transformation.

Chat's knees gave slightly as he lowered Marinette to the ground in shock. "My Lady? Princess?" His brain wasn't working like it should. He was aware of the police in the area tackling someone but it was drowned out by the warmth leaking from Marinette.

She was bleeding. She was bleeding a lot. Adrien pressed down on the wound on her back, shaking as the blood just flowed through his fingers instead of stopping. Marinette lifted her chin weakly and looked up at him. Her eyes, her big, beautiful blue eyes, were full of terror.

He didn't understand. They stopped the akuma. Everything was good. So why? Why was Marinette…

Marinette tried to say something but all that came out was a soundless whisper. Her eyes closed and she slumped in his arms.

"Nonononono. Don't do this to me, princess. Don't leave me. You promised to be okay. You promised." He bent over, pressing kisses to her hair and pleading with her.

Absently he was aware of his ring giving one final ring and the transformation being released but everything outside of Marinette was unimportant.

Despair threatened to overwhelm him before a powerful anger consumed his thoughts. Someone did this. Someone had hurt her.

You can fix this, a voice whispered insidiously in his mind. You could save her and punish the ones responsible.

"Adrien, no," a small familiar voice called from his side. He brushed it away.

You know what I want, Prince Charming. What will you do to save your Sleeping Beauty?


Adrien could feel Hawkmoth's power wash over him, dimly aware of a small tugging at his hand as it did. When the power receded, Prince Charming stood, lifting Sleeping Beauty gently in his arms.

"I won't let anything harm you again," he promised.