Look who wrote another story :) This is a bit different from the others, because it's not in Clint's POV for the most part. Also, if you guys have any prompts for this verse, let me know. I'm always happy to get feedback!

September 2006

"Well, aren't you glad I didn't let you go with them on a hunt?" Clint asked his youngest brother with a slight smirk. "Those idiots went and got themselves arrested."

Adam leaned back against his seat at the kitchen table, a small frown on his face.

The call had come from Sam – apparently, Dean had been caught in a victim's home with their blood on his hands. Naturally, the police arrested the both of them, and they were now sitting in interrogation rooms in the police department. At least, Dean was. The cops were under the impression that the older brother was dragging Sam around against his will. Sam was able to get out, and was currently trying to solve their little mystery before anyone else died.

Clint wasn't too worried about them – after all, they were some of the best Hunters out there – but he hoped the two of them would learn their lesson and not get caught next time. Besides, if he really ended up needing to bust Dean out of jail, he had a legit badge and everything, not to mention he ranked high above any cops.

"Well, I'm glad that I'm not under arrest," Adam admitted. "But I still wanna go on a hunt! I'm gonna be sixteen in, like, a week." He pouted slightly, which his oldest brother found hilarious.

Clint pretended to be thinking about something for a moment before he spoke again.

"Tell you what," he said. "Once you're sixteen, we'll spend the rest of the year – don't give me that look, Kid – we'll spend the rest of the year teaching you how to use a variety of weapons. After Christmas, you can go with Sam and Dean on a couple of easy hunts."

Clint had made up his mind two months ago, a couple of weeks after their father's death. Kid needed to learn how to protect himself, after all, but he was just that, a kid. So, he would spend the rest of 2006 learning how to be a Hunter before he actually went on any hunts. Simple enough – at least, as simple as things ever got for their family.

Adam raised his eyebrows.

"And by easy, you mean…" he prompted Clint, who rolled his eyes.

"No werewolves or vamps, no demons. Just a couple of salt and burns, you hear me?"

Adam gave him a blinding grin.

"No problem."

September 29th, 2006

By some miracle, both Sam and Dean were able to make it for Adam's birthday.

It was held at the Roadhouse, Ellen Harvelle having insisted that she host after Sam mentioned his younger brother in passing. She'd met Clint once, she told him, when he was probably fourteen or fifteen. Of course, she hadn't seen him in years, not since he went solo, so she'd never met his wife.

Adam was absolutely thrilled when Dean gave him a shiny new shotgun, which was promptly taken away by Clint.

"You can have it back when you know how to use it." He promised his little brother, who nodded sullenly.

He received his own Hunters journal, courtesy of Laura, and Natasha gave him a S.H.I.E.L.D. issue phone, untraceable by even the best hackers (someday, that phone would be hacked by both Charlie Bradbury and Tony Stark, but that's a tale for another time).

The party guests – Ellen and her daughter Jo, along with the genius Ash, his family and Natasha, Bobby, and a handful of other Hunters – laughed and talked amongst one another, and so Adam was able to slip outside unnoticed. He stood by the front door of the Hunters bar, his hands stuffed into his jacket pockets, and he watched his breath leave in little white puffs.

"Why are you out here?"

He jumped slightly, but relaxed when he saw that it was only Dean that now stood beside him. He wrapped his arms around himself as he looked forward.

"Do you think Dad would have told you about me?" he said finally, causing Dean to pause.

"I don't know," he said honestly. "I'd like to believe he would, y'know? But then again, Dad liked to keep his secrets."

After a few moments of silence, Adam spoke.

"I'm really glad that I found out about you guys," he said quietly, and his older brother grinned down at him.

"Me too, shorty, me too."

He hesitated briefly before putting an arm around the smaller boys shoulders and pulling him into a short hug.

"Now let's get inside," Dean said gruffly, "Because I swear I'm not having a chick flick moment with you, even if it is your birthday."

January 2007

Christmas came and went, and New Years was spent at the farmhouse, lighting off semi-illegal fireworks. Adam enjoyed every bit of it, and he was absolutely thrilled when Clint said that he'd been trained well enough to go out on a hunt with Sam and Dean.

"You," Clint pointed a finger in Adam's face, "aren't aloud to do anything stupid, got it?" At Adam's nod, he whirled around, finger still extended, and faced the other two brothers. "You don't let him do anything stupid. Don't let anything happen to him, or yourselves. I'm counting on you." He raised an eyebrow, and Dean huffed, faking annoyance.

"Geeze, Clint, we got it, we got it!" He shouldered his bag and nudged Adam towards the car. "Get in, Kid."

"Shotgun!" Adam crowed, making way towards the front of the Impala, but Sam caught him by the back of his shirt.

"Ah, no." he said with a small chuckle. Adam pouted momentarily, but his mood was too good to bother being upset over something so trivial.

He wriggled out of Sam's grasp and clambered into the back of the car, excited for the hunt.

"So," he shot a grin towards his brothers. "What are we hunting?"

Sam shifted in the front seat so that he could see the youngest Winchester brother.

"Not quite sure yet," he admitted. "This lady up and decided to rob the jewelry store that she worked at."

"Okay," Adam said, drawing out the word slowly. "How does this mean that we have a hunt? Jewelry stores get robbed all the time."

Sam shot him a look that clearly said be quiet and I'll tell you.

"She shot a guy in the face."

The teenager frowned a bit. It still didn't sound like something that would warrant involvement from Hunters, but he supposed that Sam and Dean would know better than him about that. Either way, it was still his first case.

"Dean, what are we going to use as his cover story?" Sam asked his older brother, and Adam could see Dean's smirk reflected in the rearview mirror.

"Adam, you're pretty tall, right?"

The blond blinked. What did that have to do with anything?

"Yeah," he said cautiously, "I'm almost six foot. Why?"

"Sammy, hand that back to him," Dean said, and Adam was given what looked to be a black leather wallet.

He opened it, and was surprised to see his own picture attached to a fake FBI badge. His head shot up, and he met Dean's eyes briefly through the mirror.

"Really?" he asked, feeling excited.

His brothers grinned.

"Congrats, baby bro," Dean told him. "According to that, you're a twenty three year old agent in training."

Word Count: 1,266 without A/N