

Chapter 1

It was a small, intimate gathering. The kind that only affluent, wealthy people could afford. Held in a private penthouse, the living room had floor-to-ceiling glass walls, which opened onto a balcony garden that allowed an unparallel gorgeous view of Washington DC.

The host of this party was Secretary of State Harrison Stone.

Boris Volkov, the Russian Ambassador to the U.S, was his guest of honor for the night.

Most of the activity would take place in the impressive lush balcony of the residence, amidst the starry night. It would be a celebratory occasion. There were plans for a huge fireworks show out on the balcony. This would be followed by the Secretary of State presenting Ambassador Boris Volkov with a golden statue of Uncle Sam. The solid gold Americana piece, with diamonds encircling Uncle Sam's patriotic hat, was worth millions.

It was to serve as a symbolic way to unite the two nations.

Earlier, a reliable informant at the Agency had relayed some information that the Secretary of State may be the target for terrorists, so Lee and Amanda were the agents hired to protect Secretary of State Stone at the party.

Going undercover, Lee and Amanda had arrived together. Lee looked his usual debonair self in his standard tux while Amanda dazzled in a sparkling long pink halter dress that draped perfectly against her svelte body. Her hair was pinned up high with several tendrils hanging sensually down her face, and also exposing her graceful swan-like neck.

Lee had never seen her in this particular dress and he thought she looked absolutely sensational. However his pride kept him from complimenting her. After all, they were here to do an assignment.

But he was certainly proud as he squired her around the room. She seemed to glide gracefully across the floor as she held onto his arm. But he wasn't fooled by her calm demeanor.

Lee leaned into her, trying to ignore her intoxicating perfume.

"Amanda, there's no need to be so nervous," he whispered to her while at the same time giving a welcoming nod to a passing couple.

She slightly turned his way, surprised.

"Believe me, I'm trying not to!" she adamantly told him, "The last thing I'd want to do is leave sweat marks on this beautiful dress!"

That comment made Lee smile. He certainly knew how difficult it was to do protection duty while at the same time pretending you were here to schmooze. But Amanda was doing a great job. When the guests looked their way, all they probably saw was a stunning woman with a glow about her. He needed to help calm her nerves.

And the best way to do that was to make light of the situation.

"You're right; being nervous won't help the appearance of your dress," he stated sagely and then added jokingly, "so you may want to suck in all that sweat back into your body!"

"Oh you!" she lightly swatted his arm and then added, "but how could you tell I was nervous, anyway? Is it really that obvious?"

"No, not at all," he assured her, "In fact, you look absolutely beau-" he stopped himself, "-fine. You look absolutely fine. But your hands clinging onto my arm is a dead giveaway. They're shaking like a leaf."

"Oh, sorry!"

She immediately removed her hand from his arm, and Lee was surprised at his own reaction of instant regret when she did that. When a server came up to them, they waved away the glasses of champagne. No alcohol tonight; they needed to remain alert.

"I don't know why I'm so nervous tonight," she commented, "maybe it's just..." she did that familiar jerk of her head, "...me being me. Or maybe it's just I'm slightly overwhelm by all these influential people."

Lee took a quick glance around the room before responding.

"Really?" He slightly grinned, "The movers and shakers of Washington DC intimidate you, eh? Wellllll, it's actually not that big of a deal, Amanda! Just remember, they put on their pants one leg at a time...unless they're clumsy or drunk. Then it's two legs in one pants leg!"

When she still looked anxious, he was concerned.

"Heyyy, you sure you're alright, Amanda?"

"I think so," she responded, but her voice sounded tight, "but it's just..." she leaned in and lowered her voice, "I'm getting a bad feeling about tonight."

Lee had to admit; he was feeling a bit uneasy himself. But he wouldn't let Amanda know that.

"It's just your nerves dealing with the unknown, Amanda," Lee said, looking very relaxed, "I get that way sometimes, especially at these little soirees where I'm surrounded by such rich and influential people."

"Really?" she inquired, "so how do you overcome your nervousness?"

"Simple," he stated as he glanced over the crowd again, "I've convinced myself that powerfully rich people have only one goal in mind at these kind of parties: '...to hold an overpriced drink in a haughty manner'."

That observation made Amanda chuckle.

"You may be right," she smiled, "I feel better. Thanks."

"Good. So would you like something to eat? It might settle your stomach," he suggested

"No, I'm fine, Lee. You don't have to go through that trouble of getting something for me."

"Who said I was volunteering to get it for you?" his lips slightly quivered, as if he were about to break out in a smile.

"I should have known you wouldn't get anything for me," she pretended to look disappointed, although she was having a grand time.

He casually shrugged, "And spoil you? That will only make you soft as an agent."

He followed up his quip with a quick wink that only she could see.

The way he teased sent shooting quivers up and down Amanda's spine. She knows she should be immune to this light type of bantering from him, especially when it bordered on being flirtatious. But there was something about Lee Stetson that always made her react strongly.

"Hmmph! You spoiling me?" she countered back, her tone sarcastic, "I hadn't realize 'being ignored' was spoiling someone!"

He couldn't help it; he chuckled at her comment.

Lee couldn't understand how someone like Amanda could have such an effect on him. He always felt good when she seemed happy. But why should he care how she felt? She was like any other agent, right?


He put all those thoughts aside when Secretary of State Harrison Stone and Ambassador Boris Volkov approached them, with Volkov's assistant trailing after the two.

"Ahhh, Mr. Stetson! Ms. King!" Secretary of State Stone greeted them, "Good that you two made it to the party! May I introduce Russian Ambassador Volkov and his assistant Max Davidoff,...and this is Lee Stetson, my chief of staff, and Amanda King, my office manager."

'Chief of Staff' and 'office manager' were the covers Lee and Amanda had established for this assignment. It enabled them to stay close to the Secretary of State's side without raising suspicion.

Amanda gave a nod to Volkov's aide as she stuck out her hand towards Volkov in a gesture of friendliness.

"Very nice to meet you, Mr. Volkov."

Instead of shaking hands, however, Volkov took a firm grasp of Amanda's hand and brought it up to his lips. Before she could protest, he kissed the top of her hand, while at the same time, never taking his eyes off of her. His smile was bright afterwards.

"Ahhh...Udovol'stviye, Ms. King!" he said, still not letting go of her hand, "Never I think to meet such a beautiful lady here as you!"

It took all of Lee's willpower not to roll his eyes.

Although Amanda did look stunning tonight,Lee thought, Volkov was like a stack of pancakes; he was piling it on a little thick.

"Oh, you're too kind, Mr. Volkov," Amanda looked pleased, "but I'm sure there are many much more attractive women in this room!"

His eyes salaciously traveled down the entire length of her.

"I assure you, my dear, there is none so enchanting as you!" he seemed to ooze charm, "and if I may be so bold as to call you Amanda, I insist you call me Boris!"

Lee felt Amanda take a nervous gulp before she smiled, "Alright...Boris."

"Come, my Amanda!" he boldly invited, as he tucked her hand into his arm, "being that you are most beautiful woman in room, you must stay by my side all night! Let us begin our grand night together by viewing the stars shining down outside!"

Amanda looked hesitantly at Lee, her eyes willing him to get her out of this situation.

Inwardly, Lee wanted to slug the guy, but outwardly, he remained expressionless. He knew better than to insult a dignitary.

"Amanda, I believe it would be an honor for you to accept such a gentlemanly invitation," Lee stated through gritted teeth.

Amanda had the sense not to show her frustration. It was obvious she didn't appreciate being foisted on Volkov, but if Lee didn't want her hanging around with him, she might as well enjoy herself.

"You're right, Lee," she counterplayed.

She lifted her head high and smiled kindly at Volkov, "I would love to see the night stars, Ambassador!"

Volkov gave a slight bow, "The night is young; let us be also, Moya Lyubov'!"

He confidently led Amanda away towards the balcony, with aide Max following behind them, while Lee slowly simmered inside.

He just didn't get it.

What is it about this housewife from Arlington who could enchant the most powerful of men? Lee wondered to himself.

He subconsciously straightened his collar.

What am I thinking?I should be glad Amanda is out of my hair! After all, I am here to protect the Secretary of State, not play prom date!

Yet as he watched Amanda and the Ambassador until they disappeared into the crowd, he had a rueful expression on his face that no one else noticed.


It was time for the grand finale of the party: the fireworks.

Max Davidoff, Volkov's aide, had earlier mentioned to state officials how Volkov loved bright displays like fireworks to commemorate special events. So an announcement had been made that these fireworks were courtesy of the office of the Secretary of State. Then after the light show, Secretary of State Stone would present Ambassador Volkov with the Uncle Sam statue as a welcoming gift.

Everyone was led out to the balcony to watch the display.

For this event, Volkov had joined Secretary Stone at the front part of the balcony. Amanda excused herself and went to stand at the back of the crowd, next to Lee. This way they had a better view of the crowd, in case of danger.

"Did you have fun at your little intimate garden party?" Lee sardonically asked Amanda, "I hope you left the stars in the sky instead of getting them in your eyes!"

He had to get in another dig. Amanda shot him a look.

"Not that it's any of your business," Amanda's tone was cavalier, "but let's just say that the Russian Ambassador was VERRRY charming!"

Lee looked at her sideways, "I'm sure he was. Probably for the first five minutes. Then I bet he evolved into sliminess."

Her eyes flashed back at him, "Why do you always do that?"

He looked innocent, "Do what?"

"Ruin an evening for me when I am being escorted around by anyone else but you!"

Lee tried not to react. She had hit too close to home and she didn't even realize it. Before Lee could come back with a suitable answer, the fireworks suddenly erupted high across the sky.


The beautiful array of patriotic red, white and blue was quite spectacular. The guests oohed and ahhed while the penthouse shook from the bombardments.


Lee's senses were suddenly on high alert.

The penthouse shook?

Unless the walls of the penthouse were built of paper, theywould never shake like this.

Something was terribly wrong.



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