I, Garnet, have been asked to introduce you to this chapter. The Anti-Horcrux apologizes for not updating this week. Reason: school testing. She also asks you to please review. To The Anti-Horcrux: Don't ask me to introduce a chapter again. Bye.
Frisk took a hesitant step inside the large white lab. Inside it was dark and freezing. They wrapped their sweater around themselves. On their left, they noticed a large screen. It seemed to be following them. They giggled a bit when they walked to the left, the screen followed them to the left. They shrugged and moved on. Suddenly, the lights flickered on, and a short blue gem strutted in. They stared at each other in silence for a few moments.
"You've come earlier than I expected," The gem finally noted. She sighed. "I should have expected this. I apologize for the mess."
Frisk shuffled around silently.
"I'm Sapphire, the Greg's Royal Scientist. Don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you," She assured.
Frisk sighed in relief.
"I've actually been watching you," She smiled. "Ever since you left the Ruins, I've been observing your journey through my console," She pointed to the large screen on the wall. "I mean, I could've just used my future vision, but it doesn't always work anymore, so I use cameras in case things go… wrong."
Frisk knew what Sapphire meant. If they had slaughtered them all…
"I was originally supposed to stop you. But it's hard not to root for someone if you're watching them on-screen. And I couldn't ignore what possible goodness you could bring to this world," She smiled.
Frisk cocked their head. "Huh?"
"Future vision," Sapphire answered. "I can see different futures, outcomes, possibilities, and timelines. While I can see many futures for you where things go poorly, I can also see futures where you do quite a bit of good."
Frisk smiled hesitantly. "Well, hopefully I can make these futures a reality."
Sapphire nodded in agreement. "And I can help! I have extensive knowledge of the area. I can guide you to the King's Castle easily."
"Really?" Frisk asked excitedly. A little help could go a long way in this world.
Sapphire looked at the ground. "Well, no. There is a small problem."
Frisk tried not to groan. "What is it?"
"A long time ago, I made a robot named Lapis Lazuli. Originally, I built her to be an entertainment robot. A robotic TV star, you could say. Well, recently I decided to make her more useful. I made a few modifications and such, but unfortunately, she now has some anti-human combat features…"
"Anti-human combat features?" Frisk asked.
Sapphire shook her head. "That was before you left the Ruins. Yesterday, when I finally gave up trying to stop you, I tried to get rid of these capabilities. But, in that rush, I may have made a mistake and made her a bit more..." Sapphire looked around nervously. "-bloodthirsty. But I doubt that we will see her anytime soon."
Frisk sighed. Yeah, hopefully.
Frisk looked around wildly. What was that noise?
"Did you hear something?" Sapphire asked.
"Oh no."
Bang bang bang bang bang
The lights turned up so brightly that everything was white. Frisk covered their eyes. A small chuckle was heard right next to them.
"Welcome, humans and gems..."
The lights faded back to normal.
"To today's quiz show!" In the spotlight stood Lapis Lazuli. She had a large metal body in the shape of a teardrop. She was a bright blue color, cleaned to the point she reflected. On a screen a talking face appeared. Two disco balls dropped down and confetti rained from the roof.
"Oh my!" The robot smiled with her electronic face. "This is going to be a WONDERFUL show tonight, isn't it?" She placed her arm around Frisk's shoulders, who tried to escape, but was held firmly to the robot's arms. "Let's all give a hand for our FIRST human contestant!" More confetti fell from the ceiling. Recorded clapping played.
"I-I don't know how to play!" Frisk said nervously.
"Never played before? Well, it's easy. There's only one little rule. Answer correctly.." Lapis held her hands up in a threatening manner. "Or you die!"
Frisk saw their heart appear in front of their chest. Sapphire watched calmly from behind Lapis, doing nothing to stop her. Frisk sighed and checked Lapis Lazuli.
"Attack 10, Defense 999," The voice said. "Her metal body renders her invulnerable to attack." 999 defense?! Frisk thought. That's crazy! They silently hoped that they wouldn't have to fight her.
'"Let's start with an easy one!" The robot announced. The graphic display where her face used to be showed the question: "What's the prize for answering correctly? Money, a new car, mercy, or more questions?"
Frisk was about to say "money" but noticed Sapphire summoning ice in the shape of the letter "D". Frisk took Sapphire's silent advice and answered "more questions". Unfortunately, they were correct. "Right! Sounds like you know how things are run down here!" Lapis Lazuli cheered.
Frisk started to feel their eyes getting blurry. They wanted it to stop. They just wanted to go home. They didn't want an evil blood-thirsty robot going after them. And how could they befriend everyone? One day… there's going to be a relentless killer, just like Flowey had said. Frisk started to cry. Lapis floated closer and put a metal hand to Frisk's mouth. She wagged her finger at the child.
"Screaming is against the rules!" She reminded them. "Anyways, here's your wonderful prize: What is our King's full name?"
"Greg Universe, Frisk announced after reading through the options.
"Correct!" Lapis cried out. The quiz show continued. At first, the questions were easy. But soon, the questions were impossible to answer in the small time limit that they had. Miraculously, Sapphire seemed to know the answer to all of these, so Frisk answered correctly on all of the questions.
"In the Canadian drama 'Camp Pining Hearts' what is Paulette's team during the color war?" Lapis asked. Before Frisk could answer, Sapphire cut in.
"Camp Pining Hearts? That show that Peridot watches all the time? She talks about it to no end. Paulette was on the blue team, if I can remember correctly. Although her boyfriend, Percy, was on the yellow team. All the teams hated each other but they loved each other so they… kept… their... love… a…" Sapphire slowed to stop.
"Sapphire!" Lapis gasped over-dramatically. "I knew you were a fan all along. Oh well, you're not helping our contestant, are you?" Sapphire shook her head grimly. "Well, you should have told me. I'll ask my OWN question that you'll be sure to know the answer to!"
"Stop it-" Sapphire warned.
"Who does Sapphire have a crush on?" Lapis cheered, disobeying the short blue gem, who seemed to have started… growing ice at the bottom of her dress?
Frisk looked over the answers. It wasn't "I Don't Know". That answer was basically the same as not answering at all. They also ruled out "The Human". They hoped it wasn't them. Now, the only two answers left were "Ruby" and "Greg". Frisk scratched their head. They didn't really know. Well, Ruby had talked a bit about Sapphire, so they went with that.
Lapis squealed a bit. "See Sapphire? We ALL ship it! Even the human agrees!" Lapis sighed, bringing her hands close to her "face". "They're fire and ice, hot and cold, Ruby and Sapphire. Who's ever seen a more perfect pair of opposites?" Frisk giggled a bit, and noticed the ice crystals forming around Sapphire had almost reaches her knees. "They're definitely going to be together," Lapis smiled. "Oh well. With Sapphire helping you out, this show's very anticlimactic. We can't continue on in conditions like these! But! This was only the beginning. We ALL know that shows only get better as they go on. Soon, there'll be more drama, more action, and more VIOLENCE! There'll be no seasonal rot here! Until next time, darlings!" And with that, Lapis spun out of the room.
Sapphire, who was now up to her waist in ice, tried to face towards Frisk. "Well," She huffed. "That happened."
"Can you get out?" Frisk asked, seeing the ice encasing the blue gem.
"It'll melt," Sapphire said.
"Here," Frisk offered. "I'll help you out." Frisk grabbed Sapphire's hand and pulled hard, freeing her from her icy enclosure.
"Thank you," Sapphire nodded curtly, picking herself up from the ground. She shuffled nervously. "That last question… I did not think she was going to ask that."
Frisk shrugged. "Nothing wrong with having a crush on someone!" They reassured her.
Sapphire shook her head and looked the other way. Something was bothering her. Frisk decided not to ask. "Uh… bye then!"
"Wait!" Sapphire called out, noticing the bulky machine in Frisk's back pocket. "That cell phone's ancient! Let me upgrade that for you." Sapphire snatched Frisk's phone and hurried into a different room. Frisk heard loud banging, and then Sapphire came back. "I upgraded it for you" Sapphire said. "It can do texting, face chatting, and a bunch of other thing that'll be useful in potentially… deadly… situations. I even signed you up for GemBook, the Underground's #1 social network!"
"Thanks!" Frisk smiled, taking back their new phone. They looked around the lab before stepping into the Hotlands.
"Bye!" Sapphire called out. "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe!"
As Garnet said, sorry for not updating! I would be lying if I said it was all because of testing, though. A lot of it was hype for In Too Deep. I loved the new episodes! And yes, I know, Lapis is reaaaaaaaly out of character. I wanted to put her in the fic, but Mettaton was the last position left. So, I guess she's more comedic now? I was actually originally planning to have PERIDOT be Alphys. But then I was like, "Okay, but who's Undyne gonna be then?" Since I ship Amedot, Amethyst made sense to me. But then I was like, "How the hell is Ruby and Sapphire as Sans and Papyrus gonna work?". So I decided to make Peridot and Amethyst Sans and Papyrus and Ruby and Sapphire as Undyne and Alphys. Probably for the best, anyways. I think most people would rather read Rupphire than Amedot. Also, I have a new favorite Undertale AU: Jaspertale. What really happened when Jasper fell into that hole?
~The Anti-Horcrux