Chapter 2
{22.45} hiya sorry if this is a bit late to text you, just wanted to see if you had a nice day.
As soon as I sent the text I regretted it. Did I seem too needy. I turned my phone on silent and tried my hardest to ignore it.
Then I seen the screen light up with a text message. With a nervous smile I picked up my phone and read.
[23.00] nope not too late to text me. Today was tiring. I had a 2 hour class. Then had a small argument with a friend, who also happens to be my ex, then went to work. I love work, but some people can be idiots.
{23.06} I agree they can be. But I try not to judge. Why was the person being an idiot? I'm just reading a book just now with some peppermint tea. So I'm relaxed and ready to listen.
[23.12] some idiot in my work was being rather nasty about another person in my work. I won't go into details, but I think I scared her with my temper. Not sorry though. A book and a cup of tea sounds heavenly. What are you reading?
I looked at the text. I knew who Hermione was talking about. I also knew that Pansy had likely been being nasty about me. I would normally feel that small twinge of sadness, but Hermione had been angry on my behalf. Even if she didn't know it was me she was defending.
I smiled to myself and replied.
{23.17} The colour of magic by Terry Pratchett. Do you know it?
[23.20] I do know it. I read it in high school. I really loved the story and the world. If only magic was real.
{23.24} magic is real you just have to look around to find it.
[23.26] that's a lovely way to think. But I just can't think like that right now. Too much going on in my life to believe in magic.
{23.27} oo I hope it's nothing bad. I know I'm a stranger but if you wanna talk about anything you can talk to me. They say that it's easier to talk to a faceless person about your problems.
[23.31] I guess there wouldn't be any harm in talking about it. And it's nothing bad, just new.
[23.32] I've started to realise that I'm attracted to woman. Well not women. Woman. One woman. She's like the most beautiful person I've ever seen. I've never actually spoken to her. But I see how see acts towards people. She's like the sun with her warmth and people just radiate towards her. I've not told anyone how I feel. And that I think I'm gay.
[23.34] well I mean I told my parents but they didn't take it too well which is why I don't speak to them much now.
{23.41} your patents will come around just give them time. If you like this woman you should talk to her and build up a friendship.
I felt myself frown. So she liked someone, who did sound amazing. Hopefully we could still be friends. Because no one was as amazing as Hermione.
[23.45] I don't know I think luna would think I was weird for just suddenly talking to her. We've worked together for a while and we went to the same school. I don't know.
{00.03} WHAT?! I'm sorry I have to go. Early morning. Sleep well.
Oh my goddess. Hermione likes me. Me. What do I do. Do I tell her who she's been texting. Honesty is the best policy. But I don't want her to be frightened off, or feel embarrassed.
No tomorrow I will tell her. But I think I'll do it face to face.
A few streets away Hermione was confused.
I don't know why Luna acted like that. I mean...I mean...oh my goodness.
How could I be so dense. Luna who I work with used to hang around with Ginny in high school. The Luna I've been texting met me At Ginnys party.
Seriously Hermione how common is the name Luna.
O God she must be totally freaked out when I said I had a crush on her. How am I supposed to text her again. What if we're in work at the same time.
I'm staying home from work later on today. I need to make a plan of action.
Now I need to try and sleep.
a/n: Hiya so this is my first time writing a hermione/luna fic. I know it not great but it's a working progress. So please be kind if you leave a review.
Also I know this chapter wasn't that great. But it's just a filler chapter to move on the story. I have got the next couple of chapter though out. But I still have to write them. So please be patient.
Anyway hope you all had a good easter and had loads of chocolate.