Jason here, bring you another behind the scene chapter, today I will be talking about Headhusky's "A New Beginning".

I hope you won't get upset about this chapter because it's about to get SALTY.

It's what I do around here, you have the bravery to put up your stories, and I'll make a huge review third person, and yeah… You have been warned.

I'm also writing the ways like Headhusky do because it's his story.

The flock of birds who have been just busy talking to each other for the past few hours had still been occupied by their conversations about how their life had been shaped by an author like a clay. They weren't exactly happy about the fact that instead of them living happily in a universe that everything was perfect for the blue macaws, someone had to come and interrupt their lives.

Blu: I remember the time that I somehow managed to get up that statue, I didn't even know how to fly and he just made me capable of fully extend the usage of my wings, how illogical.

Jewel: Hey, at least you are still a Spix Macaw.

Blu: Yeah, but somehow I forgot everything.

Rafael: Then I think I brought you to the club.

Blu: How nice of him to describe the club in such a simple way, lights, colors and musics.

Rafael: And these two OC that the author just stuffed in there, they were pretty nice.

Blu: Yeah, Regan told me that there is a tribe in the Amazon which have Spix macaws.

Rafael: Regan sounds like regeneration in my opinion, but how cliche that the he actually took the spix tribe in the Amazon from Rio 2 and implemented here.

Blu: It's what they do Rafy, it's what they do.

Jewel: And I wish I could see myself soon.

Blu: I'm sure you will show up soon Jewel. Is it me or is it that he's trying to make Edgar as strong and intimidating as possible? Considering that he got kicked out of the tribe.

Rafael: I think so, and the quick introduction of another OC with a rare specie probably isn't much expected for me, afterall they are exotic creatures.

Nigel: I wonder when I'm gonna come in play.

Blu: So I came to Amazon with all that weird traveling cutscene and stuff stolen from Rio 2, I was expecting something more creative than that.

Rafael: I wonder where I went.

Blu: I guess you have no use anymore in his story, I'm sorry for you buddy.

Rafael: It's not that big of a deal.

Blu: Then I met Eduardo, the typical mean tribe leader… And they were talking about Ethel. Now here's the problem, it's normally ok to have alliteration with names, but when you mix them up and creating weird stuffs like Eduardo pointing wing at himself, then that's not ok. It's pretty easy to mix up names when they all start with E.

Eduardo: Yeah, I didn't even know how I was pointing wing at myself.

Blu: It's nice that you actually gave me a hollow to live in.

Eduardo: I'm not all that bad.

Jewel: And finally there I am, how nice it is to just bump into you like every other romance fiction would do, and the male would admire the female's beauty and gets all blushy.

Blu: It's not my fault that I bumped into you.

Jewel: I know, it's the author's.

Blu: It's weird how disquist is actually a word, I think the author might have meant disgust.

Jewel: Yet again with the spelling errors.

Blu: I'm getting tired of constantly pinned down by other birds, it's violence and it's bad, how come no one understands this? And Amazon outsiders? Come on, is this a reference to the book Outsider written by S.E. Hinton?

Eduardo: Probably not.

Blu: At my first glance, Roberto seems to be a nice guy all around, and then I met Martin and Aster, sounds very Americanish, but at least it's not alliterating again.

Jewe: I don't know what the author is trying to make me do? Make me hate Blu?

Blu: I think so, but I think I deserve it since we break the fourth wall too much. Why do the author want me to fail every tests? And those test scene are also stolen from Rio 2.

Roberto: Hey, it's what the readers want, they want you to act miserable and comeback at the right time, and take my Juju away.

Blu: Sorry to take Jewel from you.

Roberto: Ehh, I'm kinda jealous of you, but I admitted it.

Jewel: Am I like some kind of prize?

Blu: Of course not Jewel, why would you think that?

Jewel: Because all of you want to have me.

Blu: It's because you are special. Anyways, back to the topic, I heard Axton was a nice leader, too bad he got killed.

Eduardo: I didn't like him.

Blu: Then I got banished by you just because I harbored Edgar. I didn't want any of this to happen, I didn't want to go to the party, or meet the very sister of the victim. I'm surprised that they actually listened to me once, and this is what I'm talking about, the very time that I am useful is in extreme situations, that's what author and readers want, that's ok, but I think it takes more than that.

Eduardo: But I was very proud of you at that moment.

Blu: You should, but I'm not at the author. So many spelling errors! The fourth line in chapter 15(Not including bold letters) I'm not even going to mention that, make sure you read your story word by word next time.

Jewel: He even spelled my name Jewell in chapter 10(Almost at the end of the chapter, spelled Jewell's mother)

Blu: Anyways, let's focus on the main plot. Why did the author make Jewel and Bridget have problems? More conflict between character makes interesting plot I guess.

Jewel: You know another thing? I can read the whole story simply just by reading the chapter title, how weird.

Blu: But it's not all bad, the storyline is interesting, I'm sure whoever writing this agrees with me.

Jason(Author): Oh yes Blu, and you broke the fourth wall again.

Blu: Thanks, now go away so I can keep mocking Headhusky's work.

Jason(Author): :(

Blu: I'm surprised that the author actually knows the clay bank. For anybody that doesn't know what a clay bank is, it's basically a cleaning agent for a bird's stomach. Recent actions of human have intoxicated the area with chemicals, so the birds have to eat clays to keep their stomach clean.

Tiago: Dad, again with the wiki.

Blu: Now I'm starting to think that Bridget might have feelings for me because of her behaviors.

Jewel: Hey, she's nothing, I'm the one that's suppose to love you, it's what everyone wants.

Blu: Yeah, your mother seems to be nice, I like her, and Mimi of course is just being over friendly again.

Jewel: It's how they are Blu.

Blu: I really don't get how birds have "free drinks", what if it's not free? What currency do they have?

Jewel: I don't think we have any kind of currency around.

Blu: Then why would it be called 'free' when you don't need money already?

Jewel: Dunno.

Blu: Anyways, when Ethel tried to drown me in the river, I knew I wouldn't die because a story can't end like this, so I didn't even care and let the author do his thing, and of course I will be rescued by someone and wake up somewhere I don't know. Too cliche.

Jewel: I guess people don't want me to lose you.

Blu: Yeah, I didn't know that amnesia could be cured by simple ingredients found by a monkey. Amnesia is a disease that was caused by dead brain cells, and it can NOT be cured since the connection between brain cells can not be restored.

Tiago: Dad, not again.

Blu: Sorry son, I had to explain. It took a long time for me to remember all those memories to be honest, and I can't believe that I actually worked with Ethel before.

Jewel: You had me worried for such a long time.

Blu: Sorry Jewel, it's what the author wants. After that intense fight with Ethel, I almost wanted to just collapse from all those problems I had to deal with. Bridget, Ethel and Jewel, I just couldn't handle all of those at the same time.

Jewel: I just wanted to be with you Blu, please don't leave me again.

Blu: I won't Jewel, I will always be there with you.

Tiago: Took them long enough for us to be in the show.

Bia: Yeah, I'm kinda getting sleepy from all the stories you've been telling.

Carla: What? I'm was listening to music.

Blu: Well, I think that's enough for today, let's get some sleep on this soft grass, we don't need hollow since there's no dangers out here, thanks Jason.

Jason(Author): You are welcome.

Well, that's all for this chapter, I know it took a long time to make, but I other things to do like writing my other story and reviewing.

Submit your story and I will sure to have the Rio OC react to them.(Gonna get sued by the fine bros)

"A New Beginning" is owned by Headhusky.