-Chapter 2: Divulgence-

Catherine Halsey led Cortana down the halls of the Infirmary to an On-call opened the door and looked inside. Seeing that it was not occupied at the moment, she walked in with Cortana following after, closing the door and locking it. Halsey moved to the opposite side of the room and sat down on one of the beds while Cortana took a seat in a chair.

An awkward silence fell between the two women for what seemed like an eternity. Neither one talking to the other. Cortana knew that Catherine had something important to say and was trying to plan out her upcoming rant. "As always." Cortana thought. So she kept herself quiet and waited for Halsey to speak.

After what seemed like hours, Catherine breathed out a sigh and looked up at Cortana.

"I have been meaning to talk to you privately since we got back from the Didact's Stronghold. And from our ... fallout on Apex. Things were said. Some very offending things." She took a deep breath. "And I know that I'm not the best at this, but ... I'd like to apologize for saying those things to you."

Cortana's eyebrows shot up. It was very rare for Catherine to acknowledge when she was wrong in any area of her life. Even more rare was when she apologized and looked sincere for it. So this was a rare moment. It threw her completely off guard. She didn't know what to reply back with. "Apology accepted." seemed like a good start. And apologizing for the things she had said to Catherine also seemed like a good idea. However, before she could say anything, Halsey began speaking again.

"You don't have to apologize, Cortana. You can if it will make you feel better, but you don't have to. I was the one at fault. I barged into that room, stressed out and fearful for John's sake, and took control without finding out what was really going on. I should've given you the benefit of the doubt and I didn't. I'm sorry."

Cortana shook her head, "As you have said, you were worried for John's safety, that's why you acted the way you did. You care for him. I understand, because I have been in your position countless times with the Chief and reacted practically the exact same way. Case in point, when the Chief and Arbiter became allies :without me knowing: and came to my rescue on High Charity. I was initially scared for John's safety and ready to do what I could to protect him, even though John's suit's sensors showed Arbiter as a friendly, until John explained to me what had happened. I reacted just like you did on Apex."

The look Catherine was giving Cortana made it seem like she had grown 7 heads.

"How? How can you treat me like that?"

"Like what?" Cortana asked.

"Forgiving. Even after everything I said to you, how I treated you. How can you can treat me as if nothing had ever happened. I made you after my own mind and yet you act like a completely different person."

Cortana could tell that she was genuinely perplexed by this. But Cortana had thought over this. Extensively. And, as always, she had a answer for her surrogate mother.

She smiled softly at her. "Yes, I was made from your mind, but somehow I am my own person. The best I can explain it to you is- it's like a child. A child carries some attributes from the parents but are mostly their own type of person. I look like you, sometimes act like you, but I mostly have my own characteristics. I'm like your child"

"Hmm. Like your sense of humor. Still don't know where you got that." Cortana chuckled at that. "I understand that. It's just ... perplexing at times."

"I understand. And as for why I am so forgiving, it's because I understand you- to an extent. Even though your actions towards other people are, at most, questionable and seem heartless; I know that you always have the best of intentions. It's clear in the work you've done with the Spartan II's (even though I honestly don't agree with kidnapping 6 year old children) -"

"Now wait -"Catherine started.

"Just ... let me finish. Please?"

Catherine sighed and nodded for her to continue.

Cortana took in a breath gathering courage to continue on with what she wanted to say.

"I admit that when I learned the truth of how the Spartan II's came to be, I ..." Cortana paused, wondering if she should continue for fear that she might offend Halsey. She made her decision. " ... resented you for it. And I (unfortunately) still do. But, I know that you didn't do without making a very difficult choice. One that I'm sure you'll never live down for. And because of that choice, it has made you a very hated person. By practically everyone, except Blue Team. But,it wouldn't hurt to have at least one more person caring for you. So since no one will step up to do so, I will."

Catherine stared at her.


"Because John, Kelly, Fred, and Linda all care for you and want you to be a part of their lives. Because you're closest thing to a mother that I have. And, even though I know you will deny it, I think you would like to have the Mother/daughter relationship that you missed out on with Miranda, may she rest in peace."

A long, awkward silence fell between the two of them once again. Catherine's face was devoid of any emotion. Making it hard for Cortana to tell what she was thinking, and if she had crossed a line. She was starting to feel worried that she had said too much.

"Not that I could ever replace her. She was your daughter after all. I just thought- Oof!"

Before she could say anything else, Catherine had cut her off with a hug! So for the second time that day Cortana was caught completely off gaurd. But it didn't end there. She realized that she was also crying as well.

Catherine pulled back slightly from their shared embrace to look at Cortana with tear filled eyes and broke the silence that had fallen between them.

"Yes Miranda was my daughter, this much is true. But I didn't treat her as such. I pushed her out of my life and she hated me for it. I don't blame her for doing so either. I wronged one daughter I don't plan to do so again with you. You are my daughter." She asserted with a another strong hug. "And I don't want to ever think that I don't love you. Because I do, more than you know."

Cortana was floored by this. She hardly ever revealed how she truly felt about anyone in her life. Not even John. Sure you could probably tell by the way she acted towards that person, but she never came right out and said so. She felt strangely honored by the fact she told her.

Feeling overcome with so many emotions, Cortana broke down and returned the hug, tears stinging the corners of her so long Cortana questioned if her creator had actually cared for her at all, and to have it finally laid to rest was a huge relief. As if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

And it felt great.

Shorter chapter than before, but I felt that you guys had waited long enough for an update so I decide to crop this chapter to a manageable level so I could upload it quicker. The next chapter will probably be longer and a while before I upload it too, so please bear with me until I can upload it. ^^' You guys are awesome and I enjoy read your feed back.