Hello people, I am Impassive Purple. This is my first story (Aka, the worst I could probably ever be). Just so you know, most of the first 7 chapters suck; Warning.

Truly, there is a piece of my soul and brain that just dies whenever I read these first two, even though I've tried to edit them to actually make sense... less so on the others but a few are pretty bad. To the point where they've dragged me down so much that I've almost wanted to give this story up, and try to write something else with a far more solid foundation. I've been discouraged from doing so by some of those who managed to read through this... bleh in the beginning. I don't know how, but they did. I do plan to rewrite them later, so that they don't commit genocide on my brain cells, however I'm not sure that day is close.

Take that as you will, but I honestly believe they take a drastic increase in quality after those dark days (I'm told chapter 3 also is not unreadable, unlike 1 and 2). Then again, bias, so you do you.

Apologies, beforehand, for the length–skip to the next line if you don't care. To give you a summary;

I originally wrote this fic with the idea of giving Naruto abilities like those of a character by the name of Trafalgar D. Water Law has, from the One Piece anime/manga series, meaning that his shinobi techniques and possibly even his weapon will more or less take heavy influence from such.

A few other things too;

1. Naruto will not specialize in mass destruction techniques, nor will he be a throwing around extremely high chakra consumption techniques like he breathes them.

2. This version of the Naruto universe is much 'darker' (Is a word I would use, but I'm not quite sure it fits) than canon. People will die. If your favorite character bites the dust, it was likely for reasons. Logic, plot, or circumstance usually. ie; if [Insert Character Here] gets [Burnt To Ashes], because they [Got In The Way Of A Technique]... they would probably not survive.

Many shinobi aim to kill, and respect for life isn't high on the agenda. 'Holding Back' is the kind of term I loathe if the situation is life and death. Underestimation isn't.

Important characters will die. Characters being impaled, having body parts severed, having their throats ripped out, being burned to death, so on and so forth–will be a thing. Do keep in mind though, characters will not simply drop like flies for no good reason. That would be too much, and there would be no purpose behind it.

And lastly, I well and truly believe that I am a sub-par writer (Not the worst, but sub-par). I know this is fanfiction, and this is probably some sort of mantra at this point, but come into this story believing that it will not be a masterpiece or anything close to one.

In fact, it would probably be best for both of us if you came into reading this story under the impression that it's shit, and be pleasantly entertained if I ever do good.

On to the story! Also–critisism is not only WELCOMED, it's ENCOURAGED! Bash my bad writing ability to your heart's content, and tell me how it would be better.

Rated M for Language, Violence, Blood/Gore, Implications, and so forth. Also, Lemons, although unlikely, are not out of the realm of possibility.

The 'Naruto' Franchise, or any other works by Kishimoto, do not belong to me. I could only dream of owning such a successful series or have enough drive to keep up with it for over 15 years. Although the series is not remotely close to my favorite, the author has my respect.

Deep breath. One. Two. Three. Quiet as a mouse. Stealthy as a snake. Senses like a rabbit.


Since he had been born, over 8 years ago, Uzumaki Naruto had always been a rather reluctantly curious individual. Informing himself about the logic and balance of the world around him was... entertaining. Of his favorite activities; hunting, contemplating life, and reading interesting books were his most enjoyable and readily available.

The first was what he was engaged in currently.

Hunting was something he found was rather rewarding, not only because meats were expensive on his minuscule budget, but due to the relative silence and calm he found himself enjoying while waiting for a small animal to pass by. The forest was somewhere that he could relax without people staring at him, or feel the compelling, overhanging 'need' from the influence of the Hokage to make 'friends' despite the fact that he was a bit 'socially awkward'. Not that he couldn't talk to people. He really didn't like to.

Although these may not bother him as much as they had when he was younger, it was nice to feel free.

Naruto currently found himself stilled on a branch in one of the many trees in the land of fire. The sun had set previously, and dusk was approaching fast; ideal conditions for the animal he was hunting, as they would be coming back to their burrows about this time.

He was wearing dark brown multi-pocketed shorts, blue shinobi sandals, and a dark purple shirt under a burnt orange vest—something that, even if he admitted it was counter-productive, just added to the challenge in his opinion—along with dark gray arm and leg warmers.

On his head was his absolute favorite of accessories, a hat that capped and covered most of his dark blonde hair. One that a merchant from the Land of Bears left behind when he was 6—at the time Naruto was sure the man wouldn't miss it enough to come back for it until his next visit, and he predicted right. He still avoided that man every time he came to Konoha, lest he recognize his lost possession. People from the Land of Bears didn't come around often however, so it was rare that he would enter the market places and see him.

It was a large brown fur winter hat with a thick front facing bill, dotted with small splotches of white around the sides (1). It kept his head warm through the entirety of the cold months; as it was now. Though he usually wore it all year as it became a staple in his attire. It had also become special to him in a way.

While it only snowed a few times a year in the Land of Fire, it still got cold. Sometimes it dropped into the high 20's, which was fortunately rare (2). Thankfully, this winter was mostly clear, and at the lowest was in the 40's. He would be mostly fine in his normal every day dress along with the addition of his wool lined leg and arm warmers. He honestly hated wearing clothes that constricted him too much like multiple layers did. It made him feel... slow.

Quiet padding was heard below, and his sharp violet-blue eyes flickered to the source.

A large rabbit was coming back towards its burrow. Just as planned. A light wind swept his scent in the opposite direction, also rustling the leaves on all of the trees in the vicinity, preventing his prey from hearing or smelling him until it was too late.

Conditions; perfect.

He gripped his kunai, debating for less than a millisecond whether or not to throw it, as opposed to falling into, and trying to stab the rabbit. His previous attempts to throw a kunai—a technique he had little idea how to do properly as they hadn't yet completely taught it in his recently begun class at the academy—had gone pretty badly, even against a still target; there was no way he would fatally hit the animal. As such, the more guaranteed approach sounded far more appealing.

The gray rabbit started to dig away the opening it had previously covered.

One, two, three—

He was about to fall into stabbing the rabbit, but stopped as he heard something else. Correcting his stance in order to not fall accidentally, he glanced over to the noise.

Naruto froze. Internal curse words were said, as he—very wisely—decided that he did not want to die to by having his throat torn out via the claws of a large bobcat for trying to steal its potential prey.

He didn't dare move a muscle.

Naruto hadn't ever encountered any in real life, but he read that they could be vicious. The medium sized cat approached the now burrowed rabbit like a seasoned veteran, silent and quick. There was hardly a moment in between movements, as the animal's claws flew into the hole.

The blonde heard violent squealing and he winced, still keeping his presence scarce. He watched as the rabbit was wrenched out, and the squeals stopped when the bobcat finally broke it's neck. The animal started playing with the rabbit like a toy—it bat the corpse around for a few moments before getting down to business.

Naruto let it have its meal, not doing much more than quietly breathing the quickly cooling dusk air and gripping the taped handle of his kunai; lest he end up like the rabbit. He grimaced.

The skin of the small creature was the first to go, clawed off torturously slow. The larger animal then started to rip the fresh bloody meat from its bones. When it was done, the unedible extras were carelessly stuffed back into the hole—damaged pelt, and all—leaving a highly unpleasant surprise for any other animals that decided they wanted to use it as a home. Though the stench of death would probably do plenty to ward them off.

He continued to wait nearly 20 minutes after it left, before he decided that he needed to get back to the village before it became too dark and he couldn't see. Naruto put the kunai into his shorts and dropped down from the branch, onto the cooled soil. He stood, glancing back at the rabbit hole with a frown, before shaking his head. He turned away and took off through the trees for a few minutes, before reaching the walls. Slapping a mosquito off of himself, the blonde scanned for his entrance way. Certain features around it marked its location.

Naruto knew very well that an ANBU was likely watching his every move, but if they decided to move off post to tell, they wouldn't be informing the Hokage of anything he didn't already know. The only reason he even came this way is because the usuals, Izumo and Kotetsu, always harassed him when he went through the front gates; something he didn't feel like listening to today.

He found the unlocked hidden metal grate in the wall, which led to a long path through the wall. It was covered in small pipes and such. If one searched hard enough, they could uncover some of the hundreds of seals which lined the passageway; helping the barrier teams regulate the field of chakra that surrounded Konoha. The only people who ever came down here were the seal examiners. Their job was checking to see if any were fading, or had been messed with in any way. Since nothing touched them, that was usually a no.

Naruto undid the latch, and slipped through the hidden grate, closing it behind him. Though it was pitch black, he walked a couple meters to the other side and felt along the wall. His hand caught the latch of the door that led out the other side. Opening it, he stepped out. He turned, then latched the door closed yet again. This one came out close to the Uchiha Clan Compound.

He had seen a few of the clan members earlier, on his way to the part of the forest he was just in. If there was one common trait he noticed among them, is was their attitudes. Usually a no bullshit to be approach to things. Which is why it sucked that he only ever encountered the asshole ones in conversation.

Naruto lightly sighed and began the long tedious walk home. He had only made it several steps before he felt his fingers twitch. A thought occurred to him. He needed milk… he had run out this morning.

Reaching behind and into his bag again as he walked, he pulled out a frog themed wallet. Popping open the metal tabs he looked inside. 420 Ryo (3). Naruto grimaced at the amount. This was supposed to get him through the week and a half until February?

'Doubt it.'

Of course he did have a bit at home in his 'Heavily Storming Day' fund, for stuff such as these arm and leg warmers he had—but that was only for extreme emergencies. Milk alone would be nearly 70 Ryo... 'Ugh...' maybe he would need to survive on those extremely cheap rice bags again, and possibly some bread? A little bland, but he could survive. He would try and get a few vegetables at the beginning of next month, though.

Maybe he would need to survive on those extremely cheap rice bags again, and possibly some bread? A little bland, but he could survive. He would try and get a few vegetables at the beginning of next month, though. He hated coming home after a long day at the academy, having exercised himself like all the other kids, only to innately feel the lack of nourishment from his diet once he got there, because he both did not consume enough calories and did not get enough of other such nutrition.

Naruto adjusted his fur hat, and looked up just in time to avoid bumping to an older dark haired girl. He sidestepped her, and mumbled a small apology.

"Uh... Sorry... Didn't see you..." Naruto continued his gait.

She didn't respond and kept walking, the words didn't even phase her. If Naruto were paying more attention, and it wasn't so dark, he would notice a few important details about her.

She was smiling... Or rather grinning. Not playful or innocent... No. And her eyes were glowing red.

Naruto continued on past the girl, not giving her much of a second glance. He noticed the strange lack of people along the way, but didn't pay it much attention. The night air steadily became colder, dropping several degrees. Although the wind stayed light, it only made him colder than he already was.

The smell certainly hit him before the sight. He had been walking for nearly 10 minutes, before he passed the Uchiha Compound gates. At least—that was what he planned to do. He didn't make it that far.

First noticing the lack of the usual guards chatting outside, he turned and looked over through the opening—as opposed to just quickly passing by to avoid the comments from the red-eyes who were usually stationed there.

'What the hell...?'

He took a moment to register the sight in front of him. Either the night was playing tricks on him or...


"Blood..." Naruto's pupils dilated, as his eyes widened. "Blood?"

There were two corpses lying just inside the compound. 'No... wait.'

There were more.

Naruto looked up down the street.

So many more...

He covered his mouth. 'What... is this...?'

Body after mutilated body lined the streets. They were desecrated almost as if it was an art form. Strange symbols and marks of blood were drawn onto the streets, like they were experimenting with multiple different shapes to see which ones fit the best around each individual body.

The first dozen or so of them were messy—sloppily killed. Multiple stab wounds through the chest or ribs, impaled through the neck, and the like. It only seemed to increase in finesse after those; slowly turning from violent slashes to slits across the neck, and stabs directly into the heart from behind.

To make the scene even more gruesome—if possible—every single one of them were missing their eyes. Not one was spared. All had empty holes in their skulls, leaking only more blood.

He couldn't look away. It wasn't the same as the incident in the forest—that was just nature. This made him want to puke. More than that, he wanted to run. He had to get someone... Tell the Hokage... Something. But again, couldn't. His legs wouldn't move at his command. They seemed to have made up their own minds as he stumbled backwards, and landed on his back. His eyes didn't change direction though.

The sheer amount of blood. He had never seen anything like it. It was overwhelming.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was getting far too old for this job. It had left it's unmerciful scathing marks in dividends.

Signing and checking over paperwork several times a day was something he could do. Guiding the children of the next generation through words and curriculum was something he would proudly do as well.

...Allowing a member of a clan to completely eradicate that same clan—except for one if his theory was accurate—really took its toll on him. All he had ever wanted was a peaceful resolution. An outcome where the Uchiha could coexist with everyone else in the village... His stay at the office had been extended past its normal hours; his reasoning for this being that he 'had paperwork to catch up on'. He had previously cleared all of the ANBU out of their hiding places in the shadows, ordering them to turn in for the night—with the exception of the only one besides the coucil elders, and the operative to know about this. Kakashi Hatake.

Kakashi himself, if possible, felt worse about this. But he knew that he could argue the plan all he wanted, and nothing would change. Simply standing there, clutching his hands, digging his nails into his palms until they bled.

Hiruzen sat in his chair, dull eyes only staring at the desk; awaiting the inevitable busting down of his doors from the guard shift shinobi, alerting him that the Uchiha clan had been massacred, and that they were currently tracking or in pursuit of one Uchiha Itachi...

Sarutobi sighed grimly.

"Kakashi… I'm going to retire after tonight." the silver haired, dog masked man nodded. Little surprise was to be had, and he didn't blame the man. Of all of the horrible things the Third Hokage had likely dealt with, this was probably the last straw.

But who would take the hat? They assuredly couldn't let Danzo have it; if this would always be his... default to extreme situations, that would be suicide for the village. Jiraiya would be one of the few options left, next to Tsunade; but he doubted the woman would want to come back to the village any time soon.

His thoughts were interrupted when the sound of Shunshin sounded in the room. Kakashi and Hiruzen were only slightly surprised when a young woman appeared holding a brown and white fur capped young blonde. The reason for their surprise was the latter of the two.

'She is more than likely here to report, but what's Naruto doing with Anko, and why is he unconscious?'

Neither of them looked injured, or even touched. Anko did however, look highly panicked, but held it back rather well.

"Anko? What's wrong, and why is Naruto with you?" Hiruzen was the first to speak. Anko stayed quiet for a moment. She took a second to set down the unconscious boy on the seat to the side. Taking a breath, she finally gave her shaky answer.

"Hokage-sama… Fuck... The Uchiha..." the young woman looked like she had seen a ghost. In a way, she must have seen several; so many dead... Despite the Uchiha's willingness to enact a civil war, it wasn't entirely their fault. They were just reacting like a cornered animal; if that was comparable. "They—all of them… They were killed…"

It was unfortunate. But being a leader, you had to make those kinds of terrible choices. If it existed, chances were that there was a spot in hell reserved for Kage alone… And the Third most certainly felt as if he deserved it.

"Woah woah. Anko, what are you-?!"

"Sandaime-sama... The red eyes..." She began, running her hand through her hair. "Like, there's no-one left! Someone just went batshit on them; murdered the entire clan!"

Hiruzen easily—and with heavy guilt—faked his surprise, pulling the wool over her eyes. Kakashi even played a part, successfully managing to look shocked, in a state of wide eyed disbelief from behind his mask. The Sandaime shot up from his chair.


"On my way here I alerted the ANBU… I found Uzumaki unconscious near the clan gates." the purple haired young woman paused. "What kind of crazy religious bastard... sacrifices an entire clan…!?" she muttered, tightening her fists.

'Wait. Sacrifices...? Itachi isn't…?' Kakashi and Hiruzen locked eyes.

'It wasn't Itachi'

And just like that, they were all on the same page. What?


(1) Basically Law's hat, except the colors are switched; white being brown and vice-versa.

(2) Fahrenheit

(3) 420 Ryo is equal to about $35~ USD.

Love it? Hate it? Want it to burn? (I know I almost wish it had!)

SECONDARY A/N—About this story's contrast to canon Naruto.

I do not plan on the Juubi/Shinju/Kaguya being the 'endgame' villain. This story won't really/likely be exploring the origins of chakra, nor the ethics of people using chakra for things other than its original purpose (Ninshu). These are both to be pretty much understood by the reader (along with minor unexplained plot devices, which I will tell you now to just use your imagination; it may be expanded upon later, it may not). As such, the need for relations/reincarnations of past figures of such backgrounds is basically thrown out the window. Kaguya and the Rikudo Sennin do not play a major story role in this universe. Yes, the Akatsuki still do plan on the revival of Juubi and the Mugen Tsukiyomi (MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE), but this is just kind-of 'there'. Asura and Indra are dead and buried more than 6 feet under, as such, Naruto isn't the reincarnation of Asura, and the same goes for Sasuke/Indra. While the origins story of everything still did happen, their purposes to the world aren't really going to be revisited; if at all.

This story is going to be a mostly, if not entirely, 'SHINOBI' story, not 'Infinitely Powerful People Come Back From The Dead/Seals And Bring Havoc To The World' story.

This is not to say that the plot may not involve the revival of certain figures, because it could happen, or that the people I have listed here won't make an appearance (if only slight, and short), but the 'canon end' just ISN'T going to be a thing here.

This isn't completely Naruto. This is a Fanfiction.