Okay, I've recently come across the RWBY series, and finsished it, And I wanted to do a crossover with Naruto, This happened. Also I will not be describing any characters ( other than Naruto, unless they wear something special) I will simply say they as wearing their normal or school cloths. maybe a few key details but thats it.

Anyways lets get on with the story!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto or RWBY.

( Start song "My world" By Zebrahead, I don't own" )

"I'm falling from the sky again. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT ARASHI!" Screamed Naruto as he plummeted from the sky. "Those are some big birds." Naruto said as he noticed 3 massive pitch black birds with mask their faces. "SQA!" Called a massive bird clearly bigger than all the rest as it flew up to capture Naruto, in its mouth. Only for Naruto to move out of the way at the last second. "I am not going to be eaten right now! Come on birdy, lets go for a ride!" Shouted Naruto as he pulled the bird by its wing before spinning and tossing the bird at a down angle while he hung on to the mask part of its face.

They soon caught Fire at how fast they were going to the ground."That's a big building, Hey birdy, This is for trying to EAT ME!" Yelled Naruto as he let go of the bird, which soon collided with a invisble force field with a splat. "Sqa." It called out in pain. "Don't worry birdy, I'm not done yet." Naruto said with a smirk as he landed on the birds chest. "Take this!" Naruto shouted as he punched the bird right at the center of its chest, sending it and himself Through the shield and towards the ground at breakneck speeds.


Was what could be heard as they landed. "That's what happens when you try to eat me!" Yelled Naruto as he jumped out the crater he had formed, landing right next to 8 people wearing school uniforms. "SQA!" "Oh you have got to be kidding me." Naruto said as he turned around and saw the 3 other birds flying right at him. "Let's get this show on the road, bitches!" Naruto shouted as he ran full speed towards the closest bird and punched it, and went straight through it due to the opposite forces at work. "Isn't Newton's law awesome." Stated Naruto in a cocky tone. "CAW!" Came the cry of one of the other bird. Which soon was bleeding due to a bullet wound on its shoulder.

"Hey! Who the fuck did that?!" Naruto asked before he saw a girl with bright blond hair wave at him with a golden gauntlet on her hand. "Thanks for the help and all but, DON'T MESS WITH MY TARGETS!" Yelled Naruto as the same bird that was shot grabbed him in its mouth and swallowed him whole.


"I HATE THESE FUCKING BIRDS!" Yelled Naruto as the bird he was in exploded from the bird destroying it's body from the waist up." Oh, come on." Naruto deadpanned as he saw the last bird about to be swallow a girl with black hair. Naruto disappeared in a burst of speed appearing right in front of the bird and pushing the girl out of the way, and get eaten again."I AM NOT GETTING EATEN A SECOND TIME IN THE SAME DAY!" Came Naruto's voice from the birds mouth, which was forced upon by Naruto. "Take this you bastard." Exclaimed Naruto as he flipped out of the birds mouth and kicked it in its jaw, sending it flying and crashing into a building, before Naruto appeared in front of it and gave it a light uppercut, just enough to get it to its full height.

" Lets see how durable your body is you stupid bird!" Naruto shouted before he started to punch it rapidly all over its chest, leaving several imprints of his hands on it. " Now for the finisher!" shouted Naruto as he slammed his fist on-top of the birds head, causing it to collapse. grabbing onto the birds chest, Naruto started to run, dragging the bird through the building before stopping and hurled the bird into the sky.

( Song end )

"I'll let you live for now, come back when your stronger, and we'll finish this." Naruto said as he turned around and headed back towards the girl he saved. "Hey, you ok?" Naruto asked as he extended his hand to help the girl up, concern clearly seen in his red and blue slit eyes."Yeah, i'm fine." She said as she grabbed his hand. "what about you?" The asked with raised eyebrow.

"What about me?" Naruto asked confused at why this girl would be worried about him, she was almost eaten by a giant bird, last time he checked that wasn't normal, well for normal people, he always has something that wants to eat him. "Are't you in pain, your loosing a lot of blood?" The girl said in shock seeing all the blood coming out of his body.

"What are yo... Oh that." Naruto said as noticed the damage to his body, One tooth on the right side of stomach, one in his right lung, two in his left leg, one in his right, and four on his dark orange almost rust colored tail that ended in a black tip. "WHAT THE FUCK, WHY DO I HAVE A TAIL!" Naruto screamed in shock as he noticed he had a tail and fox ears on his head. "WHY DO I HAVE FOX EARS ON TOP OF MY HEAD!" Naruto yelled as he clutched the ears on his head, "You never noticed your faunas traits?" The girl said in a sort of dumb founded that someone could be so ignorant of their heritage to the point they don't even know what they are.

"Of course I know i'm a faunas as you put it, I am part of the animal kingdom after all." Naruto said, having finally gotten over his inital shock. "Do you really not know what a faunas is?" Blake asked surprised, forgetting or rejecting one's heritage is one thing, but not even knowing what you are to begin with is something else."I know what fauna are but i'm guessing a faunas is some kinda species around here, am I right?" Naruto asked, "Yes, you are offly calm, after not even not knowing what you are, and seeming to have forgot your faunas traits not even a minute ago." "Oh I know I have tails, I was just surprised I only have one though, although the ears are different but I can deal with it." Naruto said with a shrug. " Wait. tails?" Blake asked in curiosity, never hearing such a thing before.

"Yeah tails I Ah!" Naruto exclaimed in surprise, being suspended in midair would do that to a person. "Are you the one responsible for alls this destruction ?!' said a blonde woman with a riding crop pointed at Naruto. "... Are you surpose to be a dominatrix that someone hired are something?" Naruto asked with a bored expression on his face.

"How dare you, I am no such thing! " Screamed the woman in outrage. "Well sorry, I thought you were some kind of dominatrix for hire that also cosplays. I mean what else am I suppose to think when I see a clearly up tight woman, dressed in teaching cloths with a freaking riding crop and a cape!" Naruto shouted, clearly not in the mood to be civilized at the moment.

"Why yo-" "That is enough Glenda, I will handle this." Came the voice of a man sitting down on a bench and sipping coffee. "Ozpin this bo-" "This boy saved not one but two students, with his bare hands no less, while i'm sure he could of been... less destructive he got the job done regardless. Besides he is clearly injured and as such will be questioned by myself when he wakes up." Ozpin said as he got up and walked toward the now unconscious boy.

"But I." " No buts Glenda, now drop the boy, I am personally going to take him to the nurse." Ozpin said getting a nod and a frustrated grunt in reply. "Now you 8 go back to your dorms, school as been canceled intill further notice, Good day." Ozpin said as he grabbed Naruto and carried him over his shoulder, leaving everybody confused as to what just happened.

"I have not seen you in years, why have you returned now of all times?" Ozpin thought to himself as he walked.

Ok there's the first chapter done, i'm honestly a little surprised at how quick I got this done, but regardless hope you all enjoyed it, and

as a request can somebody leave a review telling me what is Ozpins semblance is, I think it is time related but i'm not sure.

Darkness out!