Title: And Many More

Rating: K

Feat: Sans, Frisk, Monster Kid, Papyrus (kinda)

Word Count: 452





"Hey Sans!"





"Sansy Pansy!"




"Sans wake up!"


"zzzzz*snirt* zzzzzzz"



"zzzzzz-" He peeked at them with one eye and then the next thing he knew, a wadded piece of paper hit his face and fell into his lap. "?" Startled, he was forced to open his eyes the whole way and he peered over the side.



From below, Frisk and Leo jumped up and down at odd intervals, Frisk with a huge stack of papers clutched in her arms. Leo didn't have anything in his arms because he didn't have arms.

Now that Sans had opened his eyes, Leo shouted up a final time, "Yo Sans!"

"'sup?" He unfolded the piece of paper in his lap. "what's this?"

"Frisk is turning eight next week! We're going around inviting everybody to their party on Saturday, you're gonna come right!?" While he spoke, Frisk nodded enthusiastically, a big smile on her face.

Sans yawned. "eight, huh? how old are you now?"

"I'm seven!" Frisk shouted, jumping up. The stack of invitations slipped out of her grasp and she shrieked, scrambling to pick them all up before the wind carried them off.

Sans chuckled, arresting the papers where they lay with a light blue glow. "so you're turning seven?"

"NO I'm turning eight!"

Leo picked up an invitation in his mouth. "You're coming to the party right?"

"well i'll have to check my work schedule," Sans said with a lazy wink in their direction. "might be too busy. i might just go to it next time."

From down below Frisk had finished gathering up the invites, but now she looked up with a forced frown on her face. "But there's not gonna BE a next time!" Leo yelped, stomping up and down. "They're only turning eight once, you meanie!"

"only turning eight once, huh?"

"Yeah!" Frisk chimed in, jumping again. "You have to come to THIS one!"

"'s that so?" Sans yawned. "i'll think about it, then, kid."

"Also Tori says you have to stop sleeping on your roof because you'll fall and break your neck!"


Frisk dashed off, steadying Leo as he tripped. "Okay! Let's go find Papyrus!"

From somewhere down below, Sans could hear Papyrus enthusiastically accepting the invitation he was smoothing out against the roof.

Author's Note: For future reference, "Leo" is the headcanon name I've put to the Monster Kid, since I think Frisk would have asked their name at some point.