A.N. Yo there dudes! Before you start throwing tomatoes at me I'd like to say that I'm still working on "A touch of imagination", I just hit a little bump with it and progress is rather slow right now.

This story was born from a prompt drabble challenge that sandmanslullaby (my awesome beta-reader known in the past as NJ Sandman) gave me in order to bring my mojo back. What I can say is that I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you'll enjoy it too!

"What is the meaning of this?" Dark eyes darted over the few faces of the unfortunate police officers that happened to be on shift that night. Everyone present in the room flinched under their superior's scrutiny, meanwhile the latest Inuzuka rookie to join the force whimpered in the back of the room.

Taking one for the team, officer Izashi - a well known, and respected veteran at their station, walked forward, sparing the younglings not used to the wrath of the department's Superintendent. The older man cleared his throat, ignoring the intense gaze of the powerful man before him.

"Forgive us for disturbing you, Taichou. We wouldn't have called unless it was absolutely necessary."

Itachi gave an imperceptible sigh. He knew better than to lash out on his subordinates for something that could actually be serious. He motioned his hand in an encouraging manner, urging the old man to continue. After glancing back at his colleagues Izashi spoke again.

"We got a call from your brother's landlord," he added uncertainty as he kneaded his hands. Itachi's left eye twitched. If this was because of another brawl Sasuke and Naruto caused he was going to seriously lock their sorry asses in jail. Permanently.

"What did they do this time?" Bits of his anger slipped through his usually impassive facade sending cold shivers down Izashi's back. He gulped and turned to the side.

"I think it would be best that you see for yourself." Without further delay, he led the Superintendent to the small cells they had.

The moment Itachi left the room, a collective sigh of relief resonated throughout the room. Back in a corner, the Inuzuka rookie lay unconscious.

Itachi blinked in disbelief as he stared at the two ashamed figures, sitting in separate cells like contrite prisoners resigned to their fate. Though he was a man of few words, this time Itachi found himself at a loss.

In the first cell on his right, his younger brother lay sulking on the cold concrete bench, his clothes tattered and slightly burnt. In the next cell, sporting equally burned clothes and a moping expression, he saw the last person he imagined to ever see behind bars: Sakura Haruno.

Itachi cleared his throat and read the file complaints they received that night.

'Hooligans banging on the walls as part of a satanic ritual.'

'Unearthly shrieks, and string of life threats coming from the apartment above.'

'Sickly green smoke seeping from under door ways and floor boards.'

Itachi turned his bewildered gaze to the two prisoners, both whose faces were contorted from trying to hold their laughter back.

"Mind explaining to me what happened?" He waved the files in his hand before dropping them on the metal table placed in front of the cells. When he looked at Sakura, internally frowning at the state of her attire, his expression softened.


The girl in question pouted, not daring to look him in the eyes. Finally, she crossed her arms in front of her chest, "It wasn't our fault! We didn't mean any harm by it! I was just lending him my chemistry set and..." Sakura slapped a hand over her forehead in frustration. Itachi's brow furrowed in confusion.

"Why did you lend him your chemistry set?"

Sakura ignored Sasuke's protest and told the truth.

"We were making super ice-cream..."

Itachi blinked. "...Super ice-cream?"

"Yeah, it's just like regular ice cream, only that it's super." Itachi raised his eyebrows wondering if an alcoholic test was needed. Maybe even a narcotic one.

"I was not aware that test tubes... and beakers were needed to make...sugar confectioneries." Sakura shrugged, not aware of Itachi's growing ire.

"Well, Naruto called this afternoon saying he found this really cool recipe online and..." She didn't get to finish when Itachi briskly walked away, the door slamming shut behind him.

Sakura turned towards Sasuke, her personal Itachi-dictionary. "Sasuke...Please tell me that he's coming back with the keys to let us go."

"...Hn. Get comfortable."

"Are you kidding me?! I'm his girlfriend for crying out loud!"

Sasuke just shrugged resignedly, making himself comfortable in his makeshift bed before answering, "Yeah, and I'm his brother."