AN: Set right after XV episode 9. Spoilers everywhere! Canon-compliant, pre-established relationship. A bit more angsty than the others.
Maria followed Ogawa through the familiar facility that she had once been imprisoned in after the Frontier Incident. She didn't think she'd come back willingly to this place but here she was. This time, however, she was the visitor and not the prisoner.
"Here we are," Ogawa informed her, stopping in front of an automatic steel door. No one stood guard, quite unlike Maria's case and she supposed being a terrorist like she had been warranted the security. Ogawa gestured for her to enter as the door slid open.
"Take your time," He told her kindly as she stopped in front of him. A part of her hesitated, afraid that she would be an unwanted visitor. However, she quickly steeled herself. She was needed here.
"Thank you." Maria nodded in acknowledgment and the door closed behind her. The room she entered was made for a single person, quite unlike the room she shared with Kirika and Shirabe before. Just a few paces from the door were the narrow single bed currently occupied by the one person she practically pleaded to see.
"Tsubasa," Maria called out softly.
Tsubasa was curled up on her side, facing away from Maria. She made no reaction to Maria's presence and other people might assume that she was asleep. Maria knew better as she gingerly approached the bed. She stood there, gazing at Tsubasa's back, scrambling for the words to say.
Maria could scarcely believe that it had just been last night that the raid on the Kazanari Estate happened. The fight with Fudou, her fight with Tsubasa, Shem-ha and Noble Red's appearance, and the death of Yatsuhiro. Despite being injured, with her wounds still not yet fully healed and her body still aching from the multiple blows she endured and even getting flung against a tree without her Symphogear, she was more worried about Tsubasa. The moment Tsubasa was taken into custody, Genjuuro and Ogawa worked frantically to release her again. Alas, time was needed for a proper investigation and interrogation. Maria had begged and pushed for her to at least be able to visit Tsubasa, and it was only approved today.
It was almost ironic how easy words were on the battlefield. Now, she was at a loss. It was easier to talk to everyone else but when it came to Tsubasa, Maria was always frustrated at how she couldn't seem to reach out to her as easily.
"...Did you go to the funeral?" Maria was startled when Tsubasa's dull and scratchy voice broke the brief silence. She still hadn't turned around.
"...Yes," Maria was loathed to admit it. She felt it was wrong that she was able to go to Yatsuhiro's funeral and not Tsubasa. It was arranged swiftly and lasted only for the day. Maria had come straight from the funeral, as it was there she had been informed that visitation to Tsubasa had been approved. She was still wearing her somber black dress for the funeral.
Tsubasa was silent once again, stirring only to curl further upon herself as if trying to protect her heart.
"Why didn't you go?" Maria asked softly.
"I did not wish to go in handcuffs," Tsubasa answered flatly. Maria could tell that wasn't the whole truth though. She did not want to push the point, however. Tsubasa had no doubt suffered enough.
"I'm sorry that this happened." Maria murmured, clenching her hands into fists. Perhaps she could've done more to prevent this tragedy.
"Why are you apologizing?" Tsubasa asked sharply. Startled at the sudden change in tone, Maria gasped as Tsubasa sat up quickly, her eyes blazing in anger. Maria was unable to react when Tsubasa grabbed her shoulders, forcing her onto her back to the bed. Feeling the wind knocked right out of her, Maria stared in surprise at Tsubasa who hovered above her.
"Why are you apologizing when it's not your fault?" Tsubasa roughly asked again, her fingers digging uncomfortably on Maria's shoulders.
"Tsubasa, I wasn't-" Maria was confused as she struggled automatically against the sudden attack. She stopped when she felt a drop of liquid on her cheek. She stared up into Tsubasa's eyes, only to see that she was crying.
"Tsubasa?" Immediately concerned, Maria called out to her worriedly.
"It's my fault. Everything was my fault. Kohinata, my father… How could you apologize when it was all because of me?! How could I face him when he died because of me!?" Her grip didn't loosen on Maria as she began to cry in earnest.
Maria then understood. There was no need for words. What Tsubasa needed right now was to fully unleash all the grief she had. Carefully, Maria placed her hand on Tsubasa's cheek.
"It's okay," Maria cooed comfortingly. "No one blames you."
At her words, Tsubasa practically collapsed on top of Maria, the grief and anguish crashing into her like a tide. Tsubasa cried loudly, wailing into Maria's chest. Maria simply held her in an embrace, wrapping an arm around Tsubasa's waist and cradling her head to her chest. She ran her hand up and down Tsubasa's back, murmuring soothing words into her ear. She felt her heart break in sorrow at what Tsubasa had to endure, losing her father like that.
Maria lost track of time as she held Tsubasa through the storm of her grief. She had been through so much and Maria lamented that she hadn't been able to do more to prevent the tragedies that happened. Tsubasa had been in a fragile mental state since the tragic concert. It had broken both of their hearts at the loss of life, Tsubasa even more. The anger, grief, and regret had been palpable when Tsubasa had snapped. It had taken all of Maria's self-control not to do the same as Tsubasa. It was only the thought of more lives being lost that Maria even managed to stop Tsubasa from going berserk.
Maria began to think of what she could've done more to reach out. She had noticed how bothered Tsubasa had been yet it was so difficult to approach, she didn't exactly know what to do. Did it have to come to this before she could move to reach out? Maria then mentally shook her head. There was no time to dwell on regrets, not when Tsubasa needed her here now.
Tsubasa's sobs gradually quieted until she was lying silently on top of Maria's chest. Maria was now humming the familiar tune of Apple to comfort Tsubasa, just like how it comforted her in her grief over the years. Tsubasa seemed to just be listening to her voice.
"I'm sorry, Maria." Tsubasa broke the silence with a weak apology. Maria stopped humming, looking down at Tsubasa's head. She had not moved to look at Maria.
"What for?" Maria asked, genuinely puzzled.
Tsubasa finally looked up at her, looking aghast at the question. Her indigo eyes were still filled with tears. "Everything! I was too weak… I even fought you and did this." Tsubasa's hands came to rest on Maria's still scarred cheeks. The cuts caused by Tsubasa's blades were still obvious against Maria's pale skin and hadn't fully healed yet. Maria felt Tsubasa's thumbs gently trace them and her face warmed at the tender contact. It felt like it's been forever since Tsubasa touched her of her own accord and she couldn't help but lean into the touch.
"It's alright," Maria murmured, mirroring Tsubasa's movements and cupping Tsubasa's cheeks with her own hands to carefully wipe away the tears with her thumbs. "It's just a scratch."
"But still…" Tsubasa had a guilty frown on her face.
"Don't make me flick your forehead." Maria raised an eyebrow at her, poking Tsubasa's forehead with a finger. Tsubasa blinked, recoiling a little at the 'threat'. She recovered quickly though when Maria smiled reassuringly, and instead placed a soft kiss on Tsubasa's forehead. "It's more important that you're safe."
"It's just as important that you're safe." Tsubasa murmured, looking forlorn. "You lost consciousness when grandfather hit you, and you even fought against Shem-ha and Noble Red so we could get to safety. You always do so much for me… And yet I… I pushed you away and hurt you."
Maria became silent, remembering exactly how Tsubasa pushed her away. It had both surprised and hurt her more than the wounds she received yesterday when Tsubasa had slapped her hand away when she tried to reach out to her. She had always feared that same thing happening and it had been Tsubasa who did it. However, that hurt paled in comparison to the fear and anger she felt when she had been told she could use lethal force if necessary on Tsubasa, orders given by Tsubasa's father and uncle no less! She wouldn't let anything happen to Tsubasa, and it was that anger that had her stand up to her superiors and proclaim that she would bring Tsubasa back no matter what.
"It was worth it since I was able to bring you back. That's all I had wanted." Maria then said instead, stroking Tsubasa's cheek affectionately. Tsubasa looked stricken, eyes wide at the confession. She looked like she was about to cry again. Tsubasa wasn't one to show her emotions so brazenly and though Maria loathed seeing her cry, it made her heart warm that Tsubasa cared much for her well-being.
"You're too much, Maria." Tsubasa's voice was softer now, it was almost hard to hear her. "Thank you, thank you so much." A fragile smile broke through Tsubasa's tears as she reverently took Maria's hand into her own, placing a tender kiss at the back of it. Maria felt her face get hot, knocked speechless at the sheer intimacy of such an act.
"Y-You're welcome." Maria stuttered, touched, and embarrassed. She shyly looked away and Tsubasa took that as an opportunity to come closer to her, placing kisses on the wounds on her burning cheeks. If it was possible, Maria felt her face grow even hotter.
"I'll make it up to you, I swear," Tsubasa swore quietly, resting her forehead on top of Maria's. Their breaths mingled and their lips a scant inch away. Maria closed her eyes, relishing in their closeness.
"But don't push yourself, okay?" Maria said quietly, knowing that Tsubasa was still quite fragile emotionally from all that happened. She felt Tsubasa nod against her, and she wrapped her arms around Tsubasa's waist. Tsubasa lifted her head, her face nearing Maria's. She looked determined yet still vulnerable before shyly dropping her gaze to stare at Maria's lips.
"It's okay to kiss me, you know." Maria knew that Tsubasa was quietly asking for permission and so she gave it freely. Tsubasa obliged, their lips meeting after what seemed like an eternity. Her lips tasted of tears but Maria didn't mind. She kissed Tsubasa with as much gentleness as she could, her lips moving against hers slowly. Tsubasa started to silently cry again, tears falling to Maria's cheek. Reverently, Maria moved her lips to kiss Tsubasa's tears away.
"Maria…" Tsubasa breathed out her name. It was full of emotion; grief, gratitude, and most prominently love. Maria felt tears gather in her eyes as well, and she conveyed all that she felt for Tsubasa in another kiss, and they continued to get lost in their feelings for one another. Maria knew it would be some more time before Tsubasa would be able to come back with her and even more time for Tsubasa to fully recover from her ordeal. Not to mention everything else happening with the threat of Shem-ha, it seemed that peace is still so far away. However, Tsubasa was here with her, and Maria was optimistic that they'll be able to handle it with all their other comrades.
"When it's all over, Tsubasa…" Maria murmured against the crook of Tsubasa's neck. "Let's go visit your papa, together."
"Yeah, I'd like that." Tsubasa quietly answered, intertwining their fingers together in a silent promise.
AN: I'm alive again lol. Well, I was actually working on this since the episode aired but only managed to finish it now. Wrote this cause I was pissed that Tsubasa only thanked Hibiki when it was Maria who risked her life to drag her ass back home. Yes, I'm salty about this. So, here we are.
Special thanks to Viermis for betaing!