Scream's Notes: I just keep going back, rereading my work, spotting mistakes, and constantly update (and add extra) in my previous chapters, it's ridiculous. Did you guys like it so far? Or did the whole "awakening the memories of a former life" just seem... "eh" to you? I'm too lazy to put more effort into it, and I just want to get this story out of my head and get it kick-started, you know? Well people, here's another chapter for you to take in.

Dislcaimer: Magi and The Adventures of Sinbad belongs to Shinobu Ohtaka (with the help of her lovely assistant Yoshifumi Ohtera). My original character(s) belong to me!








"This is crazy." I said out loud, trembling and trying so, so hard not to break down and shit myself. "Is this for real?! ARE YOU REALLY A DJINN?!"

Belial just stared down at me with that stupid broody look on his unchanging face.

"Oh, my God... I've lost it." I murmured to myself, crumbling back on my ass, scrawny legs sprawled all over and my fingers digging into he dirty white hair I was (re)born with. I was a woman inhabiting the body of a child, a child who came from the fictional country of Heliohapt, a fictional country that was brought to life from the work of a fictional story called Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic. That... was really messed up. "I've lost my mind!"

Speaking English, after so many years of being an ignorant slave whose sole purpose in life was to serve, felt so... strange. My tongue could barely wrap around the familiar language that had been absent for the entirety of my entirely new life, and now that I had it back, hearing it with my own two ears felt weird. It was like being given a decade old shirt you hadn't worn for so long, and it felt odd and tight when you wore it.

And nostalgic, don't forget nostalgic.

"This world you come from," Belial spoke after awhile of watching me struggle with my inner turmoil. "It's very... fast-pace."

Was he talking about the automobiles and flying aircrafts? Or was he referring to something only a Djinn would know, as they were secretive creatures that threw little riddles and clues that left people stumped and befuddled. Djinns and humans may have the ability to speak the same language, but they might as well still have that communication barrier considering that the Djinns could be talking about something that meant entirely nothing (or very little) to the person who had come far enough to reach the Djinn.

"We do not make riddles," Belial disagreed with my assessment of his Djinn kind.

"Can you not!" I shrieked up at him (still in English), annoyed and beyond irritated that my thoughts were invaded by this broody jerk. "Stop screwing with my head! It's mine!"

I didn't know if it was because he caught onto my language fast or that it had something to do with his almighty powerful magic that enabled him to understand a word coming out my foreign tongue to his ears (I was guessing it fell onto both, somehow), but the blue giant responded.

"Can you stand?"

When I looked back up again, I noticed that we were no longer in some blank space. Rather, we were inside a grand throne room, gleaming brilliantly as it had on the outside, and that wasn't the only eye-catching thing. There was gold, jewelry, and other sorts of treasures spread all over the giant room. Piles and piles of gold that would sustain any dirt-poor punk like me a lifetime of stability.

'You can offer silver and gold to Death, but He will still take you anyway.' I thought solemnly, looking back down to my weak limbs.

I was dead.

I wasn't going to be working anymore at the fast-food restaurant dressed in those ridiculously colorful uniforms, I wasn't going to be taking my classes to finish my Bachelor's Degree, I wasn't going to be able to move in an apartment with my three other friends so we could finally live for ourselves, I wasn't going to ever have the chance to ask Jason Cavanaugh if he wanted to go out for coffee sometime, but the most important of all, I wasn't going to ever tell mom that I loved her just as much as she would tell me every day and night when we were together.

All that had been Linda Myers was no longer there with me.

"Stand up, little imp." the Djinn cuts through the dark recces of my fragile mind. "It seems we have much to do in this world."

"I... I can't...!" I whimpered, feeling like the floor was swallowing me up as I sank lower. "I'm dead! How can I keep going?! HOW IS THIS EVEN REAL?!"

I shrieked when the world around me turned to ice, my body falling under to match the temperature. I huddled into a small ball, freezing and teeth chattering as my breath turned into fog for every inhale and exhale. I let out another shriek when the world again morphed into a field where thunder clouds thundered overhead as the lightning flashed blindingly across my vision. The wind was wild and strong, almost like I was living inside a video that weather people would catch on their cameras of wild hurricane storms that knocked down trees and buildings from the harsh sway of the wind.

"I may be able to control the five senses of the body, but surely even you must be able to think that this seems to real to be false?" Belial's voice echoed loudly than the thunder and howling wind that was all around me. "Now, stand up!"

With that command, I nervously made for my feet, ignoring the biting cold and stinging rain the slapped across my tiny body, my hair flying about in my face but I did nothing to stop it.

Soon as i stood at my full height, the world stopped and there was nothing but gold and valuable jewels that surrounded me. I let out a shaky breath, my jade-colored orbs flicking back and forth for any signs of incoming changes that the Djinn would throw my way, but thankfully none had come. Feeling a presence behind me, I slowly dared myself to look over my shoulder to find the looming blue giant, her muscled arms crossed and his stoic expression ever present.

"Fortune favors us both, little imp, as we can now walk away from these chains that bind us." Belial said to me.

"W-wait, what are you talking about?" I asked, bewildered.

Belial turned to the room around him. "Many times, people have come inside to seek out my power for their own selfish gains. There was once even a king who had almost succeeded in conquering me, but like the others, he was cast out from this place of mine."

'Is he talking about Hakuryuu?' I wondered.

"No, not him," Belial answered my silent question. His eyes turning to me with a grave look. "That king who will become the Vessel of that man."

I swallowed thickly, eyes wide with horror as I immediately knew of whom the Djinn spoke of.

And then that's when it clicked for me. I was a slave, a girl with not a lot of ambitions but to get as far away from the people who imprisoned me since I first drew breath in this world. I didn't know what or where I was going to next, but all I knew was that I needed to head into the world as a free human being. Hopefully, I would find a home that was away from any of the countries that would inevitability get involved with the Magi plot, because that would seriously suck if I came across a familiar face and end up doing something stupid to change things.

And it would really bite me in the ass if I met that king.

In the eyes of Belial, the Djinn that would be forced into submission by Hakuryuu and Judal, I was the golden opportunity he had been waiting for. It was only an extra bonus that I was a reincarnated soul who happened to know most of the plot of this universe and where it was heading towards.

"Find a metal vessel for me to reside in, little imp." Belial patiently instructed as he gestured towards the many treasures in the great hall.

With much reluctance, I agreed with the Djinn. Besides, I was going to need some firepower to back me up if I intended to survive in this beautiful, gruesome world I ended up in. Taking time to look for something that could carry Belial on my person, I scoped through the piles of treasures until something colorful caught my line of vision.

Thinking back to my historical courses in college, I remembered the teacher going through a list of Egyptian deities. The people of the ancient times saw these insects, scarab beetles, as a symbol of rebirth (of the grossest kind, mind you), and in a way, the little bugs called to me.

Reaching for a lapus lazuli fashioned in the shape of beetle while framed in a gold ring, the pin called out to me both from its beauty and familiarity. When I picked up the jewel, I saw a set that matched the blue jewel; a golden bracelet with its wings wrapped around to cover the wrist of the wearer, almost covering the entire forearm, and a blue scarab placed at the top in the very middle of it. There was also a large collared golden necklace, the blue scarab on its very middle, also frame by a golden ring, and necklace looked heavy with designs and pearls put together to make it. The last one was an ebony sword, it wasn't that tall, bit it wasn't so small either. It looked to be a sword the ancient Romans used, but there was some influence on it that also screamed Egyptian. The sword was black and shiny, no show of dust collection, and the handle was golden with the blue scarab places just where the sword met the gold.

"What's this? Did you find a metal vessel?" Belial asked as he looked to where I was still kneeling.

"Y-yeah," I said as I pulled on the pin to the side of my head, clicking it into place.

I grabbed the other jewels and sword, not willing to part from them.

Looking around the great hall, I wondered if it would be a huge waste to leave all the treasure here. I knew for a fact that there were people just outside of this Dungeon that could benefit from this fortune, using the treasure from this place to find homes, feed themselves, and live long and stable lives without worry and strife.

"You really are a kind one, little imp." Belial murmured. "I'm glad it is you, then."

"I'm not an imp. Don't call me that." I scowled at the blue giant.

"Linda, then?"

"... no. Not that either." I shook my head.

Linda Myers was dead, now I was just... me.

"You may use the cloths on the wall to gather the treasure." Belial directed the topic elsewhere, using his magic to release the tarp that had been pinned to the wall to fall to the ground so that I could piled up the gold inside them.

It almost seemed like forever ago I was just this simple slave girl who was doomed to live the rest of her life in misery and despair, but now, I thought with a small hint of hope, there was a chance I would walk away without the chains to keep me in a cage. Finished with the piling of the treasure (all the while Belial offered sarcastic commentary with his poker face), I was exhausted but prepared for the ending of this Dungeon I had now captured.

"Hmm," the Djinn hummed as he looked down at me.

"What is it?" I asked, resting against the gold after the hard labor the gather and wrap them up.

"... If it is with your permission, I would like to offer you a name."

"Imp is not a very good name to have." I huffed out.

"There was a professor of yours: Mr. Adylott. He was a man who had claimed to have traveled to Cairo in his youth."

A man in his late fifties took shape in my head. He was friendly and funny, always giving chances to people who were behind in their grades because of bad circumstances and lack of sleep from their other important studies. He talked about his adventures on the Northern parts of Africa, showing photo after photo of himself walking with his guides through deserts, small villages, big cities, and riding on the backs of camels. He talked about the culture, language, and the way of life for the people that lived there, calmly putting down any ignorant student that said stupid things like it was a place where terrorists lived and all that garbage coming out of their dumb mouths.

"There was a goddess who presides over truth, morality, and honor. From seeing your other life, and seeing you now, I feel as though this name will suit you."

And I saw the world in brilliant shades of brightness, leaving me breathless and whole. I had seen pictures of astronauts when they sent pictures for the world to see what it was like to see the world from space, but to see it with my own two eyes... and in this magical realm, there were no words and likeliness that could ever compare or come to fruition.


There was voices, and I felt the world around me begin to pain colors and pictures until all I saw was the sky and the four sand walls that surrounded me. It took me a second to realize I was inside the place where the Dungeon had previously occupied before I had taken Belial with me.

"I'm back." I murmured.

"Here they come." Belial's voice warned me, and I saw that the slave masters were climbing their way down to meet me.

"Unbelievable!" one of them said as he eyed the piles of gold I taken back with me to the world. "This little wretch actually did it!"

I was startled out of my daze when I was grabbed by the wrist and promptly thrown on the floor. I groaned, looking back up to see the person responsible beginning to stick his dirty hands into the gold where I had been previously resting against.

"You, filth!" someone snapped their impatient fingers in front of me. "How did you do it?!"

"Don't bother asking it," one of them scoffed. "It was probably a fluke. Either that, or the people who claimed that these Dungeons were dangerous are very weak."

"I'd like to see them try it themselves." Belial rumbled, his voice deep with brimming anger. "They've no room to talk. These cowards were willing to sacrifice a child."

"Hey! What is that you're wearing?!" I hissed when the slave master in front of me grabbed one of my horn-shaped tuft of hair. "You little thief! You think you can take our gold for yourself?! I will have your hand for this!"

"SHUT UP!" I roared, having enough of the abuse and bigotry coming from these horrible people. "YOU ARE THE LAST PERSON I WANT TO HEAR CALLING OTHERS THIEVES!"

There was a stunned silence, before the hand holding my hair tightened. Next thing I knew, there was fingers wrapped around my tiny throat. I let out a choked yelp as I was slammed into the ground, the slave master hovering over me with his fingers constricted the air out of my lungs. I kick my legs and wave an arm, scratching the wrists that was choking the life out of me, but they pain no attention to the nails scratching against their skin.

"Die you little nameless filth! You are worthless! Worthless and meaningless! So die and rot away into the nothingness that you were born as!"

"Be.. li... al!" I coughed out, quickly losing my battle in staying conscious and alive.

"My King!"

A picture came across my mind, Belial sticking it behind my eyelids for me to see and remember. With that helpful quick-thinking, I let go of the slave masters' arm before slammed it against his throat. Immediately, he released his hold of my throat in favor of trying to suck in the air I forced out of his throbbing throat. I dizzily rolled out from under him, not wanting to have my poor body squished by the jerk's heavy weight. I quickly scrambled back onto my feet, finding myself in the face of danger when several slave masters angrily drew their swords and whips to punish and/or kill me for my disobedience.

"Remember, you must call out to me!"

'But Djinns don't give their powers to people in one day!' I argued, fearful and frantic as the people closed in on me. 'It can't work!'

"Do not fear, this only needs to work for a moment!"

"Disappear along with this nameless wasteland, you fucking scrap of meat!" one yelled before he raised his swords towards me.

Before the slavers had a chance to pierce and slice my body with their leather whips and sharp swords, I let out a faint whisper that they had no idea was going to cause so much mayhem and destruction in their world.

"Dwell within my body, Belial."


The whole world grew dark and fierce, and all eyes looked heavenward to find a beastly giant overtaking the sky, his colossal figure outclassing any beast the slave masters had ever come across in their entire lives. Skeletal serpents circled the giant, letting out mute hisses as they exposed their jaws to the frightened mortals that looked on helplessly.

"Hmph, pathetic wretches. Let me show you true pain." the giant uttered.


Gilgo watched as I patiently set him free with some helpful tools I found somewhere in the many sacks of gold, breaking the chains that bounded each and every slave. The older man looked over to the group of trembling slave masters, all of their eyes glazed over as they slurred like drunks about blue giants and monstrous bones coming to kill them all and the rest of the world.

On the other side, Tanna, along with several other exhausted slaves, climbed up into the cool carriage that the slavers had previously occupied to rest their tired feet. Many of the slaves quickly helped one another in setting free, the sound of chains and cuffs dropping to the floor was music to their ears. Few of the able-bodied slaves that were up for quick work successfully pushed the last of the giant sacks full of gold onto a single cart for them to take with them on their road to find sanctuary as newly established free people.

"Thank you, little girl." Gilgo said as he saw the last of the chains fall to the floor. "I don't know how you did it, but thank you. You saves us all."

I shrugged, throwing the cuffs to the sandy floor near the feet of the frightened slavers that were still under the influence of Belial's nightmarish illusions. "We were always free. These people just stole it from us, so I stole it back."

Gilgo eyed me.

"You're different." the older man said after awhile. "Before, I saw a little girl stumbling her way inside those dangerous deathtraps that often killed brave souls who dared to venture inside, but now, someone else entirely new came out from there."

I slowly nodded. "Yes. You can say that."

"Are you going somewhere, then?" he asked when he saw that I was not joining the others in getting onto the carts.

I nodded again.

"At least take some gold with you." he pointed at the golden sacks. I instructed the slaves to divide the gold equally for each and every one of them. This gold was their key to opportunity and a better life that awaited them at the end of their journey through the wasteland. I wanted them to feel hopeful again, never doubting that this moment was not a dream but a reality come to life.

"Way ahead of you." I chuckled as I showed him a small pouch I had tied to my side.

"I wish you the best of luck, little girl." Gilgo said as he hobbled his way towards the cart after a friendly pat on my shoulder. "Shall we ever come across each other, I will fulfill any deed you wish from me. That I promise you, little one."


"Hm?" the old man paused, looking back to me in confusion.

"My name," I grinned at the older man. "My name is Maat."

With a wave at the slaves as they departed towards Parthevia, I took one last look at the abandoned group of slave masters before turning to the opposite direction and paving my own path.

"Lets go, Belial."

"As you command, my King."