Outsider Chronicles: Black Zodiac

After being splattered by a drunk driver, the last thing I expected was to wake up a Wizard. Last thing? Hardly, the last thing I expected was to be the twin of everyone's favorite ferret Well, this is gonna be fun. OC centric, fem-Harry.

And here we go, the last chapter of the First Year. Enjoy!

Chapter 12

Three Days. Thats how long Holly was out of it for. According to Madam Pomfrey, she was recovering from a magical surge that had resulted from the sudden removal of both a block on her Core and some kind of Magical Parasite that had been feeding on her magic. The removal of one could be stressful on one's magic, but both at the same time, apparently Holly was lucky she was alive. The fact she had a block on her core worried me greatly, especially after Madam Pomfrey revealed that, with the removal of the Block Hollys magic had gained the density needed to be classified as a Warmage. Since then I hadn't left my friends side except for meals and bathroom breaks.

It was after one of these breaks that I nearly ran into Dumbledore as he left the Hospital Wing.

"Sorry sir," I said, stepping to one side.

"No problem Mr Malfoy," said the old man with a kindly grin, before sweeping past me and disappearing down the hall.

I stared after him, not sure what to make of the look on his face before he had schooled it into his normal grandfatherly smile. It was a look of worry and fury. That...didn't look good. I shook myself off and entered the Hospital Wing to find Holly sat up in bed, looking down at something in her lap with a sad look on her face.

"Hey, your finally awake," I said as I approached.

Holly looked up as I approached and I saw tears in her eyes.

"Oh, hello Leo," she said, sounding upset.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, sitting down in the chair next to her bed.

Holly sniffed and held up what was in her hand. It was her wand, or rather, what was left of it. To be honest, I had expected that after Pomfrey mentioned that her magic was now Dense, but not to this extent. Maybe it was because the wand had been matched to her magic or maybe she was that powerful, but the Holly and Phoenix Feather wand was split nearly in half, with the tattered remains of the feather clearly visible.

"Ah," I said, "Right, that."

Holly blinked at me.

"You mean you knew this was going to happen?" She asked.

"Yep. I guess you haven't talked to Pomfrey yet, have you?"

"No, I've only just woken up," she said, "I spoke with Professor Dumbledore though. He gave me some rubbish about Love being what beat Voldemort down there."

"Yeah, that does sound daft doesn't it," I said with a grin, "Anyway, you don't need to worry about your wand. It's actually a good sign."

"How is my wand breaking in my hand a good sign?" Demanded Holly.

"Well, it means that your Magic is to Dense to be used with a wand, like mine."

"Mr Malfoy is correct Miss Potter," said Pomfrey as she approached, "I'm not entirely sure how, but while you were down there you broke a block that been placed on your Core, limiting you to about 25% and thinning your magic out. You'll find that your a lot more powerful now its gone and you'll need to see Ollivander to get a Focus Gem."

"I don't think that will be needed," I said, "Holly's locket apparently has a Focus Gem set into it."

Holly gasped and her hand jumped to her throat, which was bear.

"Where is it?" She asked, looking around frantically.

"With the rest of your things," said the matron, "Give me a moment."

She disappeared into her office, leaving Holly and I alone.

"So whats with the violent reaction?" I asked.

Holly blushed and looked down, mumbling something under her breath.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that," I said.

Holly shook her head and refused to reply as Pomfrey returned with the silver necklace. Holly practically snatched the locket and put it over her head, resting it over her heart. As soon as it touched her skin, the emerald flashed.


Holly smiled and relaxed against her pillows. Pomfrey shooed me out as she gave Holly a quick check over now she was awake, before letting me back in.

"So, what did Dumbledore want to talk to you about?" I asked.

"Just, things," she said, not meeting my eyes, "He said that the Flamels were going to destroy their Stone."

"Riiight," I said, eyeing my friend curiously.

For some reason the way she said that made me worried, but there wasn't really anything I could do if she didn't tell me what was bothering her.

Fortunately, now that she was awake, the danger had mostly past and, after a few more days bed rest, Pomfrey let Holly go, just in time for the End of Year Feast. As expected, Dumbledore did is bullshit final points, meaning that Ravenclaw won the House Cup. With the year now wrapping up, our exam results came in and, as expected, everyone in our little group had done well, even Neville. On the last day of term, I was making sure that I had everything when a loud crack made me jump. I turned and saw a familiar little elf stood on my bed.

"Dobby, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" I hissed.

"Sorry master," said Dobby, looking sheepish.

The little house elf that so many fans loved was looking a heck of a lot better than he did when Harry first met him in canon, mainly because I had convinced Father to give me him as a personal elf and promptly ordered him to never punish himself. That said, he was just as eccentric as ever and had taken a liking to my Manga collection, leading to some rather bizarre behavior as he started emulating some characters. Practically every time I saw him he was in a different costume and quoting a different character. Right now he was wearing what can only be described as a miniature Butler uniform, which was better than the time he'd shown up in a maids uniform for some reason known only to himself.

"Its fine Dobby," I said, sitting on the bed, "Did you get it?"

Dobby nodded and held up a cage containing a fat rat.

"Dobby took the Rat Man from the Weasel and replaced it with a normal rat," said Dobby.

"Thanks Dobby, your the best," I said, taking the cage that contained Pettigrew and was heavily enchanted to keep him from escaping.

"Please, if Dobby could not do this much then what kind of an Elf would he be?" Asked Dobby with what could have possibly been a mysterious smile, but looked silly.

"Have you been reading Black Butler again?" I asked.

Dobby just grinned and vanished with a crack.

"Cheeky little blighter," I muttered as I slipped Pettigrew into my bag.

I'd call Madam Bones when I get home, show her Pettigrew and get Sirius out of prison.

The trip back was uneventful and was spent playing games, reading and talking about nonsense that all kids talked about. The train pulled into Kings Cross and everyone said their goodbyes, heading off to join their families, or disappearing through the barrier. Holly gave me a tight hug, before she hurried off, vanishing into the crowd before I could see where she had gone. She had also avoided telling me what she would be doing over the summer and that worried me. It worried me a lot.

Before I headed over to join my family, I ducked into one of the trains bathrooms and called Dobby. The excitable elf appeared, still cosplaying Sebastian.

"Yes Master Leo?" He asked.

"Dobby, can you keep an eye on Holly for me?" I asked, "I'm a bit worried about her. If anything happens to her, come get me alright?"

"Yes Master, Dobby will watch Master Leos Holly!" He said, before vanishing with a crack.

I sighed and left the train, heading over to join my family where Mum greeted me with a warm hug and Father with a nod, before we left the Station vire portkey.

And thats the end of that. Dobbys here and hes just as nutty as ever. To make matters worse, hes gotten into Leos manga collection, so expect some crazy cosplay.

This short chapter marks the end of this first story, but the next is on its way. Keep your eyes peeled and until next time, le