Double trouble ;)

- Lovetwist98

Chapter 22




As soon as Dimitri had spoken she knew something was wrong, he didn't sound like himself and it worried her. She didn't like not knowing things. She wanted him to confide in her and trust her with his problems, she was a bright woman and she had solutions to a lot of things. But this problem of his was a part of something she knew essentially nothing about. She knew what he was and what he did, yet it didn't faze her one bit. She loved her mafia man.

A day at the spa had been just what she and Lissa needed, it had been a long day of doing nothing and Rose had never in her life been so relaxed for this amount of time. There was always something troubling her, even though she was worried about Dimitri she knew he would never break his promise to her and she waited rather impatiently for his call.

As she walked from the bathroom connected to their suite she felt a presence near her that was uncomfortable and unfamiliar. "Boris? Vlad?" No reply was given and her heart started pounding louder and faster in her chest, she felt her heartbeat in her head, the ´thump, thump, thump´ made her anxiety worse and she was terrified.

Suddenly a large hairy hand covered her mouth, and Rose did the first thing that popped into her head. She bit him, hard. She could taste the metallic taste of his blood in her mouth, much to her disgust. The man grunted but kept his hold on her. Rose didn't like being restrained and rather than building her fear she just got more angry. This was her vacation weekend and this man was ruining it.

Rose dug her teeth deeper into his hand and started shaking her head from side to side like a wild animal tearing the flesh from their prey. This time the man gave a shout as her teeth ripped his skin, it surprised Rose just how much damage a human bite could do. Then in an instant she saw three other unknown men in her room. This was so not her ideal getaway.

One of the men tried grabbing her legs while another tried prying her hand away from the man holding her. She kicked her feet and swung her arms around like a mad woman and this time she dug her teeth as far as she could possibly get them. The man currently held captive by her mouth shouted louder this time and swore in what sounded like italian.

Then the door to her room burst off its hinges and Vlad and Boris came rushing in with their guns in the air and the dangerous air of the killers they were. Two of the four men charged in their direction, but the size difference between the two large Russians and the Italian´s was very large. There was no chance that Vlad or Boris would allow them to even get a single jab in their direction.

Boris with his large and boxy frame simply hit one of the men with the end of his gun and the man went falling to the ground. Vlad however, liked his gun and he loved using it more, so he simply aimed at the other man´s kneecap and shot.

Rose was getting really angry now, there were still two men holding her and moving her in the direction of the large room window. She fought as hard as she could, kicking, hitting and biting as hard as her body would let her. Finally Boris noticed her struggle and came to her rescue followed by a stone faced Vlad. Boris removed the man holding Rose's legs by picking him up by the collar of his shirt and flinging him across the room like he weighed nothing at all, Vlad however seemed very happy with the way Rose was handling herself so he simply handed her his gun while the brute holding her had his focus trained on him.

Taking the gun from Vlad, Rose placed it against the man's thigh and before he could comprehend what had happened she had pulled the trigger and finally she was free from the greasy and hairy blood covered hand.

Placing her hand against the wall Rose used it to steady herself as she got control of her breathing "What the hell took you so long?" Rose heaved

"The door is stronger than it looks" Boris muttered with his deep voice laced with it's heavy russian accent.

"The door is stronger than it looks" Rose repeated with squinted eyes "is that a joke? Are you trying to be funny"

Boris looked like a lost child when he turned to his brother with a confused expression, and then back at Rose like she had grown two extra heads "I don't joke." was all he said.

Rolling her eyes Rose looked around the room at the men sprawled unconscious on her fancy floor and sighed "Any idea who they are?"

"Mancini´s men."

"As in Don Alfonso Mancini" Rose questioned

"His men yes, but I highly doubt that this was by his order. One or all of his sons maybe." Vlad offered

"They are stupid enough" Boris added shaking his head

"That they are"

"We need to restrain them," Rose said as she relived the men on her floor of their weapons. Nodding in agreement Boris reached for one of his bags and pulled out a large plastic bag filled with zip ties and proceeded to place them around the men's wrists and ankles.

"So you just randomly carry a bag of zip ties with you wherever you go?" Rose questioned Boris as she watched him work. "Yes." was his short but simple reply. Rose just looked at him for a few moments before shaking her head.

She examined the guns on the table. Since meeting Vlad she had found an interest in guns, it amazed her that this thing in her hand could do so much damage if it was used right.

There was a noise from her sofa as the men started waking up one by one. She watched them intently as she pulled up a chair in front of them and sat down crossing her legs and placed one of their guns in her lap, she was after all a lady.

They looked maybe 30 something, all of them had olive skin and dark hair, definitely Italian, she thought. Bastards. The man with the large bite mark now present on his hand glared at her like she was the devil incarnate. "It's rude to stare." she simply stated seeming otherwise uninterested.

"Puttana" his word was clear and so was the spit from his mouth that landed on her floor as he made a show of disrespect.

"That's not very nice of you. This is an expensive room you know" Rose raised one of her eyebrows in a show of annoyance.

"Maybe not, but the feel of your ass against my dick did. The boss is going to like you" his grin was replaced with a bruise when Vlad slammed his fist into his jaw growling "Respect." at the man.

Rose gave a loud dramatic sigh raising the gun from her lap and pointing her gun at his head taking the safety off and making a show of it. This man was an asshole and she didn't like him in the least. "I´ve recently just learned how to really use a gun and Vlad here told me I should practice my aim." Rose knew she wasn't going to shoot him, or at least she thought she wouldn´t.

"You don't have the guts, little puttana" he laughed in her face. She hated when men did that, to laugh in someone's face was the ultimate show of disrespect and rudeness.

Rose without a thought aimed the gun at his groin and shot him. The room was silent for a few moments before the agonizing cry of the bleeding man filled the silence of the room. Rose stood from her chair as she realized what she had done. She just shot a man. In the dick. Much to Vlad´s and Boris´s amusement.

"Holy shit I just shot a person, well not a person but still… holy shit. I just shot a man" Rose kept on ranting to herself as she paced around the room waving the gun around her in the air not thinking about the potential dangers of waving a gun in everybody's face.

"Stop waving that gun around, you crazy bitch" One of the men shouted

"Be nice or I'll neuter you too" Rose growled before she spoke to herself in her own language unaware of everything around her . Rose didn't even hear Vlad´s phone ringing in his pocket or the fact that Vlad had snapped a picture of her in mid rant and sent it to Dimitri.

"Would you like to go back home little lady?" Vlad asked after he had hung up the phone and placed it in his pocket.

"Can we? But what about.." Rose pointed at the men sitting on the sofa zip tied together

"They come too, Boss wants to send the Don a message."

"Alright, I'll go pack my things." Rose started to walk when she suddenæy came to a halt and looked at the two brothers infront of her "I'm keeping the guns though" then she started packing her suitcase while the brothers smiled and shook their heads at her antics and the Italians almost shook in fear, they all knew what sending a message looked like. It wouldn't be pretty and it definitely wouldn't be clean.


Dimitri had trained his men well and it showed, they moved silently along the building from every side. Dimitri wanted to have a chat with the man who had ordered this raid on his men and his cargo, he knew who it was and he was going to make it perfectly clear that this was not acceptable and he was more than happy to beat it into him if necessary.

Making sure all his men were in place Dimitri nodded to his men and opened the door to the large warehouse which was currently decorated by his men hanging by their feet around the large room and the Italians standing around the room all pointing their guns in Dimitris direction. Dimitri noticed all his men were still alive and he was thankful for that, all badly beaten and it looked like a few of them had missing fingers or a piece of their ear but they were breathing.

In the middle of the room sat three men, the Macini brothers, Giovanni, Roberto and Luca Macini. They were the sons of Don Alfonso Macini. They were the three most hated men in the Italian mafia, not out of fear of them because they were much too insufferable to be feared. It Dimitris opinion they were just plain stupid.

Alfonso Macini was a good man and Dimitri had been in business with him for many years, he was sure he knew nothing about his sons´ acts but he would.

"Mr. Reaper, how kind of you to join us." Roberto the youngest chirped from his chair, his suit freshly pressed and his watch, most likely paid by his father shining on his wrist.

"Didn't have much choice. I don't like having my choices taken away" Dimitri spoke calmly not showing any sign of anger or frustration.

"We needed to get your attention somehow, and taking your men was the easiest way for their daddy dearest to make an appearance. The drugs were just a bonus" Luca the middle brother spoke then ossing with an air of entitlement as he looked at his nails like a highschool girl at the nail salon.

"You have my attention now. What do you want?"

"You have something of ours" Giovanni the oldest finally spoke, he was the more intelligent one of the bunch, but that wasn't saying much.

"Which is ?" Dimitri asked, he hated chit chat.

"Miss Mazur."

As soon as the words left his mouth Dimitri felt the heat in his blood running through his veins. If they knew about Roza, the rest of his business acquaintances must know too.

"Who is she to you Mancini?"

"My future wife, according to my father. He made a deal with her father years ago and she shall be mine" Giovanni snarked at Dimitri, who to say the least was not even slightly amused.

"Is that so." Dimitri mused in a bored tone.

"Yes it is" Giovanni

"She is not with us at the moment, but I'll be happy to give her the massage." Dimitri played along.

"No need she is being fetched as we speak" Luca smirked his annoyingly straight smile. Braces. Dimitri thought. This conversation was boring him.

"Christian, call Vlad." Dimitri ordered calmly in their mother tongue. Christian did as asked and dug his phone out of his pocket, as he started to dial a shot rang out through the building and a grunt could be heard from Christian who was currently keeping pressure on a bullet hole in his shoulder.

Just as the shot had rung out all of Dimitris' men had their guns raced and pointed between every single man's eyes. Dimitri stood his ground with his arms crossed over his chest and a not so amused look in his face.

"The bastard shot me" Christian grunted, he didn't seem to feel the pain at all, which came to no surprise to Dimitri as he had trained all his men in the same way as he had been trained. To feel no pain.

"Shoot my men again and I'll have a bullet between your eyes" Dimitri muttered. "Aleksander, Call Vlad"

With a nod Aleksander dug his phone out with one hand, and kept his gun steadily trained on Lucas' forehead with the other. Dialing the number he sent in the call and placed the phone by his ear.

"Vlad, it's Aleksander is everything good"

"The miss is swearing in her language and pointing a gun at the four Italian bastards that tried to kidnap her, other than that she's completely fine." Vlad sounded somewhat amused by the little misses actions.

"All good boss, she has a gun to their heads"

"Good" Dimitri nodded at his comrade before training his eyes back on the Mancini Brothers "It seems that miss Mazur was not willing to comply with your rather forceful request" in that exact moment a photo was sent to his phone and for the first time since his phone call with his Roza, he smiled.

The photo showed a raging Rose in her bathrobe white fluffy white towel on her head pointing a gun at four suit glad men on the sofa in her room, tied and seeming to have been beaten, and her face was contorted in annoyance and rage.

"She's safe and sound with my brothers. I'll have your men sent to your father's estate as soon as possible. I can't however promise they´ll be in one piece since you have ruined miss Mazur´s vacation and she has quite the temper" Dimitri looked rather amused and he even flashed the three Mancini brothers a never before seen an amused smile.

"You lie" Luca spat in annoyance. He had never been one to keep a poker face, he was a brat.

"You believe what you want." Dimitri sighed

In one swift movement Luca had stepped forward and placed the barrel of his gun tight against Dimitri's forehead. All of Dimitri's men made a move to protect him but Dimitri motioned for them to stay in their place.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance three years ago" Luca spat, literally, in Dimitri's face. Much to Dimitri's annoyance.

"Now's your chance" Dimitri stared him straight in the eye, not showing an ounce of fear.

Luca watched him with an intense gace. It angered him that Dimitri was as hard as stone, and never showed any emotion.

This was taking too long for Dimitri, he wanted to call his woman and be done with this mess. In a move so fast, Dimitri managed to twist the gun out of Luca´s hand and now held it against Luca´s head like he had done to him.

"You don't have the balls, Luca mancini. Don't point a gun at man's head if you're not prepared to pull the trigger" as he finished speaking he removed the gun from Luca head and handed it to him.

Dimitri allowed Luca to walk back to his brothers before speaking again "You don't steal from me without dealing with the consequences" Taking his own gun from it's place on his hip, he pointed at one of the Mancini´s men without looking at him and shot him in the head. Killing him instantly "Especially if what you steal is the best coke in the business and is worth more money than your brains can comprehend" another bullet flew through the air and between another man's skull. "And I do recommend that you never talk to me or my men about miss Mazur ever again" the third bullet flew through the air right above Giovanni´s shoulder and into the chest of the guard behind him "or the next bullet will be in you."

Dimitri was a difficult man to figure out, even for his own men. But when it came to Rose, his men knew there was nothing he wouldn't to do keep her safe.

Looking at the three brothers he made sure they saw just how serious he was as he spoke again. "Take my men again and it will be the end of you. Touch miss Mazur and I won't hesitate to end the Macini family. You three need to follow orders and listen to you're Don next time and maybe you will be able to keep your men alive"

Turning to his men he gave them the signal to cut down their brothers who still hung from the bars on the ceiling. "Get them down and into the car, then three of you bring the truck and get our coke out of here."

The Mancini brothers stood speechless as they watched Dimitri order his men around and it amazed them how he barely had to speak before his men knew what they were supposed to do. The respect was unlike anything they had ever seen and they wanted their men, or their fathers men, to be the same.

They watched as the warehouse emptied of any russian decorations they had hung by their feet to try and anger the Reaper, and as the coke they had tasted, of the best quality, was moved into one of the Russian trucks Dimitri had ordered to be taken along for the trip.

"I made a deal with your father years ago not to kill any of his sons. However this act of yours has broken all trust I had with the Mancini family. This is the last and only time I will leave you alive. Come for me or my men again and I will kill you myself and send your parts to your mother." Dimitri knew he was a scary man on a normal day, but as he spoke to the brothers every man in the building including his own, looked more terrified than he had ever seen anyone.

With those words he looked at Ivan and nodded his head. Ivan returned the nodd then looked at Christian with a smirk. Signaling his men Ivan spoke in a loud clear voice with a sadistic smile on his face "Убить их всех"

As soon as he had let the words go, bullets flew through the air, hitting every italian in their sight ,beside the three brothers, killing most of the men instantly but for the unlucky few the bullets left them to die from their wounds. Dimitri's men knew how to shoot to kill or shoot to wound, he knew every man in his organisation and he knew their style of killing. He didn't care if the men suffered, they had brought his Roza into this war and he was going to end it his way.

Three minutes or so had past, the gun fire had stopped and the building smelled of blood and gunpowder. The Mancini´s stood in shock and fear in the middle of the room covered in their men´s blood or guts, or both.

"This" Dimitri pointed across the room at the massacre of men lying on the ground either dead or dying in pools of blood "is on you. Come for me again and this will be nothing compared to what will be done to you and your family" Dimitri left the words hanging in the air as he turned his back on them and exited the building passing Christian on the way. Stopping beside his adoptive brother he ordered him to do what he did best "Burn it down"

Christian smiled a wicked smile "With pleasure."

Ivan Aprocached Dimitri as they walked to their car "Keep the killing to a minimum you said. How´d that work out for you"


"Yes brother" Ivan replied smiling

"Shut up" at that Ivan laughed loudly as the buildings behind them burned to the ground taking the bodies of the dead with them.

How much do you like me right now ? ;)