Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Percy Jackson And The Olympians

A/N: You know how Naruto looks like but imagine him with his hair combed (like Aizen Sosuke from Bleach) and wearing a headband that keeps his combed, ANBU outfit and an orange hoodie, like Naruto in the movie Naruto: The Last

Chapter 1:

'I'm in deep shit,' a shiny sun golden hair, whiskered face with amethyst eyes shining in worry and concern, the man thought. This man was Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze Senju Uchiha, Nidaime Juubi, Primordial being of Destruction, Creation, Chaos, Elements and Nature, King of Demons and one title that he was proud of and the reason he was panicking a bit. He is a father to 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls.

The most peculiar thing was that the 4 children each have different mothers but the mothers themselves are 4 goddesses but not just any goddesses. It was Hera, queen of the Olympians, goddess of marriage etc. and mother to her and Naruto`s son Ryan who had his mothers looks but his father's blond hair and eyes. Hera and Naruto met when she found out that Zeus was cheating on her again with Aphrodite's oldest daughter aged 22, Emily (A/N: An OC I made up). Naruto accidentally went through a Dimension Gap after absorbing the Juubi and training in its powers, where Naruto fell in the Olympians world and landed right in front of Hera who read his memories and fell in love with him due to his loyalty as she despises Zeus who has no shred of loyalty. Naruto done the same thing with Hera by using the Rinne-Sharingan and was shocked and pissed. Shocked that gods and goddesses exist in this world and pissed because of how many times Zeus cheated on Hera.

Naruto met 3 other goddesses in similar ways and they met with Hera to discuss if they could share him as Naruto is a 1 in a 1 000 000. Naruto also loves all 4 of them equally and they all married him in secret. The 3 goddesses is Artemis, goddess of the moon, hunt and childbirth and mother to her and Naruto`s daughter Helen who had her mother's hair and eyes but face from her father Naruto. The next goddess is Persephone, goddess of spring and flowers, ex-wife to Hades and mother to Arashi who looked like his mother but only has his father's blue eyes. The next goddess is Amphitrite, goddess of the reef and sea and queen of the ocean, ex-wife to Poseidon as Triton was not her son, he is from one of Poseidon's` lover, who died during childbirth. She is the mother of her and Naruto`s daughter named Sarah who had Naruto`s coloured hair but looked more like her mother. All of Naruto`s children have 2 whisker marks on each of their cheeks.

When Zeus decreed a law that banned the Olympian gods and goddesses major and minor from interacting with their demigod children, making the 4 goddesses furious with him but kept it hidden as they weren`t allowed to visit their child. But when they told Naruto he quickly found a loophole, he told them that he was a primordial so technically their children are not demigods so they can continue visiting them. The goddesses were ecstatic so they visited twice a week for the past 6 years.

Naruto also taught his wives on how to use chakra, using and creating Sen, Nin, Gen, Ken, Tai and Fuin jutsus and he also taught them the shadow clone technique and the blood clone technique (clone that`s made up of blood, has similar traits to the shadow clone but can last longer). Naruto is sitting in his living room of his house while his kids are sleeping upstairs, he is reading a book about the Shinto pantheon, and he is also waiting for his wives to arrive.

"Naru – Koi," Naruto heard behind him and turned his head to see his wives looking at him with worried looks on their faces.

"Yes, My Dears?" Naruto asked.

"The Olympians are getting suspicious of us, we may not be able to see you for a while," Hera informed him with a scowl at the thought of Zeus`s Ego and his Paranoia.

"So it`s time," Naruto muttered to himself.

"What do you mean?" Amphitrite asked confusedly with the others who had dumbfounded looks on their faces.

"What I mean is that Gaia and Kronos are stirring, and the other Olympians are becoming suspicious of you, and Zeus paranoia will cause harm to you girls and maybe Artemis`s hunters as well," Naruto informed his wives.

They all looked at him with surprise and shock etched on their faces, they all believed him as he never told his wives a lie, to other people yes but never his wives.

"What do we do now? We`re weak against the Olympians, the Titans and especially Kronos and Gaia," Persephone whined helplessly.

"Don`t worry, I`ve got a plan," Naruto informed them with a grin plastered onto his face.

"What is it?" Artemis, Amphitrite, Hera and Persephone asked him in a curious tone at the same time.

"This is the plan. You 4 are going to create a blood clone that can last for 5 years. Artemis, get your hunters ready because me, you 4, our kids and Artemis hunters will go to my dimension to train, because my dimension 15 000 years will go by while here only 5 years will be gone. Our physical age will stop at the age of 21 years; we can change it at will if we want to be older and younger. I can guarantee by the time we finish, you will be strong as or stronger than the primordial Chaos," Naruto told his wives who were gaping in shock at him.

The goddesses came out of their stupor and glomped him in a hug and swarmed him with kisses. When they settled down, the 4 goddesses created blood clones of themselves, Artemis proceeded to do the same thing with her hunters using their blood and summoning them. The blood clones flashed away to Olympus for the winter solstice meeting (Percy Jackson and The Olympians: Lightning Thief Arc) that is going to start in a week.

The hunters were then informed of the plan and they don`t despise Naruto because Artemis informed them about his life and that Naruto is their father figure as he claimed them as his daughters and grant them the ability to use chakra and senjutsu.

Naruto gathered his 4 wives and sealed their house in a scroll, while his wives were carrying their child in their arms and the hunters standing behind them.

Naruto eyes then shifted into the Rinne-Sharingan and muttered,


A black vortex swirled into the air and sucked the group inside, then the vortex dispersed. The group won`t be seen again for the next 5 years. (They will come back during The Last Olympian Arc)

Note: When Zoe blood clone dies in The Titan`s Curse Arc, she will receive their memories once it disperses, she will inform the others of what happened.

Also when Bianca and Thalia join the hunters, they will be replaced by a blood clone as Naruto takes them away to train them.

A/N: I did this for fun but I hope you enjoyed it as it's my first time writing, I might not continue so if one of you wants to take this go ahead.