This chapter was written again by Generation Alchemist and edited by me. I´ll probably write one of the next future chapters. I hope you´ll enjoy the chapter :D Please read and review and please check out Generation Alchemist's account. She still doesn´t get as much traffic as she deserves. Change that! :D

There´s explicit Yaoi in this chapter between 3 men. Please beware!

The scrape of fingertips against an area of packed dirt, the subsequent crackle and flash of a transmutation lit the sand in a cool blue and white glow. With a rumble of earth, the flash receded and a great well rose from the sand, soaking in the salt, sand, and earth to form ornate sandstone blocks. And intricate carvings of oceanic waves and fish etched themselves into the surface.

Edward Elric stood back with a satisfied grin, hands on his hips. John, a young alchemist that was assisting with the construction of Ishval, smiled at his side. A snort several feet away caused him to turn his attention to where a sweating, drenched Roy was wiping his forehead as he rose with a wince. Sand rained down from the man's baggy trousers and a streak of dirt was now painted on his skin above his eyes.

"Always that flair for the dramatic, Fullmetal," Roy's voice drawled before the man clapped his hands and bent to touch his fingers to the sand. A chain of transmutations lit up as far as the eye could see, from the horizon of sand into the sparse buildings they were surrounded by on the outskirts of New Ishval. Sweltering sand slid aside as a ten-foot-wide road of grainy, yellow stone rose slightly from the earth, just high enough that the sweeping sand couldn't immediately wash over and hide it. The General stood up, crossed arms making him look smug as he observed his own work with satisfaction. Havoc, a few feet away in a rumbling truck, gave a sunny thumbs-up.

"And always boring, bastard. Anyway, don't call me Fullmetal. I'm not the military's dog anymore," Ed turned to the brunette at his side, who was looking steadily more exhausted, before smiling lightly, "I think we're done here for now, Johnny. Go ahead and head back to the village."

John thankfully waved them goodbye and set off. He was a young man, who wasn't part of the military but wanted to act as an ambassador between Amestrians and the Ishvalans. He was a smart young man, but hesitant and shy still, seeing as he was probably a year or two younger than Ed. But he could activate the transmutation circles that Ed drew and that's all that really mattered to the blonde.

He paced over to Roy and Jean, admiring the road that they had built so far. There was still a long way to go, into the city and dispersing into smaller side streets, but it was on its way. Not to mention how the two of them were apparently planning on completing the road's outer sections, before they made their way back to Central in a few months. It would slow their pace and exhaust them greatly, but they were adamant that they were the one to finish the final piece of construction.

"Looks good, guys," Ed paused with a smirk, "for a couple of lazy idiots."

"It's nice to know you regard us so highly, Ed," Havoc smiled back brightly, with total sincerity in his voice. Ed's face warred between a roll of his eyes and a hot blush.

The inevitable reddening of his face that followed, despite his best efforts could thankfully be blamed on the hot sun beating down on them. He turned on his heel, causing a tiny wave of sand to skitter up his legs as he admired his well again. All day they had been building foundations and springing up wells all throughout Ishval. There was a well on every block that connected underneath Ishval in an underwater spring that was alchemically created and assured to last for centuries. The foundations they set were for more buildings that the Ishvalans might want further down the line. And for the past six hours since noon, Roy and Jean had been hauling truckloads of quarts ten miles out of Ishval and setting up transmutations on the quartz to create the sandstone road.

The amount of quartz they had already used was ridiculous, and they would need several more loads imported from mines in the south before the roads would be completed fully.

It amazed Ed just how much the two men had put into this village- which was more like a city now, despite the unimpressive amount of current occupants. Their heart and soul was obvious in every stone, every grain of sand that whipped past the pale stones that made up the buildings. The Ishvalans that had assisted them early on in loading the truck with quartz seemed very friendly towards Roy and Jean, offering them food and drinks, and Ed was now the one to be regarded warily.

The Ishvalans apparently loved Roy and especially Jean. It was an odd yet hopeful thing to witness. That they could forgive the ones that caused so much destruction to their people in the past.

This rebuilding of Ishval encompassed the essence of the new Amestris- communication, forgiveness, and the soothing of old wounds, which blossomed something far more beautiful than ever before.

Ed was glad he could come home to such a rejuvenated atmosphere.

Watching Roy walk over to the truck and lean against the side to talk to Jean comfortably, Ed's mind wandered to their earlier 'proposal'. It had been three days since he had arrived, and had been contemplating the offer constantly. He wasn't exactly uncomfortable with the idea of a… what would the word even be? Multi-intercourse? But it certainly made him more self-aware. Every time Mustang or Havoc would look in his direction he found himself straightening his hunched posture, thoughts immediately questioning whether they were admiring him or if they found him attractive in that exact moment. Not to mention the dreams…

The dreams of him turning between Roy and Jean, lips on lips, legs tangling together, hands everywhere… moans and heat and the musk of sex stifling the room. Sweat dripping down on him from Roy's forehead and the taste of Jean on his lips. It was always messy and feral in the wildest of ways, but it made Ed awaken in a cold sweat and a pulsing problem between his legs.

A cool drip of icy sweat formed on his temples just at the memories, and a throbbing began in his lower stomach. Swallowing thickly, he thunked himself down in the sand where he stood, leaning back against the well and tilting his chin up to stare at the sky with squinted eyes. Dusk was falling but it was still bright and hot as all hell.

"Ed!" Roy called across the distance between them, and the blonde dropped his eyes to the two waiting men. The truck was now off and Jean had a confident arm wrapped playfully around his superior's shoulders, "We're done for the day. Would you like to have a drink with us back at our camp?"

"Sure," Ed shouted back and started making his way toward the two men.

They all made their way to the 'camp', which was about a three mile walk in which they commented on the work they had done that day and the amount they still had to do. When they arrived at the 'camp', which was more like a small, temporary barracks, they took turn taking showers in the stall outside, washing away the day's labor.

It was a major relief, and Ed practically purred as the cool water cured the knots under his skin that rippled across his shoulders and down his spine. He had gotten lazy in Xing, despite the daily workout, and it was hurting him now. After they had all bathed, they sat down in the small dining area of the camp and Roy started a fire. Jean presented an amber bottle of scotch and plopped down on the couch beside Mustang. Ed sat across from them and accepted the tumbler of alcohol gratefully.

"So Ed, tell us about Xing," Jean grinned expectantly, as they begun sipping on the drinks and relaxing back into the cushions of the furniture.

The blonde grinned and began to excitedly describe the foreign, eastern food and the cultural differences, "Everything was so strange but delicious. I ate one portion of everything on the menu, everywhere I went. I'm pretty sure I terrified some of those establishments, but it was just too tempting an experience to pass up. And the culture was so awesome. Just the designs of their clothing was completely different from ours. Everything is like, silk and a gauzy material. They really like orange and yellow there. With my hair I always felt a bit like a circus animal," he laughed "They put a lot of emphasis on family and achievement, of course, and their archives to knowledge are far more expansive than in Amestris. It's like every library I went to there was a mini version of Central's first branch library. It was so amazing."

The two lovers listened to him closely, both smiling idly at his exuberance.

"So what about you guys? How has the team been? Hawkeye still a raging lunatic?" He said it playfully, of course. He loved Riza to death. But the stunned expressions on the men's faces was worth it.

"I'm telling her you said that," Roy immediately remarked, ignoring Ed's yowl of protest to continue, "but everyone is doing fine. Hawkeye has fetched herself a wonderful man outside the military, Falman and Scheska got married and they're expecting a child by winter. Other than that, everyone is still under my command and working double-time to make me the Fuhrer. It won't be too long until we've risen to the top."

Ed nodded, grinned to himself and practically glowing with joy. It was wonderful to hear everybody in his military family was doing well and enjoying life to the fullest extent. It seemed like everybody was settling down.

And here he was.

Alphonse and Winry were together and had a three-month old baby boy, who Ed couldn't wait to meet once he reached Resembool. Little Maes had to be absolutely precious, by what Al had written him and the pictures he had sent. He looked so much like Al… And now even Jean and the bastard had each other. What was the world coming to? Everybody was getting hitched but him!

Regret and selfless happiness battled and rolled over him as he watched Jean and Roy link hands. He was happy for them, really. But he had found both Roy and Jean to be some of his closest friends, not to mention his burning attraction to them. Even as a teenager he had several wet dreams about both of them.

His heart beat wildly, face flushing as he savored the burn in his stomach that was rising to his cheeks. A slight waver in his thoughts had him blinking at the two men across from him. They were staring at each other, a silent conversation seeming to travel between their gazes. Finally they turned to him as Ed was just downing the rest of his drink

"Ed, have you thought any about what we asked the other day?"

His stomach flipped and burned hotter as he swallowed. He set his glass down and played with the rim as he looked up cautiously, "I have, yes."

"And? Would you like to come to bed with us?"

Ed's head whirled and his heart thumped hard in his chest. He wouldn't be surprised if he'd just bruised some of his ribs because it pounded so hard. A swirl of excitement and nervous energy washed through his stomach and he swallowed again.

He was ready.

"Sure," he answered, voice stronger than his self-conscious, buzzing mind. How was this even going to work? He just had to trust that Roy and Jean knew what they were doing. Shit, this was going to be awkward. But the fucking burn of his face and trembling of his stomach were screaming eagerness.

He was about to have sex with two gorgeous men, who were his friends as well. This couldn't really go wrong, could it? They were going to be closer after this, or at least more understanding of each other. He had to tell himself that because he really couldn't deny himself. He was ecstatic as fuck.

Roy and Jean were grinning and alternating between looking at each other and Ed. His excitement was reflected in their eyes as they set down their glasses and stood, "Let's go then!"

A lump began to grow in Ed's throat and a fuzzy, thick veil fell over his brain, "Right now?"

"Why not? We need to be up early so we better get started now," Jean winked.

Before he knew it Ed was standing in their bedroom, staring around himself at the sparse furniture- just a couple of dressers and a single nightstand beside the spacious bed. Everything was simple with themes of white and pale blue. It was surprisingly endearing. Ed had expected more red or burgundy, Roy's favorite colors other than gold.

Gold and red…

Ed's face flushed and he stood beside the two men and just stared at them.

They winked back and abruptly turned to one another.

Havoc drew Mustang in for a fiery kiss that has Edward's face flushing red and a different heat running through his stomach to areas he wished were dead at that moment because holy fuck. If he had any doubts before, they were gone then along with the measly shred of pride he had left since they started. He was going to give everything to these two men tonight, and the thought was still blowing his mind. Havoc blinked one eye open to urge Ed over and the blonde swallowed thickly before obeying slowly. Not sure what was next, Ed sidled up next to the pair and was completely shocked when Jean's mouth fell upon his in hungry desire. Wasn't kissing off limits? Shouldn't they have set limits?

Shit. He didn't think this through well enough, did he?

But they were kissing and Ed found himself melting into it, reveling in the feel of a hot, wet tongue sliding against and around his own in a vile display of carnal need. Then a hand yanked his ponytail and although he grimaced, his mouth was then assaulted by Roy. The heat, the pressure, it was all so fucking… too much but not enough.

And Havoc and Mustang were already shedding their clothes and their hands were going at each other like they would die if they weren't connected for even a second longer.

A flash of hesitance came over Ed and he pulled away from the kiss. He didn't really belong here, he knew that, and it was becoming clear how much the two of them cared for each other. What if Ed ruined that? He didn't think he could stomach it. Maybe he should back out right now, while he still had the chance, maybe-

Suddenly Mustang shoved him and he flailed for a moment before he hit the bed with a noise of surprise, "What the fuck was that for, you bastard?"

Mustang and Havoc grinned before the latter climbed up to straddle Ed's hips and lean down as Roy answered heatedly, "You're thinking too much, Edward."

Fuck, was it possible for a name to sound like sex on someone's tongue? A lightning bolt of heat flushed down his body and centered deep in his stomach, and he wanted to groan at the feeling but bit his lips hard.

Then Jean was tugging at his pants, skillfully ripping them off in a single swipe, making Ed emit an embarrassing noise that was somewhere between a gasp and a squeak, "Wait, wait!"

The men stopped immediately, though Jean crouched over Ed's crotch and Roy reaching around Havoc to palm at the other man's swollen crotch. They looked at him questioningly and he swallowed thickly.

"Are… are we sure about this? You guys really want to go through with um… with this?"

Very elegant, Elric. Well done you fucking imbecile.

"Yes," Roy said authoritatively and Jean nodded enthusiastically, giving a gentle smile at Ed's disbelieving scowl.

"We're in this all the way, Ed. We wouldn´t stop you if you still wanted to leave, but we do really want you here."

Havoc palmed Ed through his boxers and a moan finally broke away from his lips at the electricity coursing through his body. He was sure this had to be unhealthy and extremely dangerous, but he couldn't help himself. It felt so good, and with the warm buzz of alcohol through his veins, he couldn't…

"Yes," he practically begged, and Havoc pulled away his boxers and immediately bobbed his head down in a way that ripped a moan from Ed. Roy in the meantime had shimmied his way out of his own boxers and had removed Jean's as well.

But all Ed could focus on was the heat. That wet, hot, delicious heat that made spark of lightning tingle along his spine. Everything was tensing and relaxing all at once and it just felt so fucking good….

It was horrible. What the fuck were they doing? Ed swallowed the thoughts down- or attempted to before Havoc felt the difference- and focused on the feel of a wet mouth surrounding his most private parts.

Almost jumping when a new hand traveled up his thigh, he glanced down to see that Roy was beginning to peel the two of them apart. This was so awkward… how was this even going to work?

Obviously thinking along the same lines, Roy offered a Cheshire grin, "How about… Jean fucks you while you… suck me off with your wonderful mouth?"

How the FUCK could he say that with a straight face. It was official: Roy Mustang was not human. The searing burn, and the obvious excitement lighting up Ed's face was all the answer the two men needed, apparently, because they were suddenly both on either side of him.

Moving away with a sharp, "WHOA, whoa," Ed balanced on the very edge of the bed and could only watch wide-eyed as… Jean grabbed a bottle next to the bed and let a thick, clear fluid slide across his fingertips. Ed didn't think he could burn any hotter,

But he did as Jean moved closer to him and smiled gently, "Turn over on your stomach, Ed. It'll make this easier."

"I've had sex before plenty of times" Ed snapped defensively, but obviously these two knew him too well because they just smiled as if they were unconvinced.

He obeyed slowly, feeling the swell of embarrassment heat his face as he presented himself. It was even more awkward when Mustang crawled toward the headboard around in his fully naked glory and leaned against it while smirking at Ed.

"I can't count how many times I've imagined this since I saw again for the first time."

Ed cringed visibly and glanced back at Havoc, fearing he would have stiffened at the admission, but the blonde simply smiled, though the corner of his mouth was a bit tight. Then without warning Jean slid a finger down Ed's back and the alchemist automatically hardened again at feeling of sparks and tingles running down through his flesh. Havoc placed a firm, but gentle finger against his entrance and Ed gulped nervously. Now last time he did this he had enjoyed the it, but both he and his partner had no idea what they were doing, so it had been pretty painful. It hadn´t been the first time they had fallen into bed together, but it had been the first time having anal sex.

Havoc was gentle enough, taking a few long seconds to probe around Ed´s hole, which was both humiliating and gratifying in the most embarrassing way. To take some of his attention away, Ed stared down at what Roy was offering him, only inches under his face, and he swallowed again. What the fuck was caught in his throat? Focusing on the devilishly soft sheets under his knees and the enticing flesh in front of him, Ed lowered himself slightly and licked a long line up the six inches of Roy´s cock. The taste of salt on his tongue was soothing and actually rather familiar, and he made another wet stripe all the way up Mustang's member, letting the smallest of groans out before wrapping his lips around the head and swirling his tongue around in a way he knew would drive anyone out of their minds. He wasn't disappointed by the low growl that emanated from deep in Roy's throat.

Jolting back to reality when he felt Havoc's finger entering him, he pushed himself down more onto Roy's shaft, in need of a distraction. It didn't particularly hurt, but it was a bit uncomfortable. Jean moved his finger around experimentally before carefully adding another finger. Ed let out a surprised moan, which vibrated enough to make Roy gasp. It actually… felt pretty good, somehow. When a third finger was added though, the burning, stretching sensation began that had tortured him the last time.

"Careful, Ed. Just relax, okay? I'm not going to hurt you."

Ed took a deep breath around the stiff organ filling his mouth and nodded, which turned into a smooth bobbing motion after a moment. Roy's hands clenched in the sheets before tentatively moving to Ed's hair, not in order to force him down further, but just to stroke through his strands. In a way, the action felt like it was filled with adoration. Slowly, he felt himself unclench around Jean's hand, and the man began pumping slowly. It still burned, but in an oddly good sort of way, and Ed moaned quietly again. Roy sighed and glanced down at Ed through already sweating bangs to give an encouraging smirk. Ed hummed back the challenge and quickened his pace, going deeper and shifting on his elbows to get better access, also raising his hips more so that he was practically bent in the middle. Good thing he was so fucking flexible.

Jean kept delving deeper and stretching him more and more, suddenly hitting a spot that had pleasure jolting through Ed's body and sparks flashing before his eyes. He panted loudly, and trembled for a moment. Havoc paused, before massaging that spot again, and the panting turned into a loud moan. It just felt so fucking… amazing…

"More," he would have said if could have. He did not beg. Edward Elric begged for nobody. He just needed more of that electric feeling in him… fuck…

Jean kissed his back gently, his chest pressing against Ed's back, thighs to thighs, and the blonde alchemist shuddered at the feel of a long, searing cock against his behind. He felt as if he was falling into a trance, while trying not to forget about Roy´s shaft in his mouth, who was still calmly carding his fingers through his hair.

Havoc withdrew his fingers, making him whine in disappointment. Knowing what came next, he sidled even closer to Roy because he didn't know if he would be able to properly suck him off once Jean got started on him.

Heat pushed against Ed's entrance and Havoc's hand grasped Ed's hip to hold him still as he guided his shaft with the other. Ed tensed then forcefully relaxed himself, commanding his muscles in a way that he hadn't ever really thought about before.

But then Havoc was pushing into him and it did hurt more than just the three fingers, but it also felt fucking fantastic. He breathed deeply and trembled slightly, putting his weight on his knees so that he could wrap a hand around Roy's member. It was a strange position, but it somehow worked, and Havoc gave a groan of appreciation as the movement forced him further inside Ed. A gasp caught in all of their throats and Ed let it out with a muffled sigh.

Then everything was just motion, Havoc rocking in and out of Ed, who continued to moan and gasp around Roy, making the man grunt in a way similar to Jean's.

Everything was perfectly in sync, and made him feel so… there were no words. Ed's heart beat so loudly he was sure the other men could hear it, his muscles shaking from pleasure and exercise, his toes curling irreversibly at all the sensations hitting him like battering rams.

Jean's pace went faster and faster, until Ed was moaning loudly, without shame with every breath he exhaled.

How long had they been going at it? Fuck. Judging by the sweat on both Roy and Jean, it had to have been over ten minutes. Twenty? Thirty?

Fuck he couldn't remember anymore. The world was a blur of fuzzy warmth and light-headed stupor. And everything was building, and building, and there was a crescendo in down in his stomach, gathering between his legs, his senses becoming completely overwhelmed. Then Jean's hand wrapped around Ed's throbbing shaft. Everything was tense for a breathtaking second, his muscles quivering, legs shaking, lungs inhaling air like every breath was the last one, heart thundering and throat vibrating through a keening moan.

And suddenly everything exploded into white, and he shook like he was hit by a fucking grenade, and a long, hitched sigh tore out of his chest.

He sucked hard and pulled on Mustang, who gave a soundless grunt and came down Ed's throat. Ed swallowed as best he could through the blinding wave of ecstasy. Still, liquid dripped down his chin anyway. At the same time, he heard Havoc gasp and something hot fill him in the strangest but most beautiful way.

Ed collapsed on top of Mustang when it was clear that everything was over, and Havoc half-fell on top of him. Arms tangled in arms and legs tangled together like some Xingese puzzle.

They all panted in the heady afterglow, and spots were still drifting in and out of Ed's vision. A tiredness seeped into Ed suddenly, and before he knew it he was falling into the black, sated sleep of post-coital bliss.