Next Day

Gordon blinked his eyes open and sat up clutching his chest.

He looked around the room seeing he was back in Steela's cave, and Klara, and Luke were there with him.

He sat up and started to lift up the blankets, seeing the rounds and rounds of bandages around his chest.

He took a deep breath as he sat up and look at the rest of him.

He looked like he did when he was the Nadder halfa Stella turned him into a few days ago, with the same scales in the same places.

Slowly Gordon stepped out of bed and walked over to Luke.

At first the boy just swatted Gordon's hand away and curled up a bit more hugging his teddy.

"Luke, I'm awake" Gordon said shaking him gently.

"Huh..?" he asks blinking and rubbing at his eyes. "Gordy? GORDY!" he screams jumping at his brother and waking up Klara.

Gordon hugged him tightly and rubbed his back, smiling.

"You should be in bed you know dweeb," Klara said yawning "After what you went through."

"What, so I can't see my brother?" Gordon said laughing happy to have his family back.

"You can see him from the bed..." Stella said coming in with breakfast for each of them.

"Stalla, you're alright..." Gordon said relieved smiling and coming over to her.

"Of course I'm alright," she said reaching out and gently grabbing his arm asking "Does this hurt in anyway?"

"Er... No?" Gordon said wondering why she was asking if his arm hurt when it was his chest that to the sword through it.

"Good..." Stella said losing her smile and giving him a good whack on the arm "WHY IN THOR'S NAME DID YOU DO THAT?!" she screamed at him.

"Did you think i was going to let Hamish kill you instead?" Gordon asked, rubbing his arm.

"I would of rather he do that than him hitting you..." Stella said backing down and hugging herself, looking away "You... You scared me when you did that..." she said.

"Hey it's ok," Gordon said coming forward and hugging her "I'm better now, right? And I promise the next time someone's pointing a sword at you I'll stay clear from it."

Smiling gently Stella hugged him back.

After a bit there was a small cough, and the two of them suddenly remembered about Klara and Luke. The former, having her arms crossed and giving them looks and the latter gigging a little.

Quickly Stella and their brother broke apart, both as red as tomato's and avoiding each other's eyes.

"So..." Gordon coughed gently "What the news on the village and Hamish and the Sacrifices?" he asked getting back to the bed and having breakfast.

"Hamish is being put on trial for the cause of trying to harm a God," Klara says nodding to Stella "And finally the Sacrifices have stopped. All thanks to you dweeb," she says happily.

"So, if Hamish loses the trial, and i think we all know he will," Gordon said in a thinking voce "Who's going to run the village when the Chief dies?"

"Don't know," Klara says. "Guess that's something we'll find out when we go there," she says smirking slightly.

"So how does that work with me needing to stay in bed thing?" Gordon asked returning the smirk besting his sister.

"Well if you don't want to see Hamish get stomped in the face, that's up to you..." Klara said picking Luke up and, after thanking Stella and saying they'll be back later left and headed down to the village.


In the Great Hall it was a full turn out of the village for the Trial of Hamish.

It was just being called to order when Klara and Luke came in.

"Hamish," William says looking down on his son "You stand here accused for trying to harm commit murder on a God, and in doing so struck one of your own villagers," he said "How do you plead?"

"Not... Guilty..." Hamish said anger in his voice that this was happening his fists clenched and teeth grinding.

"You sick son of Loki!" Klara screamed out "We all saw what you tried, what you did. You don't deserve to be the heir of this village!"

This got nods and murmurs of agreement from everyone.

"And who's going to replace me Klara?" he asked speaking only to her.

"I nominate Gordon!" someone calls out getting agreements from everyone else.


Stella and Gordon were by the pond in the garden watching the whole thing.

One proud, the other surprised.


After a whole three hours of arguing this out it was decided that Hamish would be stripped from his title and it be passed to Luke, instead, with the argument Hamish pointed out that the Village needs a Human, chief.


That night Klara and Luke visited Stella and Gordon once again to give them the good news.

"I think you'll make an excellent Chief Luke," Stella says smiling, while Gordon was nodding along ruffling his hair.

"Thanks Miss Stella," Luke said happily hugging her around the waist stunning her slightly, but she accepted it and hugged him back.

As they and the Village celebrated, Hamish was packing his bags and preparing a boat to leave.

His whole life here was so he could be the next Chief, and now it had been taken from him by a child.

"Well I'll sort this out..." he said to no one in particular "I'll get even. I'll show them all what happens when you mess with Hamish Bludvist..."

AN: Bet you weren't expecting that...

But anyway, sorry for the delay, and don't expect a sequel