Cordelia walked back and forth through the stable. Morgan had "forgotten" to clean it. This in turn meant that Cordelia had two rather upset pegasi to deal with. She used her pitch fork to heave a rather large dung heap over the side and into a wheelbarrow. "Easy" Cordelia soothed as one of the pegasi neighed with irritation. "Morgan didn't do it intentionally. When she gets back tonight, I'm sure she'll apologize." Her words did little to calm the winged horse.

After spending at least an hour clearing out the stable, Cordelia set down her tool and watched as a pair of figures approaching at the other side of their property. Her expression grew from indifference, to confusion, to excitement as they drew closer. A year had passed since she had seen her oldest daughter.

The pair were just reaching the top of the hill when Cordelia leaped over the wooden railing of the stable and bolted toward her daughter and Owain. Cordelia was quiet as she embraced Severa in a tight hug. "Where have you two been!" Cordelia's voice was a mix of anger and love. "When you disappeared, I thought the Grimleal had taken you for some sick ritual!"

"Mom, geez, that's a bit of an overreaction." Severa couldn't help but smile. "I just went on a..." How could she explain where they just went, it was a bit complicated.

"We went on a grand quest mi'lady!"Owain said rather dramatically. "It's another story the bards will tell for ages!"

"I'm sure that it was" Cordelia always chuckled at owains rather eccentric attitude. "I'm sure that Lady Lissa and Donnel will be excited to learn that you have came back, is Inigo with you?"

"Inigo didn't come with us" Severa explained.

"You aren't saying he's-"

"No, no. He's actually better than ever. He's married, a kid on the way, Chrom and Olivia would be proud."

"Oh, well i guess it was bound to happen eventually." The former pegasus knight smiled. "Would you two like to come in? Morgan will be home from the capitol soon. She would probably be excited to see you."

Severa could see it now, Morgan would probably knock over everything in her way to embrace her sister the moment they saw each other. Everything was going just how she hoped. Her mother was home, Morgan was safe. The only thing that prevented this from being the perfect moment was that her father wasn't home.

"Any luck on finding daddy?" Severa's hand instinctively rubbed the pommel of her father's blade at her hip.

Cordelia didn't answer right away. She led the two inside and sat down in the dining room first. "There isn't a day that I don't pray to Naga for him to return. Chrom had a statue built in his honor last month but... THat doesn't mean we've given up hope. Frederick and Sumia are always asking people if they've seen him."

"But nothing?"

"Tiki said it would be a long time if he returned to us. Until then, all we can do is wait. I know he has no intention on breaking his promise to any of us."

"I agree mom, I miss him." she produced his blade from it's scabbard on her hip. "He told me I'd only be holding on to it for him."